Archive Press Releases 2009-2010

Session 2009-2010

PAC 01/10/10 Statement from Chair of Assembly Public Accounts Committee Inquiry into Northern Ireland Water
PAC 17/09/10 Public Accounts Committee Calls North/South Bodies To Account
PAC 16/09/10 Government Slow to Learn Project Management Lessons, Committee Finds
PAC 15/09/10 Organised Crime Must be Stamped Out says Committee
PAC 14/09/10 Private Sector Scoops £54 million in PFI Project
PAC 13/09/10 Patients Wait 15 Years For Resettlement In The Community
PAC 12/09/10 Personal Injury Claims Costing Taxpayer £4 million per year
PAC 11/09/10 Gateway Review Process Could Save Millions, Says Committee
PAC 10/09/10 Assembly Committee Gives Education Programme An 'A' For Effort
PAC 09/09/10 Planning Service 'Not Fit for Purpose' says Public Accounts Committee
PAC 08/09/10 No room for complacency as health improves for local people
PAC 07/09/10 Welfare-to-Work Programme Failed Participants
PAC 06/09/10 PAC puts Irish Sport Horse Project under scrutiny
PAC 05/09/10 Departmental Performance Claims Unreliable, Says Committee
PAC 04/09/10 Nomadic Restoration Could Cost Taxpayers £7 Million
PAC 03/09/10 Social housing arrears exceed £20 million
PAC 02/09/10 PAC Report Highlights Serious Failings in IDB Backed Inward Investment Project
PAC 01/09/10 PAC Report Highlights Suspected Fraud in BELB