New Assembly 'Shop Window' Launched

Session: 2011/2012

Date: 12 December 2011

Reference: AC 01/11/12

The Northern Ireland Assembly’s new website--the window to the work of the Assembly--has been unveiled today. The new site is packed full of new features, is easy to use and designed to give visitors more information and a better experience.

The list of exciting new features includes a sophisticated new search facility to see what MLAs and Committees are doing; details of questions that MLAs have asked Ministers and the ability to see the answers almost immediately; a fun MLA recognition quiz, online maps of constituency offices and options to subscribe to individual sections of the website.

One keenly-awaited new feature is the detailed voting record. When MLAs hold a recorded vote, the results will be on the website shortly after the vote takes place. Details will include what the motion was, who tabled it, how each MLA voted and whether the vote was a simple majority or required cross-community consent.

Speaker of the Assembly William Hay MLA said: “The aim of this project is to make it easier for people to find out what’s happening here at the Assembly and encourage them to use the site to engage with us.

“The new website is all about the people who use it. From the start of the project, we consulted with internal and external stakeholders on the new design asking people what they wanted and this is reflected in how the website looks, feels and provides information. 

“Over the coming months the site will develop further with new features to make the user experience richer and more interactive but I think those who are interested in the work of the Assembly, whether it be plenary business, Committee sessions or activities outside the Chamber, will find a vast improvement in being able to access the information they need.”