Disability Action Plan 2022 – 2025 - Six Monthly Update (December 2023)
Action Status | Number of actions | Percentage |
Completed |
33 |
84.6% |
Ongoing |
2 |
5.1% |
Not completed |
4 |
10.3% |
Not Due |
0 |
0% |
Total |
39 |
100% |
Section 1: Staff Training
Action 1.1: Provide mandatory disability training for all staff
What we want to achieve
To ensure that all staff are aware of disability legislation and how it relates to their work and the importance of being treated with dignity, fairness, equality, and respect.
Performance indicator/target
Monitoring records show training has been delivered to all staff.
Evaluation of training shows increase in staff knowledge of disability legislation and related issues.
Who will do it
Learning and Development Team.
By when
31 December 2022 and every 3 years thereafter.
Current Position and Update
Complete for Reporting Period.
Staff are provided with a range of learning activities to increase awareness of disability legislation.
Staff complete mandatory training on Section 75; Dignity at Work; and Just A Minute (Jam) Card.
Upskill training delivered to Autism Champions and Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA). Training scheduled for Harassment Contact Officers on 16 October 2023. HR Services team are exploring the possibility of a peer support group for MHFAs facilitated by Action Mental Health.
As part of National Learning at Work Week and National Inclusion Week, Disability Action staff delivered an interparliamentary session on 'Disability Equality Awareness' to staff from the Assembly, the Senedd, Oireachtas and the Scottish Parliament. This was followed up by a further 'Equality Awareness' session delivered by our Equality Officer as part of National Inclusion Week.
Training on Mental Health - Wellness Toolkit was also delivered to staff.
Evaluations are completed for all classroom learning events. Staff attendance at eLearning and classroom events is recorded and shared with SMT biannually.
Action 1.2: Provide auditory and visual awareness programmes to front-of-house staff
What we want to achieve
To raise awareness among front-of-house staff of auditory and visual disabilities and to help them to feel confident in helping visitors who have sight or hearing loss.
Performance indicator/target
Evaluation of training shows increase in staff awareness.
Who will do it
Learning and Development Team.
By when
31 December 2022 and every 3 years thereafter.
Current Position and Update
Complete for Reporting Period.
Auditory and visual awareness programmes to front-of-house staff were completed in the last reporting period.
Action 1.3: Provide opportunities for staff to participate in introductory sign language courses
What we want to achieve
To help staff to communicate better with people with hearing loss and to feel confident in welcoming visitors to Parliament Buildings.
Performance indicator/target
Sign language training is offered to all staff.
Who will do it
Learning and Development Team.
By when
31 December 2022.
Current Position and Update
Complete for Reporting Period.
Six staff are currently undertaking BSL Level 2 Qualification.
Action 1.4: Offer staff Masterclasses focusing on a range of conditions
What we want to achieve
To raise awareness among staff of a range of conditions and how they impact on people's lives and that some disabilities are not visible and that everyone should be treated equally.
Performance indicator/target
Evaluation of Masterclasses shows increase in staff awareness and knowledge.
Who will do it
Learning and Development Team.
By when
Over the lifetime of the Action Plan.
Current Position and Update
Complete for Reporting Period.
Masterclasses have been offered to staff on a range of issues as part of National Campaigns including:
- Equality Awareness; and
- Neurodiversity Awareness
Wellbeing Wednesdays are also used to highlight awareness of a range of conditions.
Evaluations are completed for all classroom learning events. Staff attendance at eLearning and classroom events is recorded and shared with SMT biannually.
Action 1.5: Sign up to become a JAM (Just a Minute) Card Friendly organisation in year 1 of the Disability Action Plan 2022-25
What we want to achieve
To make Parliament Buildings a welcoming place for people with a learning difficulty, autism or a communication barrier.
Performance indicator/target
Assembly Commission signs up to the JAM scheme.
Awareness training on the JAM card is offered to staff.
Who will do it
Learning and Development with support from the Equality and Good Relations Unit.
By when
Scheme signed up to by 31 March 2022.
Awareness training to be delivered to staff by 31 March 2023.
Current Position and Update
The Northern Ireland Assembly Commission is now in the 2nd year of the partnership with the NOW Group. All new staff are required to undertake the JAM Card awareness eLearning as part of their on-boarding process.
