Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2011/2012

Date: 26 October 2011

Venue: Room 21, Parliament Buildings

10.33am The meeting commenced in public session with the Deputy Chairperson in the Chair

1. Apologies

As above

2. Chairperson’s Business


10.35am Mr Moutray entered the meeting

3. Draft Minutes

Agreed: The Committee agreed the minutes of the meeting of 19 th October 2011.

Mr Copeland expressed his thanks to the Committee staff for organising the external meeting in Omagh on 19 th October 2011.

4. Correspondence

10.39am Mr Beggs entered the meeting 
10.41am Mrs Kelly entered the meeting

Members noted correspondence received.

Agreed: The Committee noted correspondence from the Committee for Environment seeking information from the Department on its response to the Sustainable Framework for UK Aviation and agreed to forward to the Department for a response directly to the Committee for Environment, copying this Committee into the response

Agreed: The Committee noted correspondence from the Committee for Environment seeking information on the Public Transport Audio Visual Pilot Project and agreed to forward any relevant information to that Committee.

Agreed: The Committee noted correspondence from Sustrans and agreed to hold a meeting at Gilnahirk Primary School and to view the Bike It project at the school at a date to be scheduled by the Committee office.

Agreed: Members noted correspondence from the Post 19 Lobby Group, noted that the issues are not within the remit of this Committee and agreed to forward the correspondence to the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, the Department for Social Development, the Department of Education and the Department for Employment and Learning for a response directly to the Post 19 Lobby Group.

Agreed: The Committee noted correspondence sent to the Minister from Antrim Borough Council in relation to unadopted roads and agreed to request a copy from the Department of the Minister’s response to Antrim Borough Council. The Committee noted a proposal from Mr Beggs and agree to seek research on bond orders.

5. Departmental briefing: Review of the Regional Development Strategy

10.46am The following officials joined the meeting:

Tom Reid – Director of Transportation Policy 
Alison McQueen – Strategic Policy and Co-ordination Division 
Jackie King – Strategic Policy and Co-ordination Division

The officials presented to Committee in respect of the above. Following the presentation, Members put questions.

11.12am The officials left the meeting

6. Written briefing: Drinking Water Inspectorate Annual Report

Members noted the report

7. Statutory Rule 2011/344 - The Hanover Glen, Bangor (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2011

Agreed: The Committee for Regional Development has considered Statutory Rule 2011/344 - The Hanover Glen, Bangor (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2011 and has no objection to the rule.

8. Statutory Rule 2011/345 - The Former Road (Including Footpath) at the Westlink, Belfast (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2011

Agreed: The Committee for Regional Development has considered Statutory Rule 2011/345 - The Former Road (Including Footpath) at the Westlink, Belfast (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2011 and has no objection to the rule

9. Statutory Rule 2011/346 - The Ballyblaugh Road, Newry (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2011

Agreed: The Committee for Regional Development has considered Statutory Rule 2011/346 - The Ballyblaugh Road, Newry (Abandonment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2011 and has no objection to the rule.

10. Any Other Business

Agreed: The Committee noted a proposal from Mrs Kelly and agreed to seek further information on actions undertaken to address flooding issues and to request that officials from the relevant Departments provide a joint briefing to the Committee in the near future.

Agreed: The Committee noted a proposal from Mr Byrne and agreed that the Departmental briefing papers on October Monitoring bids be reissued to Members.

12. Date of the next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will be Wednesday 9 th November 2011 at 10.30am in Belfast International Airport.

11.31am The meeting was adjourned

Mr Jimmy Spratt MLA
Chairperson, Committee for Regional Development 
9th November 2011

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