Public Accounts Committee Legacy Report 2017 - 2022

Session: Session currently unavailable

Reference: NIA 201/17-22

PAC Legacy Report280322.pdf (416.43 kb)



List of abbreviations and acronyms used in the report

Remit, Powers, PAC Process and Membership of the Committee.

Remit and Powers.

The PAC Process.

Membership of the Committee.

Review of 2017 – 2022 Mandate.



Excess of Votes 2016-2017.

Major Capital Projects.

Joint Report on Management of the NI Direct Strategic Partner Project – helping to deliver Digital Transformation and The LandWeb Project: An Update.

Impact Review of Special Educational Needs.

Capacity and Capability in NICS.

Generating Electricity from Renewable Energy.

Speeding Up the Justice System.

Addiction Services in NI

Closing the Gap: Social Deprivation and links to Educational Attainment

Sports Sustainability Fund.

Review of Northern Ireland Budget Process.

Broadband Investment in NI

Planning in NI

Ministerial Directions.

Head of Northern Ireland Civil Service – Ms Jayne Brady.


Take Note Debate.

Suggested Issues for the Successor Committee.

Appendix 1 – Mandate facts and figures.

Committee meetings & visits.

Members attendance at meetings.

Committee Inquiries / Reviews / Micro inquiries.

Committee Motions Debated in Plenary (excluding Inquiries / Reviews / Membership changes)

Committee Reports (excluding Bill and Inquiry reports)


Appendix 2 - Expenditure for the period 1 September 2017 – 22 March 2022.

Appendix 3 – Ministerial Directions.



List of abbreviations and acronyms used in the report

PAC: Public Accounts Committee

NICS: Northern Ireland Civil Service

C&AG: Comptroller & Auditor General

NIAO: Northern Ireland Audit Office

TOA: Treasury Officer of Accounts



Remit, Powers, PAC Process and Membership of the Committee

Remit and Powers

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is a Standing Committee established in accordance with Section 60(3) of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 and under Assembly Standing Order 56.

“to consider accounts, and reports on accounts laid before the Assembly”.

The Committee has the power to:

  • Consider accounts and reports on accounts laid before the Assembly;
  • Call for persons and papers; and
  • Initiate inquiries and issue reports.

The PAC Process

The Committee’s work focuses primarily on the consideration of reports produced by the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) and his organisation, the Northern Ireland Audit Office. These can be annual financial reports on public accounts or reports on the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of public spending.

The Committee selects and examines Audit Office reports that are material to its remit, and can assist in developing lessons to improve accountability and financial governance mechanisms to support the delivery of services in the public sector. It calls the Accounting Officers responsible for expenditure examined in each report to give oral evidence and explore the issues raised.

Members scrutinise the report and the evidence, and produce recommendations for improved financial systems and controls in a Committee report. The Treasury Officer of Accounts (TOA) attends all evidence sessions on behalf of the Department of Finance, answering Members’ questions and supporting Accounting Officers.

Through the Minister for Finance, the Executive member with central authority for financial matters, the relevant Department responds to the Committee’s recommendations two months after publication of the report. This is called a Memorandum of Reply. The TOA co-ordinates this response and promotes good practice across Departments.

Membership of the Committee

The membership of the Committee since 20 January 2020 has been as follows:

Mr William Humphrey (Chairperson)

Mr Roy Beggs (Deputy Chairperson)

Mr Cathal Boylan                  

Ms Órlaithí Flynn

Mr William Irwin 1 4                

Mr David Hilditch

Mr Maolíosa McHugh           

Mr Andrew Muir2
Ms Cara Hunter 3 5

1 With effect from 17 February 2020 Mr Harry Harvey replaced Mr Gary Middleton

2 With effect from 31 March 2020 Mr Andrew Muir replaced Mr Trevor Lunn

3 With effect from 19 May 2020 Mr Matthew O’Toole replaced Mr John Dallat

4 With effect from 21 June 2021 Mr William Irwin replaced Mr Harry Harvey

5 With effect from 18 October 2021 Ms Cara Hunter replaced Mr Matthew O'Toole



Review of 2017 – 2022 Mandate


The key points of the Committee’s scrutiny during the 2017 - 2022 mandate are summarised below.