JAM Card signage continues to be displayed at entrance/exit points of Parliament Buildings.
Action 1.6 Deliver web publishing training for staff on accessibility
What we want to achieve
To ensure that staff are aware of the latest accessibility guidance and know how to apply it in their work.
Performance indicator/target
All staff involved in web publishing are provided with training.
Video guides, advice, and guidance are made available on intranet for all staff and updated as required.
Who will do it
Communications Office.
By when
31 March 2022.
Current Position and Update
Complete for Reporting Period.
Web publishing training continues on a regular basis across the staff. Further information items have been added to the accessibility guide.
Refresher training for Committee staff is scheduled for December 2023.
A refreshed guide to publishing content with accessibility in mind for intranet editors has been placed on AssISt.
Section 2: Representation (Public Life)
Action 2.1: Engage with our External Disability Advisory Group
What we want to achieve
To involve disability organisations in the work of the Assembly Commission by keeping them informed about what we are doing around disability and by seeking their input and advice, where appropriate.
Performance indicator/target
Full meeting of the Group is held once or twice a year (or as agreed by the Group) and separate meetings on particular initiatives/issues are held as required.
Membership is reviewed every two years to ensure a full range of disability organisations are represented on the Group.
Who will do it
Equality and Good Relations Unit will Chair the group, with support from business areas as required.
By when
Meetings arranged as required throughout the lifetime of the Action Plan.
Review of membership carried out every two years: 30 June 2023 then 30 June 2025.
Current Position and Update
Complete for the Reporting Period.
A meeting of the External Disability Action Group was held on 20 September 2023.
Action 2.2: Have young people with disabilities as members of the Youth Assembly
What we want to achieve
To ensure that young people with disabilities are represented in the Youth Assembly; and have an opportunity to share their views and directly influence decisions taken by the Assembly.
Performance indicator/target
Young people with disabilities participates in the Youth Assembly.
Who will do it
Education Service Youth Assembly Team.
By when
Over the lifetime of the project.
Current Position and Update
Complete for reporting period.
Recruitment for the second mandate of the Northern Ireland Youth Assembly opened on 25 September 2023. The Youth Assembly recruitment process was originally designed to ensure that young people with disabilities are represented and the same process was used on this occasion.
The Youth Assembly team commissioned research on the current youth demographic in Northern Ireland. A minimum of 10 young people with disabilities were sought in order to be representative of this data. In the final 90 young people of the new Youth Assembly, 12 young people with disabilities were appointed.
Action 2.3: Review and build on the Parliament for People with Disabilities event held in December 2021
What we want to achieve
Provide an opportunity for people with disabilities to share their views.
Performance indicator/target
Consideration will be given to holding a further Parliament for People with Disabilities in the 2022-27 Assembly mandate.
Who will do it
Engagement, Speaker's Office and Business Office.
By when
31 Sept 2022.
Current Position and Update
Not complete.
As the Assembly is not sitting, International Day of Persons with Disabilities was not marked with a Parliament. It is our firm hope that all Citizen Parliaments will resume in 2024. The Engagement team are using this time and space to consider the best way to deliver Citizen Parliaments in the future.
Action 2.4: An accessible Chamber
What we want to achieve
To provide an Assembly Chamber that is accessible to all.
Performance indicator/target
Consider further improvements to accessibility in the Assembly Chamber.
Who will do it
Building Services with support from Equality and Good Relations Unit.
By when
31 March 2023
Current Position and Update
Complete for reporting period.
The work to upgrade the Assembly Chamber with new microphones and speakers in all Member sitting areas, and better speakers and larger screens in the public gallery areas is complete.
As part of the new system installed for Members there is a "Request to Speak" option that, pending review and any procedural changes necessary for use by all Members, could also be used to support Members who are unable to rise from their seats.
Work on a Green Screen Studio to facilitate sign language interpretation has been completed.
Section 3: Communication, Consultation and Engagement
Action 3.1: Ensure staff are kept up to date on progress on new Disability Action Plan
3.1 Ensure staff are kept up to date on progress on new Disability Action Plan
What we want to achieve
To raise staff awareness of the work the Assembly Commission is doing on disability and of wider disability issues.
Performance indicator/target
Once the Plan is approved by SMG, staff are kept informed on progress on:
- the results of the consultation;
- where to find the final agreed Plan;
- what the Plan contains.
