Supermarkets Respond to Committee Concerns on Polish Beef Imports

Response from CO OP

29 April 2020

Declan McAleer MLA Chairperson
Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Room 244
Parliament Buildings Ballymiscaw Stormont
Belfast BT4 3XX


Dear Declan,

Many thanks for getting in touch with Co-op and please accept my apologies that your original letter got caught up in the large Covid-19 inbox we are working with currently, which resulted in you receiving a standard reply.

We’d like to assure you that our commitment to the 480 Northern Irish farmers we source from, including the 12 NI farmers in the Co-op Beef Farming group, remains steadfast and we are in dialogue with them across the board to ensure that any supply chain issues are being worked through and concerns are addressed.

Co-op is committed to creating value in communities, and deepening its relationships with its farmers, growers and suppliers. Our ongoing commitment to British agriculture, for instance, saw us move all our own brand fresh meat to 100% British in 2017, followed by a further commitment for all the meat, fish and poultry used as an ingredient in our own brand products - from sandwiches, ready meals and frozen products - to 100% British.

Please be reassured that we have maintained this commitment throughout these unprecedented times, and while levels of panic buying are calming - as people observe the requests to stay at home and only shop for what they need - we know that farming communities face into many challenges.

The Co-op is committed to working through this in the most co-operative, responsible and compassionate way we can - information is changing fast, and our teams are working hard to find the best ways for us to help, both practically and, financially through our significant investment British agriculture.

The importance of securing our supply chain end to end, looking after the people who make our food whilst inspiring customers to make healthy, sustainable choices cannot be underestimated – we recognise there is also a need for the industry, retailers, academia and Governments to work together.

Like you, we recognise the need to work closely with our farmers and growers during these unprecedented times, along with our suppliers. Dunbia are our long-term primary supplier for fresh beef and lamb and we work in partnership with them to ensure that they help us to meet our commitments to support our Northern Irish beef farmers.

I send you my best wishes during this time and hope you and your colleagues keep well, safe and healthy.

Yours sincerely

Caroline Mason
Head of Agriculture

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