Economy Committee Examines Bill on Price Tariff for Electricity Microgeneration

Session: Session currently unavailable

Date: 24 October 2021

Reference: CfE 01/21/22

The Northern Ireland Assembly Committee for the Economy is currently examining the Small Scale Green Energy Bill. The legislation aims to provide a minimum price tariff for microgenerators who export renewable electricity to the grid in Northern Ireland. Currently, the price paid to microgenerators is at the discretion of electricity suppliers.  Having a minimum price tariff in place would require suppliers to offer a fair price to customers wanting to sell surplus power.

Committee Chairperson, Dr Caoimhe Archibald said: “Microgeneration, or household electricity generation, enables customers to generate electricity for their home or business and sell any surplus power back to the grid. This legislation will enable customers to receive a minimum price tariff for their power from electrical suppliers.

“A minimum price tariff could also have the potential to encourage more people to become microgenerators and increase the production of renewable energy here.  Following the Committee’s recent micro inquiry into green energy, we are very familiar with and recognise the need to support and encourage the generation of renewable energy here.

“The Committee is pleased to be examining this Bill and is looking forward to hearing the views of the public, including those stakeholders who may be directly affected by the legislation.  Our online consultation on the Small Scale Green Energy Bill will be open for four weeks.  We want to hear from those who are thinking of installing a system to generate renewable energy in their homes or businesses, as well as those who already have a system in place, and from established electricity providers or suppliers.”

Everyone can have their say on the legislation by completing the Committee’s online survey:

The Small-Scale Green Energy Bill was introduced to the Assembly on 6th July 2021 and passed Second Stage on 28th September 2021 when it was referred to the Economy Committee for Committee Stage. The Bill is a Private Members’ Bill brought by John O’Dowd MLA.



Committee Membership:

Committee Chairperson: Dr Caoimhe Archibald

Deputy Chairperson: Matthew O'Toole MLA


Keith Buchanan MLA

Stewart Dickson MLA

Stephen Dunne MLA

Mike Nesbitt MLA

John O’Dowd MLA

Claire Sugden MLA

Peter Weir MLA