Staff are notified annually by email of availability of six-monthly updates on the website.
Who will do it
Equality and Good Relations Unit.
By when
Progress emails are issued to staff annually.
Current Position and Update
Complete for Reporting Period.
The six-monthly update report on the Disability Action Plan was completed in June 2023 and is published on the staff website.
Action 3.2: Organise for "mystery visitors" to give us feedback on services and facilities we provide for people with disabilities
What we want to achieve
To gather information on the real-life experience of visitors with a disability to ensure that the services and facilities on offer at Parliament Buildings are accessible and fit for purpose.
Performance indicator/target
Mystery visitors visit Parliament Buildings and complete a questionnaire about their visit.
Feedback from mystery visitors is reviewed and action is taken where appropriate.
Who will do it
Equality and Good Relations Unit with support from disability organisations.
By when
Every two years beginning in: March 2022 then March 2024.
Current Position and Update
The mystery visitor survey had been carried out between October 2022 and July 2023. The survey was distributed to individual mystery visitors through EDAG member organisations. The responses to the survey had been generally positive about the experience of visitors with disabilities. Arrival experience, reception, physical access, hospitality, signage and cleanliness were rated "excellent" or "good". The main issues identified were in relation to online tour booking, website information, wheelchair access to lifts, physical access to toilets and a fault with the wheelchair lift outside the Assembly Chamber. Measures are being taken to address these issues.
Action 3.3: Consider feedback on disability issues from visitor survey
What we want to achieve
To get a better picture of the visitor experience at Parliament Buildings from a disability perspective.
Performance indicator/target
Visitor survey feedback considered and action taken as appropriate.
Who will do it
Equality and Good Relations Unit with distribution carried out by Events, Engagement and Committees.
RaISe has responsibility for the analysis of the survey responses.
By when
Distribution and analysis continue throughout the lifetime of the Action Plan.
Current Position and Update
Ongoing/In Progress.
Procurement exercise conducted in 2023. Tenders received from six concerns. A US-based company (Survey Stance) selected on grounds of VFM. Some issues still to be clarified with this company before proceeding further.
Action 3.4 Offer an easy read version of 'Accessing Parliament Buildings' web page
What we want to achieve
We aim to provide visitor information in an easy to understand format for the benefit of people who have difficulty reading and understanding written information.
Performance indicator/target
Easy read version of web page published on the website and included in social media promotion of visiting arrangements at Parliament Buildings.
Who will do it
Equality and Good Relations Unit with support from Communications Office.
By when
31 December 2022.
Current Position and Update
The easy read version of Accessing Parliament Buildings has been completed, published on the website and included in social media promotion of visiting arrangements.
Action 3.5 Develop an accessible meeting guide and checklist for Committee meetings
What we want to achieve
To enable people with disabilities to fully participate in Committee meetings.
Performance indicator/target
Relevant staff, including Committee staff, are consulted about the content of guide and checklist.
Draft guidance and checklist are sent to the External Disability Advisory Group for review.
Draft guidance and checklist are presented to SMG and, once approved, are circulated to all Committee staff.
Who will do it
Equality and Good Relations Unit, in conjunction with staff from Parliamentary Services and Communications Office.
By when
31 December 2022.
Current Position and Update
The new accessible meeting guide and checklist for committee meetings were developed by CAMS Office in early 2023. Feedback was subsequently requested and received from Equality Unity, the External Disability Advisory Group and Clerk Assistants. The guide and checklist were revised to reflect feedback received and a final version forwarded to the Equality Unit in October 2023.
The guidance and checklist have been incorporated into the Committee Staff Guide Portal.
In addition, the Gallery Rules that should be adhered to by all visitors at committee meetings have been produced in Braille and will be available at all committee meetings, both in Parliament Buildings and when committees hold meetings at external venues.
Action 3.6: Ensure disability issues are considered in the review of the Committee staff guide
What we want to achieve
To make the work of Committees more accessible to people with disabilities.
Performance indicator/target
The consideration of disability issues is documented in the review of Committee procedure and processes.
Who will do it
Parliamentary Services.
By when
31 December 2022.
Current Position and Update.