Since January 2020, the Public Accounts Committee has produced 14 reports including one in respect of Excess Votes.  The bulk of the Committee’s work is based on inquiries into reports produced by the C&AG / Northern Ireland Audit Office including case studies; value for money reports and reviews of the efficiency and effectiveness of public spending.  The C&AG’s / NIAO’s case study reports set out audit findings which are then assessed by the Committee before they are prioritised in the Committee’s forward work plan.

The Committee has examined practice across Government Departments, reporting on various issues such as the need for collaboration across Departments, strong lines of accountability and the need for early intervention to address identified issues.

The Committee reiterated in its recommendations the need for:

  • the need to work across Departments and for collaboration;    
  • clearly defined responsibilities and accountability lines for spending decisions;
  • the application of value for money principles to ensure public spending can be seen to be beyond reproach.

The Committee took a strategic approach to its work, prioritising the inquiries it chose to conduct according to the level of impact of the relevant issues and the wider application of lessons learned in the public sector as a whole. This reflects the strategic role of the Committee of identifying key themes in improving the application of public resources and the processes in place to support this. The Committee is mindful of the need to represent the work of all departments in scrutiny, and the benefit its inquiries could accrue for the taxpayer as catalysts for reform. In this mandate, the Committee’s work was greatly affected by the coronavirus pandemic and the limited availability of departmental witnesses. Despite this an extensive work programme of reports was completed as indicated below:

List of PAC Inquiry Reports Completed

Report Number

Name of Report

Date of Publishing

MOR received / due

MOR update


Excess of Votes Report 2016 - 2017





Major Capital Projects


24 .06.21


By end of Mandate


Joint Report on Management of the NI Direct Strategic Partner Project – helping to deliver Digital Transformation and The LandWeb Project: An Update






Impact Review of Special Educational Needs







Capacity and Capability in NICS





Driver and Vehicle Agency 2019- 2020

3.06. 21



Next Mandate


Generating Electricity from Renewable Energy





Speeding up the Justice System





Addiction Services in NI



New Mandate


Closing the Gap – Social Deprivation and links to Education attainment.




New Mandate


Sports Sustainability Fund




New Mandate


Strategic Review on the Budget Process





New Mandate


Broadband Investment in NI





New Mandate


Planning in NI





New Mandate



The Committee undertook the following formal inquiries:

Excess of Votes 2016-2017

The Excess of Votes Report 2016 – 2017 was ordered to print on 8 July 2020.  The Report is part of the Northern Ireland Assembly’s control framework over government spending. The Committee considers the reports by the Comptroller and Auditor General on resource accounts of departments that have exceeded the limits of expenditure authorised by the Northern Ireland Assembly (the Assembly).

The Committee assesses breach of any of the budgetary control limits or the cash limit results in the need for expenditure to be regularised through the Assembly Excess Vote process. The Committee scrutinises the reasons behind each Departments’ excess of allocated resources, and reports to the Assembly on whether it has any objections to making good the reported excesses.

Read the Committee’s Inquiry into Excess of Votes

Major Capital Projects

The Major Capital Projects Report was published on 22 October 2020 with 15 recommendations that reached across various departments.  The Memorandum of Reply was presented to the Assembly on 18 June 2021 and received on 24 June 2021.  The Committee was disappointed it has taken so long for the MOR to be finally presented but understood this was largely due to the complexity of implementing some of the recommendations.   Out of the 15 recommendations, 9 have been accepted completely and some have already been implemented including revisiting the membership of the Northern Ireland Civil Service Board to ensure representation of those with a commercial background; to identify potential barriers to planning permission; to improve consultation and engagement on these major projects; and to ensure senior staff to have the correct skill set and experience to deliver these major projects. 

Read the Committee’s Inquiry into Major Capital Projects.


