Written submissions

Department of Finance

Department of Justice

Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission

Further response from Northern Ireland Human Rights Comission following evidence session

Civil Service Commissioners for Northern Ireland

Huston and Co.

Further response from Felicity Huston following evidence session

Carnegie UK Trust

Innocent Victims United

Member of the public (1)

Member of the public (2)

Member of the public (3)

Member of the public (4)

Member of the public (5)

Member of the public (6)

Member of the public (7)

Member of the public (8)

RHI Inquiry Team

Department for Communities

Secretary of State for Northern Ireland

Committee for Justice

Committee for the Executive Office

Correspondence from the Committee for the Executive Office re Bill Timetable and TEO Written Evidence. 

Committee on Standards & Privileges

Assembly and Executive Review Committee

Institute for Government