Archive Press Releases Session 2011-2012

Concerns Raised Over Former Military Sites
Reference: PAC 09/11/12

Date: 04 July 2012

Failed Bioscience Institute: A Lesson in How Not to Manage Innovation Projects
Reference: PAC 08/11/12

Date: 23 May 2012

Pensioners Miss Out on Millions in Unclaimed Benefits
Reference: PAC 07/11/12

Date: 16 May 2012

PAC Reports on External Consultancy Spend
Reference: PAC 06/11/12

Date: 18 April 2012

Use of Locum Doctors Must Be Closely Managed
Reference: PAC 05/11/12

Date: 07 March 2016

Community and Voluntary Sector Make Vital Contribution Says Committee
Reference: PAC 04/11/12

Date: 18 January 2012

Farm Nutrients Scheme poor value for money at £121 Million
Reference: PAC 03/11/12

Date: 07 December 2011

Reform Exorbitant Criminal Legal Aid System Says Committee
Reference: PAC 02/11/12

Date: 19 November 2011

Committee Agrees Priorities for New Inquiries
Reference: PAC 01/11/12

Date: 29 June 2011