Joint Report on Management of the NI Direct Strategic Partner Project – helping to deliver Digital Transformation and The LandWeb Project: An Update

The Digital Transformation and the LandWeb Project Report was published on 21 January 2021 with 11 recommendations- all but two of these recommendations were accepted.  They included the need to address the culture within the Department of the need for change and to make improvements. For example, the Committee recommended a deep culture audit of contract management and related skills, robust monitoring of contract management and continuity and training of staff on these projects. 

The Committee was gratified that work has been undertaken to create multi-disciplinary teams to deliver the skill set and experience required for the completion of timely and accurate projects.  This will be critical to ensure value for money is achieved with staff equipped to interrogate the delivery of contracts and to ensure continuity of staffing where possible and access to commercial skills.  

Read the Committee’s Inquiry into Joint Report on Management of the NI Direct Strategic Partner Project – Helping to deliver Digital Transformation and The LandWeb Project: An Update.

Impact Review of Special Educational Needs

The Impact Review of Special Educational Needs Report was published on 25 February 2021 with 7 recommendations. The Committee was disappointed to find a culture within the Education Authority that allowed it to continually deliver a sub-standard service. The Committee noted in particular failings in the operation of the Statutory Assessment process for SEN. The Committee reflected how these weaknesses have failed both families and children with Special Educational Needs.

The recommendations included the need for independent reviews of the effectiveness of the Education Authority and SEN processes. These were all accepted by the Department and should be taken forward to address dysfunctionality in the Authority and to ensure SEN processes are fit for purpose. 

The Committee called departmental officials back to provide updates on how this work is progressing, the most recent being 10 March 2022.  This is a critical issue the Committee is keen the next PAC Committee keeps under review to ensure the key remedial actions are delivered.

Read the Committee’s Inquiry into Impact Review of Special Educational Needs.

Capacity and Capability in NICS

The Capacity and Capability in NICS Report was published on 20 April 2021 with 12 recommendations. The Report concentrated its investigation into the fundamental issues of the NICS workforce, succession planning, recruitment and performance management. These issues were identified as critical to the future delivery of good government and in particular the role of HOCS in driving organisational reform.

Of the 12 recommendations all but one was accepted and the Committee had assurances that the Department will work closely with the Executive Office on these cross-cutting issues. Key recommendations for the successor PAC Committee to review include a fundamental revision of recruitment and selection, injecting independent, non-executive representation onto the NICS Board and delivering an NICS-wide workforce plan to ensure access to key skills across the NICS.

Read more on the Committee’s Inquiry into Capacity and Capability in NICS.

Generating Electricity from Renewable Energy

The Generating Electricity from Renewable Energy Report was published on 23 September 2021 with 8 recommendations. The Committee noted the Northern Ireland Renewables obligation (‘NIRO’) scheme has been successful in achieving the key objective of increasing the proportion of energy, generated from renewable sources. However, the Committee reflected that this might have been achieved at a lower cost to electricity consumers.

All 8 recommendations were accepted including the development of a new energy strategy and supporting energy policy.  The Committee considers the more collaborative working in the new Energy Strategy should be a significant positive outcome to monitor. Other key elements of the recommendations include a bespoke design of energy policies to take account local circumstances and ensuring appropriate skills are available for energy scheme design. 

The Department admitted lessons have been learned and it will be important to evaluate how this translates into the development of policy and its implementation in the area of energy policy.

Read the Committee’s Inquiry into Generating Electricity from Renewable Energy.

Speeding Up the Justice System

The Speeding Up the Justice System Report was published on 21 October 2021 with 6 recommendations. The Report looked at the impact of delay in the criminal justice system, notably the Crown Court. Out of the 6 recommendations 4 were accepted and 2 accepted in principle. 

The Department accepted the bulk of the Committee’s recommendations (with some qualifications) including a clear plan to reduce backlogs in the Crown Court, modelling the financial impacts of delay and cost savings from reform and a cross-agency strategy with long-term high-level performance standards.

The Committee was content they had taken their role in this process as far as they could and wrote to the Justice Committee in January 2022 to inform them PAC no longer retains primacy on this matter. This referred the Report and the accompanying MOR for the consideration of the Justice Committee.

