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Committee Membership

Committee Chairperson: William Humphrey (DUP)

Deputy Chairperson: Roy Beggs (UUP)

Membership (9)


 Andrew Muir 2

Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)

William Humphrey

William Irwin  1,4

David Hilditch

Sinn Fein

Cathal Boylan

 Órlaithí Flynn Maolíosa  McHugh  
Social Democratic Labour Party (SDLP)

Cara Hunter 3 5



Ulster Unionist Party (UUP)

Roy Beggs
(Deputy Chairperson)


1 With effect from 17 February 2020 Mr Harry Harvey replaced Mr Gary Middleton

2 With effect from 31 March 2020 Mr Andrew Muir replaced Mr Trevor Lunn

3 With effect from 19 May 2020 Mr Matthew O'Toole replaced Mr John Dallat

4With effect from 21 June 2021 Mr William Irwin replaced Mr Harry Harvey

5With effect from 18 October 2021 Ms Cara Hunter replaced Mr Matthew O'Toole

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