Northern Ireland Assembly Commission Gender Action Plan
The Gender Action Plan 2016-18 was approved by the Assembly Commission on 3 March 2016, following an eight-week consultation with staff. The plan places a strategic and long-term focus on addressing gender issues within the Northern Ireland Assembly Secretariat. It also supports the Assembly Commission in complying with Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998. The action plan is available at the link below:
Gender Action Plan 2016-2018
If you require more information on the action plan, please contact the Equality and Good Relations Unit:
Office address:
Equality and Good Relations Unit
Room 26, Parliament Buildings
Telephone number: 028 9041 8377
Textphone number: 028 9052 1209
Alternative formats
If you require this document in an alternative format, such as Braille, audio CD/MP3, easy read, computer disk and/or another language, please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Gender Action Plan 2019-2023 Closure Report
Gender Action Plan 2016 – 2018 Closure Report
Continuing Gender Action Plan 2019 - 2023
Monitoring reports:
- October 2022 Update
- March 2022 Update
- October 2021 Update
- March 2021
- October 2020
- March 2020
- October 2019
- October 2018
- June 2018
- October 2017
- March 2017
- October 2016
Gender Action Plan Implementation Group Meeting Notes
Research papers
The following research papers have been prepared by RaISe to support the work of the Gender Action Implementation Group:
- Gender balance of staff on decision-making groups 2017-20 (PDF, 6 pages, 605KB)
- Gender balance of staff presenting at SMG and Assembly Commission meetings 2018/19 (PDF, 3 pages, 386 KB)
- Gender balance of staff presenting at SMG and Assembly Commission meetings 2016/17-2018/19 (PDF, 6 pages, 317KB)
- Gender Balance at SMG and Commission Meetings 2017-18 (PDF, 2 pages, 378 KB)
- NIA Staff Survey 2017 Gender Report (findings of the 2017 staff survey disaggregated by gender) (PDF, 70 pages, 1.74MB)
- Staff survey – additional analysis requested by the Gender Action Implementation Group (PDF, 3 pages, 357KB)
- Gender balance of staff presenting at SMG/Commission and Assembly Community Connect sessions 2016-17 (PDF, 3 pages, 429KB)
- Supporting Women in the Workplace – Models of Good Practice (PDF, 52 pages, 932KB)