Read the Committee’s Inquiry into Speeding Up the Justice System.

Addiction Services in NI

The Addiction Services in NI report was published on 21 January 2022 with 10 recommendations.  The Committee set out its view that tackling substance use has not been enough of a priority for the public sector, and the lack of strategic focus on this area has exacerbated the huge financial costs and significant harms caused to individuals, families and wider society. Reducing drug and alcohol-related deaths in our society is an urgent and pressing policy objective. 

Whilst the Committee welcomes the new strategy on the use of substances, it has identified the need for this ‘silent pandemic’ to be highlighted across Departments. Some direction from the centre of government will ensure this responsibility is not confined to the Department of Health. The need to secure appropriate funding and to ensure there is an effective and active pathway available for those people who need help is key to the success of reducing the incidence and impacts of addiction.  The MOR was laid in the Assembly on 25 March 2022 and this is something the new Committee will wish to follow up.

Read the Committee’s Inquiry into Addiction Services in NI

Closing the Gap: Social Deprivation and links to Educational Attainment

The Closing the Gap: Social Deprivation and links to Educational Attainment Report was published on 10 February 2022 and launched at the Boys Model School.  Key issues include appropriate funding mechanisms and measures of disadvantage to support the targeted delivery of services to pupils in need.

The Report has 13 recommendations that highlight the need for early intervention, to implement strategies to support these children that will help to address high absenteeism; to support School Leaders on carrying out their roles; and the need for collaboration across all Departments. Other issues include demonstrating the value of early intervention mechanisms like SureStart in closing the attainment gap. The report was also closely linked to the Fair Start Report published in June 2021 by the Expert Panel led by Dr Noel Purdy. 

The MOR is due on 7 April 2022 which is outside of the present mandate.

Read the Committee’s Inquiry into Closing the Gap.

Sports Sustainability Fund

The Sports Sustainability Fund report was published on 25 February 2022 with 10 recommendations.  The Committee outlined how the over-riding objective of having a diverse, geographically spread range of sports, post pandemic, could have been achieved at a lower cost than the £23m of public funding the scheme received.

Issues identified include the robust modelling and assessment of the business cases required to access funding and the delivery of outcomes in such schemes. Key recommendations include an independent assessment of scheme design, ensuring such schemes have clear communication of objectives and the need to evidence eligibility in line with clear, measurable criteria. The MOR is due on 22 April 2022 which is outside of the present mandate.

Read the Committee’s Inquiry into Sports Sustainability Fund.

Review of Northern Ireland Budget Process

The Review of the Northern Ireland Budget Process report was published on 4 March 2002 with 10 recommendations.  The Committee highlighted how since 2008 there have been a number of reviews of the budget process and significant areas in which our local budgetary process needs to be made more effective and transparent.

Issues include that a number of Departments do not provide their Assembly Committees with sufficient information on funding requests prior to the agreement of a final budget. This seriously impedes the scrutiny function of committees and we believe this is an area that requires significant reform.  The Committee welcome the establishment of the Northern Ireland Fiscal Council that will hopefully drive improvements in this important process.

Read the Committee’s Inquiry into Strategic Review of the Budget Process.  

Broadband Investment in NI

The Broadband Investment in NI Report was published on 18 March 2022 and has 10 recommendations. The Committee welcomed the fact that Northern Ireland has some of the fastest urban broadband speeds, compared to Great Britain. At the same time, they were still concerned that many in rural areas do not enjoy the same service as their urban counterparts.

It was noted that over the years, the Department for the Economy has committed large sums to redress this problem, the most recent in 2020, with Project Spectrum. While the Committee was generally encouraged by this positive initiative, they had a number of concerns about how the project was awarded and whether it would achieve all of its stated goals.  The Committee was concerned over the omission of 8,500 premises from the original project. These included 2,500 hardest to reach premises, as well as a further 8,500 which were not originally deemed eligible. The problem occurred due to these anomalies of LPS database. 