Complete for Reporting Period
The Committee Staff Guide is an internal procedural guidance document for Committee staff. A template developed by the Communications Office is being used to revise content to ensure that the Guide is in an accessible format for staff. The Guide will be hosted on an online Portal. This exercise is almost completed
The Guide signposts staff to a range of guidance documents on subjects including creating accessible documents and publishing online. Accessible templates for the production of routine Committee papers which are made publicly available (e.g. the Minutes of Proceedings) have been developed and can be accessed via the online Portal.
Interactive training materials and guides for specific committee processes are being developed in conjunction with the Communications Office, who provide ongoing advice and guidance regarding the accessibility of those materials.
Documents that are issued to witnesses have been reviewed and transferred to accessible templates. These documents are clear that those who wish to submit evidence in an alternative format can do so. Anyone who may have difficulty sending evidence online is asked to contact the relevant committee office and full contact details (office address, email address and telephone number) are provided.
Action 3.7: Ensure that the review of Committee consultation methods looks at consultation from a disability perspective
What we want to achieve
To ensure that the consultation methods employed by committees are as inclusive as possible and take account of the needs of people with disabilities.
Performance indicator/target
More effective consultation takes place with people with disabilities.
Who will do it
Clerking and Member Support Office (CAMS), with support from Engagement.
By when
31 May 2022.
Current Position and Update
Complete for Reporting Period.
Committees undertake consultations through 'calls for evidence' and they 'take evidence'.
Work has been completed to identify how best to facilitate the provision of evidence in alternative formats with the aim of increasing accessibility. Guidance on improving witness diversity, including those with learning disabilities and people with a physical disability and carers, has been provided to all committees.
Citizen Space is in place and will be the primary tool used by committees to call for evidence. Work has now concluded to map the processes for issuing the call for evidence and analysing responses. It details how we can ensure that those with disabilities are considered, to ensure that their needs are met. Video conferencing will continue to be used by committees, enabling a wider range of people, including those with disabilities or accessibility needs, to give evidence to committees.
Action 3.8: Ensure accessibility of our website
To take opportunities to create a website that addresses potential accessibility barriers and that allows all users to perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with and contribute to the site.
What we want to achieve
Results of reviews will be checked against the relevant standards and legislation along with any feedback from users, for example the Disability Advisory Group.
Plan will be put in place to prioritise any issues around what can be improved immediately such as frequently accessed content and content that is relevant to people with disabilities or tasks like search.
Identified problems will be addressed and reported on through six-monthly updates on the Disability Action Plan 2022-25.
Performance indicator/target
Communications Office.
Who will do it
Ongoing over the lifetime of the Action Plan.
By when
Ongoing over the lifetime of the Action Plan.
Current Position and Update
Complete for Reporting Period.
There have been no significant changes to the website since the accessibility audit of 2022.
New content on the website and on social media is checked for accessibility prior to publication on a continuing basis.
The Web Team regularly checks the most popular content on sites for accessibility and amends as appropriate.
Action 3.9: Identify opportunities to promote positive attitudes to disability through images on the Assembly website, on social media and in Assembly publications
What we want to achieve
To promote positive attitudes towards disability.
Performance indicator/target
Review of images used in Assembly communications to ensure they are representative of people in the community, including those with a disability.
Who will do it
Communications Office.
By when
Ongoing over the lifetime of the Action Plan.
Current Position and Update
Complete for Reporting Period.
We ensured that in the recruiting campaign for the Youth Assembly that all material was fully accessible and that we featured those with a disability who had previously engaged with the body. Communications also co-ordinated learning sessions relevant to the audit as below:
"Let's Learn" Celebrating Autism -b30 March 2023.
"Let's Learn" Autism Champion Training - 8 June 2023.
"Let's Learn" BSL Level 2 Training - 2 June 2023 to November 2023.
Action 3.10: Raise awareness of facilities for disabled people at Parliament Buildings through social media
What we want to achieve
To make the Parliament Buildings visitor experience as inclusive as possible.
Performance indicator/target
Facilities are highlighted through social media communications.
Who will do it
Communications Office.
By when
Ongoing through the lifetime of the Action Plan.
Current Position and Update
Complete for Reporting Period.
Posts are placed on our social media platforms as and when necessary and linked, for instance, to times of high interest in tours of Parliament Buildings.
