Assembly Commission 1998-2003
Welcome to the Home page of the Assembly Commission. The Commission is the body corporate of the Northern Ireland Assembly and has the responsibility under paragraph 40(4) of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 to provide the Assembly, or ensure that the Assembly is provided, with the property, staff and services required for the Assembly to carry out its work. Here you will find information about the membership and work of the Commission.
Prior to the devolution of powers on 2 December 1999 a Shadow Assembly Commission had been established to assist in making preparations for the effective functioning of the Assembly.
The Speaker Chairperson
Mrs Eileen Bell
Rev Robert Coulter
Mr John Fee
Dr Dara O'Hagan
Mr Jim Wells
Note: Mr Gregory Campbell resigned from the Assembly Commission with effect from 27 July 2000.
Minutes of the Assembly Commission
Annual Reports of the Assembly Commission
House Committee
Catering and Functions Committee