The Committee noted the ability to access a fast, reliable service is as much a part of life now as water, heat and light. At the same time, we still need to be sure that the services we tender for are provided as agreed.   The Committee stressed the need to ensure the spend of public funds is efficient and effective.

Read the Committee’s Inquiry into Broadband Investment in NI

Planning in NI

The Planning in NI report was published on 24 March 2022 and has 12 recommendations.  The press release headline read ‘Committee says planning system not fit for purpose’.   The Committee highlighted the need for a properly functioning planning system that would contribute towards a more socially, economically sustainable Northern Ireland. The Committee had concerns at the failure of the planning system to deliver and was both alarmed and appalled at the performance of the planning system. Specifically planning decisions were unacceptably slow, with nearly one fifth of the most important planning applications not being processed within three years.   The Committee highlighted the impact of this to applicants and the risks of investment in Northern Ireland.

The Committee was also shocked that seven years on, no council has been able to produce a local development plan. The Department had underestimated the complexity of progressing Local Development Plans and have been hampered by a lack of key skills and resources within councils, compounded by a series of unnecessary “checks and balances” by the Department.

The Committee concluded that the planning system in Northern Ireland is clearly not working; and called for a fundamental independent review, led by someone independent from the Department, to identify the long-term, strategic changes needed to make the planning system fit for purpose.

Read the Committee’s Inquiry into Planning in NI

Ministerial Directions

When a Minister wishes to proceed with a course of expenditure against the advice of their Accounting Officer, a Ministerial Direction is notified to PAC.  This means that the accountability line for this expenditure will be to the Minister rather than the Accounting Officer.  For each of these Ministerial Directions, the Committee agreed that the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) would monitor the expenditure in line with current audit practices and report any significant issues as required.

Due to the pandemic, PAC has had to consider an unprecedented number of Ministerial Directions, 47 in total from January 2020 to March 2022.  The list of these is provided at Appendix 3.   The Committee, in their deliberations on Ministerial Directions, recommended that the Department of Finance, regularly publish all previous and future Ministerial Directions, to improve public transparency, and review all of these Directions regularly.  As a direct consequence of this, DoF now publish Ministerial Directions which have been made by all Departments, have been notified to the Comptroller and Auditor General and discussed by PAC.

Link to Ministerial Directions

Head of Northern Ireland Civil Service – Ms Jayne Brady

The Head of NICS appeared in front of PAC on 9 December 2021 and again on 8 March 2022.  The Committee emphasised the cross-cutting issues that have come out of their reports including the need for leadership, accountability and collaboration across the Departments, plus the current culture within the NICS.

Ms Brady outlined her four areas for improvement:

  1. Realistic business cases:
  2. Business cases have all the information and skills required; 
  3. Good Governance of Capital Projects; and
  4. To identity early warning signs and inefficiencies in projects – there are 10 causes of failures.


To support the inquiry into Closing the Gap: Social Deprivation and links to Educational Attainment, the Committee visited the Boys Model School in North Belfast.   The Committee met pupils from Year 14 Politics class and Year 8 Wellbeing Class; and spoke to a panel of teachers made up of Principal, Ms Mary Montgomery and the Vice Principals. The Committee noted how each year group had a school counsellor and how Wellbeing periods have been integrated into pupils’ weekly class timetable.

The Committee returned to the school to launch the report on 10 February 2022, guests included Dr Mark Browne Permanent Secretary Department of Education, Ms Sara Long Chief Executive Education Authority and Dr Noel Purdy Chair of the Expert Panel on Educational Underachievement.

Take Note Debate

A motion for a Take Note Debate in respect of issues coming out of PAC’s published reports was heard on Monday 28 February 2022.  Seven Reports out of the 14 published were debated as these had a Memorandum of Reply.  They were:

  • Report on Major Capital Projects;
  • Report on The Management of the NI Direct Strategic Partner Project – helping to deliver Digital Transformation and The LandWeb Project: An Update;
  • Report on Impact Review of Special Educational Needs;
  • Report on Capacity and Capability in Northern Ireland Civil Service;
  • Report on Driver and Vehicle Agency 20219 – 2020;
  • Report on Generating Electricity from Renewable Energy;
  • Speeding up the Justice System.