Section 4: Outreach and Education
Action 4.1: Promote 'Parliament Buildings' access video on website, following updates including changes to the Building and including tour accessibility
Note: Action amended and agreed by SMT in November 2022 to merge actions 4.1 and 4.2 as set out in original DAP.
What we want to achieve
To raise awareness of facilities at Parliament Buildings for people with a disability and to highlight accessible tours of Parliament Buildings.
Performance indicator/target
Video is updated and with new footage and information about how to book tours; and availability of signed tours; Braille tour script; hearing helper radio system; and facilities, for example the Quiet Room.
Video is promoted on website and through social media and is circulated to disability groups.
Subtitled and signed versions of the video made available, along with a transcript of the content.
Video is created with content that explains the Changing Places toilet.
Who will do it
Events Office and Building Services, with support from Communications Office and the Equality and Good Relations Unit.
By when
November 2023.
Current Position and Update
Work on updating the accessing Parliament Buildings video was delayed by staff changes but has now commenced with the development of a revised script. The new video will be complete by June 2024.
Action 4.2: Offer autism-friendly tours of Parliament Buildings
What we want to achieve
To encourage people with autism to visit Parliament Buildings.
Performance indicator/target
Tours offered once a year.
Who will do it
Events Office.
By when
31 December 2022 and once a year thereafter.
Current Position and Update
Completion by 31 December 2022 was impacted by staffing changes. Now on track to deliver the first pilot autism-friendly tour by 31 March 2024.
Action 4.3: Offer dementia-friendly tours of Parliament Buildings
What we want to achieve
To encourage people with dementia to visit Parliament Buildings.
Performance indicator/target
Tours offered once a year.
Who will do it
Events Office.
By when
31 December 2022 and once a year thereafter.
Current Position and Update
Completion by 31 December 2022 was impacted by staffing changes. Now on track to deliver the first pilot dementia-friendly tour by 31 March 2024
The Events Team are working to identify appropriate groups to invite to Parliament Buildings for the pilot tour.
Targets for future engagement with this sector will be captured within the outworkings of the new Engagement Strategy.
Depending on the success of the pilot, current thinking is that dementia-friendly tours will be delivered on a more regular basis as part of a wider program of enhanced and more accessible tours.
Action 4.4: Engage with special schools to ensure that young people's views are included
What we want to achieve
To ensure that the views of young people with disabilities are included in Committee consultations, inquiries, etc.
Performance indicator/target
Hold focus groups as required and in line with Assembly's Research and Information Service (RaISe) framework for selecting a broad cross-section of young people, which ensures that special schools participate in every group.
Who will do it
Education Service.
By when
As required throughout the lifetime of the Action Plan.
Current Position and Update
Complete for Reporting Period.
Preparatory work has been completed for implementation of this action, which will be progressed once full Assembly business resumes.
Action 4.5: Engage with special schools to ensure that young people's views are included
What we want to achieve
Design and deliver where required bespoke resources (e.g. textural or sensory models) for special schools.
Performance indicator/target
Discussions held with other legislatures and special schools to identify need and existing resource offering.
Resources designed and delivered as required.
Who will do it
Education Service.
By when
By 30 June 2022 and thereafter throughout the lifetime of the Action Plan.
Current Position and Update
Complete for the reporting period.
In September 2023, the Education Service wrote out to all schools, including Special Schools, to invite them to visit Parliament Buildings and take part in the education programme.
In the reporting period, there were 7 visits by Special Schools, involving 133 pupils.
The Education Service continues to consider feedback from 2 special events for teachers, held in March and November 2022, to encourage greater participation of special schools in the Assembly's education programme and to get the views of teachers on the further development of the Assembly's service for special schools, have been considered and the Education Service is working to implement suggestions received.
Following consultation with colleagues in other Parliaments, the ES decided to procure a sensory toy model of Parliament Buildings for pupils with learning difficulties. Due to queries around the colours of the first sample design, a second design with amended colours has been requested.
CCEA is in the process of procuring read aloud software for the Education Service website.
An Education Officer took part in bespoke training designed to improve the content and delivery of programmes/educational materials to children and young people with additional needs (Developing Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Inclusive Learning with Confidence, 4 weekly sessions online April 2023). This was recommended by the UK Parliament Education Service team.
In April Education Officers had an online meeting with colleagues from the Welsh Parliament's Education Service to discuss their service for special schools, having already previously met with the Scottish and Westminster teams.