View the recording of the debate from 2:05:47

Suggested Issues for the Successor Committee

The Committee considered a number of issues which have yet to be formally concluded and which a successor Committee may wish to consider.  Some of the central issues include the issues of ensuring accountability across government for major projects, leadership in driving organisational change and standard setting; ensuring the NICS has access to appropriate skill sets; the culture of NICS and the need for joined up government.

These are discussed briefly below.

Issue 1

The need for a cross cutting collaborative Government.  PAC identified a recurrent theme throughout its inquiries in respect of the need for a collaborative approach across Departments and their agencies, regarding all projects and areas of reform. This involves the sharing of skills and expertise and providing clear strategic leadership in the delivery of key projects by senior leaders in NICS.  The Committee felt that an agreed Programme for Government based on outcomes and with clear lines of accountability would serve as an appropriate governance mechanism to deliver this objective.  A successor Committee may wish to scrutinise the extent to which this promoted and subsequently achieved by the next PfG.

Issue 2

The successor Committee may wish to consider revisiting the ‘Capacity and Capability in NICS’ report regarding the issues of strengthening leadership; reforming the culture within the NICS; recognising the need for an enhanced skill set, including increased commercial skills and appropriate recruitment; delivering a more balanced age profile across the NICS with new recruits; and strengthening overall accountability.   HOCS came into post in early 2021 and was in front of the Committee 9 December 2021 and 8 March 2022.  The successor Committee may therefore wish to follow-up on her progress in making these important changes and where appropriate, referring the matter to the Committee for Finance.

Issue 3

The successor Committee may wish to consider revisiting the MORs of the following reports and any outstanding recommendations or referring them to the relevant statutory committees:

  • Transformation and Digital Report and how this is progressing.
  • Deliver Digital Transformation and The LandWeb Project:
  • Impact Review of Special Educational Needs
  • Capacity and Capability in NICS

The successor Committee may also wish to consider the following published reports that due to time restraints did not receive an MOR in the 2017-22 mandate:

  • Closing the Gap – Social Deprivation and links to Education attainment.
  • Sports Sustainability Fund
  • Strategic Review on the Budget Process
  • Broadband Investment in NI
  • Planning in NI

The successor Committee may also wish to consider reports highlighted by the C&AG at the end of the mandate:

NIAO Report ‘COVID Pandemic: Supply and Procurement of Personal Protective Equipment to local healthcare providers’.



Appendix 1 – Mandate facts and figures

Committee meetings & visits


Number of meetings held

Percentage minutes public / closed

Number of committee visits



Public –  38.7%

Closed – 54.84%




Public – 41.89%

Closed – 50%




Public – 39.39%

Closed – 57.58%



Members attendance at meetings

Members attendance at meetings during the 2017-22 mandate can be viewed here.

Committee Inquiries / Reviews / Micro inquiries


Name of report

Committee Report

(ordered to print)


Major Capital Projects




The LandWeb Project and Digital Transformation




Special Educational Needs



Capacity and Capability in the NICS




Driver and Vehicle Agency





Generating Electricity from Renewable Energy




Speeding up Justice





Addiction Services in Northern Ireland




Closing the Gap– Social Deprivation and Links Education




Sports Sustainability Fund




Review of the Budget Process




Broadband Investment in Northern Ireland




Planning in Northern Ireland





Committee Motions Debated in Plenary (excluding Inquiries / Reviews / Membership changes)



Date debated in Plenary








Take Note Debate

1 March 2022


Committee Reports (excluding Bill and Inquiry reports)


Name of report


(date approved by Committee)

Date debated in Plenary (if appropriate)






Excess Votes

08 July 2020



Boys Model School Visit

09 December 2021





Number of Organisations who gave evidence to the committee









Appendix 2 - Expenditure for the period 1 September 2017 – 22 March 2022


Budget area



General expenses

Cost of refreshments for committee meetings, committee events, working lunches, seminars, room hire, witness expenses, and conference fees for members etc.




Appendix 3 – Ministerial Directions



Date considered by Committee



COVID - £10k Business Support Grant Scheme

27 May 2020



COVID -   the COVID 19 Microbusiness Hardship Scheme

27 May 2020



Infected Blood Scheme

17 September 2020



COVID - Restrictions Business Support Scheme

06 May 2021



COVID - Funding for City of Derry Airport

10 December 2020



COVID - Newly Self-Employed Support Scheme

14 January 2021



COVID - Reimbursement of lost Wages to Health Care Workers due to strike action

21 January 2021



Pilot on Period Poverty

28 January 2021



COVID - Limited Company Director Scheme

04 February 2021



COVID -  Bonus Scheme for all Healthcare workers

18 February 2021



COVID -  Bed & Breakfast, Guest House and Guest Accommodation Providers Support Scheme

27 May 2021



COVID - Large Tourism and Hospitality Scheme

04 February 2021



COVID - Additional Financial Support to DoH Core Grant Funded Organisations 2020/21

25 March 2021



COVID - Special Schools – Free School Meals

25 February 2021



COVID – Extension of Large Tourism  and Hospitality Scheme to 31 March 2021

27 May 2021



COVID – Extension of Covid Restrictions Business Support Scheme to 31 March 2021

24 June 2021



COVID £500 Disruption Payment Scheme for Students

25 March 2021



COVID - Travel Agent Support Scheme

25 March 2021



COVID – Extension of COVID Restrictions Business Support Scheme  beyond 31 March 2021

24 June 2021



COVID – Extension of Large Tourism and Hospitality Business Support Scheme beyond 31 March 2021

24 June 2021



COVID - Additional Financial Assistance Schemes to make use of the remaining 2020/21 COVID 19 funding

29 April 2021





Date considered by Committee



One off award to Charitable Trust Funds

03 June 2021



COVID - Payment to Support Hospices

03 June 2021



COVID - Establish a Grant Scheme to support Mental Health Services

03 June 2021



COVID - Establish a Grant Scheme to support Cancer Services –

03 June 2021



COVID - Recognition Payment for Supporting People and Homelessness Sector Frontline Staff

06 May 2021



COVID 19 Support for Wool Producers Scheme

17 June 2021



COVID - Funding of the Lough Neagh COVID support Scheme

17 June 2021

Committee agreed to write to the Department to express disappointment that the C&AG did not have sight of the submission, citing reasons of legal privilege. Correspondence received 01 July 2021 from Mr Denis McMahon AO DAERA - copy of submission has since been provided to AO but noted some information still redacted.


COVID Disruption Payment to CAFRE Students

17 June 2021

Committee agreed to write to the Department to ask if any other students have or would be receiving such a payment.

Correspondence received 24 June 2021 - no other payments have been replicated


Parkanaur College Funding

24 June 2021



COVID - Wet Pubs Business Support Scheme

06 May 2021



COVID - Proceed to Establish a Support Scheme for carers

03 June 2021



NI Domestic Aviation Kickstart Scheme

30 September 2021



Helicopter Emergency Medical Service

29 April 2021



High Street Stimulus Scheme (HSSS)

27 May 2021



Funding-City of Derry Airport (CODA)/London Public Service Obligation (PSO) Route

27 May 2021



Support Scheme for impact of flooding in the Glenelly and Owenkillew river catchment areas.

17 June 2021



COVID - Extend eligibility of HBS Staff Recognition Payment to Longer-Term Agency workers

24 June 2021



COVID - HSC Staff recognition payment: Application of Gross Award

24 June 2021



Strule Shared Education Campus (SSEC)

23 September 2021

Committee discussed business case approval regarding value for money for the completion of the SSEC programme and noted C&AG will be monitoring these costs.


Creative Individual's Recovery Fund

14 October 2021



Mental Health Fund

17 February 2022



Additionality to Pay

17 February 2022



Support Scheme for NI Search and Rescue Services

17 February 2022



Covid Employment and Skills Initiative

10 March 2022



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Public Accounts Committee

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Telephone: 028 90 21028


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