Action 4.6: Hold a conference for teachers from special schools every two years
What we want to achieve
To provide teachers with awareness and understanding of the Education Service's Assembly-related teaching resources, and to find out more about the needs of pupils in special schools.
Performance indicator/target
Conference held every two years (with option for additional conferences as required).
Who will do it
Education Service.
By when
First conference to be held by 30 June 2022 and every two years thereafter.
Current Position and Update
Complete for the Reporting Period.
Conferences were held in March and November 2022. The Education Service continues to consider and implement suggestions/proposals from teachers who attended the events, including:
- adapting worksheets in line with guidance relating to the presentation of written material;
- continuing to provide a bespoke programme for every group visiting Parliament Buildings. With Education Officers contacting teachers in advance of a visit to agree a suitable programme, including presentation; and
- planning the production of a film about visiting Parliament Buildings, specifically for young people with special educational needs.
Action 4.7: Provide subtitles and transcripts for all Education Service short films and animations
What we want to achieve
To make the work of the Education Service more accessible to young people with disabilities.
Performance indicator/target
All films subtitled, transcribed and made available on Education Service website.
Who will do it
Education Service.
By when
Ongoing throughout the lifetime of the Action Plan.
Current Position and Update
Complete for the Reporting Period.
A new animation on the topic of 'Brexit and Northern Ireland' is in production. Like all new animations, it will be subtitled and signed. Written transcripts are also available. All new Education Service animations are now signed. All animations are posted on the Education Service website.
CCEA is at the final stages of procuring 'text to speech' software for the ES website for the next 3 years.
Action 4.8: Mark International Day of Persons with Disabilities
What we want to achieve
To raise awareness and promote understanding of disability issues.
Performance indicator/target
Hold an annual event to mark International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
Who will do it
By when
Current Position and Update
Complete for reporting period.
The International Day of Persons with Disabilities falls on Sunday 3 December 2023. The Engagement team will mark and promote this day and are currently making plans to do so.
As the Assembly is not currently functioning normally, the day will not be marked with a Citizen Parliament – although it is our firm hope that all Citizen Parliaments will resume in 2024.
Action 4.9: Hold events to mark disability awareness days or weeks over the lifetime of the Action Plan
What we want to achieve
To raise awareness and promote understanding of disability issues.
Performance indicator/target
Hold one to two events a year to mark awareness days/weeks for a range of disabilities e.g. Learning Disability Week, Deaf Awareness Week etc.
Who will do it
By when
Throughout the lifetime of the Disability Action Plan 2022-25.
Current Position and Update
In progress.
Events were completed in 2022 and 2023 and work on an awareness day is in progress. An annual awareness day plan is being developed to highlight various days and events throughout the calendar year raising awareness and promoting understanding of a wide range of issues including disability.
The events will commence in January 2024 and will be reviewed and refreshed on an annual basis for maximum scope and outreach opportunities.
Section 5: Structural changes to increase participation and accessibility
Action 5.1: Provide short-term supported placements for people with a disability under the Apprenticeship and Placement Framework
What we want to achieve
To provide opportunities for people with a disability to develop their skills and confidence in the workplace and gain meaningful work experience.
Performance indicator/target
Following a review of the placement we will consider future volume and frequency.
Who will do it
Human Resources Office.
By when
Initial placement agreed by 31 March 2023.
Current Position and Update
Provision of a placement opportunity during 2023/2024 is being considered.
Action 5.2: Consider disability issues relating to Committee rooms at Parliament Buildings
What we want to achieve
To make the work of Assembly Committees more accessible.
Performance indicator/target
Consideration of disability issues relating to broadcast and audio in Committee rooms.
Who will do it
Communications Office.
By when
31 March 2024.
Current Position and Update
Complete for Reporting Period.
Work has finished on the Committee room refurbishments with accessibility issues continually under consideration. More access for wheel-chair users has been provided.
A new audio system has been installed in the chamber as noted on 31 March 2023.
Action 5.3: Consider disability issues relating to Committee rooms at Parliament Buildings
What we want to achieve
To make the work of Assembly Committees more accessible.
Performance indicator/target
Consideration of disability issues relating to access to, and layout of, Committee rooms.
Who will do it
Building Services.
By when
31 March 2024.
Current Position and Update
Complete for reporting period.
Works in the Committee rooms including a new layout and furniture that provide greater access for wheelchair users have been completed. Work has been completed on Committee rooms including a new layout and furniture that will help provide better access for wheelchair users. Accessibility will be kept under review.
Action 5.4: Review signage at Parliament Buildings' reception and throughout parts of the building open to the public
What we want to achieve
To highlight the facilities and services available at Parliament Buildings for visitors with a disability.
Performance indicator/target
Review is carried out and additional signage is added as required.
Who will do it
Building Services.
By when
31 December 2022.
Current Position and Update
Complete for reporting period.
Signage has been reviewed to reflect current available services and facilities for visitors with a disability, including provision of additional signage in some areas of the Building.
Content and location of signage will continue to be monitored throughout the lifetime of the DAP.
Section 6: Awards and Accreditation
6.1 Maintain Autism Friendly Award
What we want to achieve
To show our commitment to ensuring that Parliament Buildings is a welcoming place for autistic people and their families.
Performance indicator/target
Standards met as required.
Who will do it
Building Services.
By when
Current Position and Update
Complete for reporting period.
The accreditation by the National Autistic Society was relaunched and work to maintain the Autism Friendly Award commenced during 2022/23. Accreditation was awarded in April 2023. Further training for our Autism Champions has been carried out.
Action 6.2: Maintain Louder than Words Charter accreditation
What we want to achieve
To show commitment to improving access to Parliament Buildings for people with deafness, tinnitus and hearing loss.
Performance indicator/target
Audits undertaken as required by RNID.
Who will do it
Building Services.
By when
Current Position and Update
Complete for reporting period.
Accreditation is no longer offered by RNID but the Assembly Commission will continue to work with RNID and others to provide accessible services for service users who are deaf or suffering hearing loss.
Action 6.3: Sign up to the Disability Confident Scheme
What we want to achieve
To increase our understanding of disability issues and to ensure that, as an employer, we enable disabled people to have the opportunity to fulfil their potential.
Performance indicator/target
Assembly Commission to sign up to the Scheme.
Who will do it
Human Resources Office.
By when
31 March 2022.
Current Position and Update
The Assembly Commission has signed up to the Disability Confident Scheme and the logo is on our recruitment website to highlight that we are a member of the Scheme.
Section 7: Monitoring and Reporting
Action 7.1: Report on progress to SMG every six months and the Assembly Commission every year
What we want to achieve
To ensure that we deliver on the targets in our plan and that we keep staff and the public informed of progress.
Performance indicator/target
Following consultation with business areas, six-monthly updates are prepared for SMG and annual updates for the Assembly Commission.
Approved six-monthly updates are published on the Assembly website.
Who will do it
Equality and Good Relations Unit.
By when
Every six months (May and November each year).
Current Position and Update
Complete for reporting period.
A progress report was provided to the Senior Management Team in June 2023 as part of the Annual Report to the Equality Commission and has been published. Future updates will be provided in June and December each year.
Action 7.2: Report on progress yearly to the Equality Commission
What we want to achieve
To ensure that we deliver on the targets in our plan and that we keep the Equality Commission informed of progress.
Performance indicator/target
Following consultation with business areas, annual progress reports are prepared and submitted to the Equality Commission.
Approved annual reports are published on the Assembly website.
Who will do it
Equality and Good Relations Unit.
By when
Every year (to Equality Commission timetable).
Current Position and Update
The annual progress report for 2022/2023 was submitted to the Equality Commission on 29 June 2023 and has been published on the Assembly website.
Action 7.3: Carry out a five-year review of our Disability Action Plans
What we want to achieve
To review our plans to make sure that they are effective and achieve what they set out to do.
Performance indicator/target
Review of Disability Action Plans for the period between 2019 and 2024 is carried out, in consultation with business areas, and presented to SMG. This will cover the Disability Action Plan 2016-21 and the Disability Action Plan 2022-25.
Once approved, the review is published online. Email is sent to staff and stakeholders to let them know that review is available.
Who will do it
Equality and Good Relations Unit.
By when
31 December 2024.
Current Position and Update
The report on the five-year review of our Disability Action Plans was noted by the Assembly Commission on 21 June 2023 and has been published on the Assembly website, with an email sent to staff and stakeholders to let them know that the review is available.