Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2012/2013

Date: 27 February 2013

Venue: The Senate Chamber

The meeting commenced at 2.01 p.m. in open session.

1. Apologies

Apologies as above.

2. Chair’s Business

The Chairperson informed the Committee that members had held a series of informal meetings with groups that morning and that a report will be prepared in due course.

The Committee agreed to write to the NI Assembly Commission regarding stocking items produced by local social enterprises in the Assembly gift shop.

The Committee noted a motion on the rise in suicide rates over the last 15 years.

The Committee noted responses from the Minister about ovarian cancer and the Chairperson reminded members that the Committee motion on ovarian cancer was to be debated on Monday 11 March 2013.

The Committee agreed to commission a research paper on the Department’s use of the private sector to address waiting lists. The Committee also agreed to take evidence from the HSC Board and the Department on this matter.

The Committee agreed to write to the Department regarding delays admitting patients to the Accident & Emergency Unit at the Ulster Hospital on 25 February 2013.

The Committee noted a written statement from the Minister regarding his intention to develop a Community Resuscitation Strategy.

The Chairperson informed members that she would be speaking at the Age of Change Conference on Tuesday 12 March 2013.

3. Draft minutes of the meeting on Wednesday 13th February 2013.

The minutes of the Committee meeting on Wednesday 13th February 2013 were agreed.

4. Evidence session with Departmental officials on the Sexual Assault Referral Centre.

The Committee took evidence from:

Dr Maura Briscoe, Director, Mental Health/Disability/Older People, Directorate, DHSSPS

Ms Marian McIlhone, Integrated Projects Branch, Mental Health/Disability/Older People Directorate, DHSSPS

A question and answer session ensued.

Ms Sue Ramsey made a declaration of interest that she was involved in the management of a local women’s group.

2.22 p.m. Mr Sam Gardiner left the meeting.

2.25 p.m. Mr Jim Wells joined the meeting.

2.31 p.m. Mr Sam Gardiner rejoined the meeting.

2.52 p.m. Mr Conall McDevitt joined the meeting.

2.57 p.m. Mr Jim Wells left the meeting.

2.57 p.m. Ms Paula Bradley left the meeting.

3.06 p.m. Mr Conall McDevitt left the meeting.

3.09 p.m. Ms Paula Bradley rejoined the meeting.

3.13 p.m. Mr Conall McDevitt rejoined the meeting.

3.21 p.m. Mr Kieran McCarthy left the meeting.

3.23 p.m. Mr Jim Wells rejoined the meeting.

3.26 p.m. Mr Kieran McCarthy rejoined the meeting.

The Chairperson thanked the witness for attending. The Committee agreed to write to counseling providers to seek their views on a number of related matters.

5. Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service

The Committee considered a response from the Minister and agreed to forward it to Mrs Ford for information.

The Committee discussed the evidence it had taken regarding the Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service and agreed to take evidence from further witnesses.

6. Proposed Statutory Rule. The Health and Personal Social Services (Superannuation Scheme and Injury Benefits), Health and Social Care (Pension Scheme)(Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2013

The Committee considered the Health and Personal Social Services (Superannuation Scheme and Injury Benefits), Health and Social Care (Pension Scheme)(Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2013 and agreed that it was content for the Department to prepare the statutory rule.

7. Statutory Rule. SR 22/2013. The Mental Health (Private Hospitals) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012

The Committee considered the Mental Health (Private Hospitals) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012 and and had no objection to the Rule subject to the report of the Examiner of Statutory Rules.

8. Forward Work Programme

The Committee noted its forward Work Programme.

Members noted that the meeting on 20 March will begin at 9.30am.

9. Matters rising

The Committee noted responses from the Minister about paediatric cardiac surgery and agreed write to the Department regarding the scheduling of an evidence session on this matter. The Committee agreed to copy one of the Minister’s responses to Ms McElroy who had originally raised the issues with the Committee.

The Committee noted letters from Ms Clifford and Mr Quinn about paediatric cardiac surgery and agreed to write to them to thank them for the information provided.

The Committee noted letters from the Minister and Home Start Down District regarding funding and agreed to copy the Minister’s letter to the group and refer it to local representatives for further support. The Committee also agreed to copy Home Start’s letter to the South Eastern HSC Trust.

The Committee noted a response from the Minister about GP annual check-ups.

The Committee noted a response from the BMA about GP annual check-ups.

The Committee noted a response from the Minister about the Health and Personal Social Services (General Medical Services Contracts) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2013 and agreed that it was content that the Department prepare the Statutory Rule.

The Committee noted a response from the Minister about cancer treatment.

The Committee noted a response from the Minister about the Protect Life Strategy.

The Committee noted a response from the Minister regarding A&E waiting times.

The Committee noted a response from the Minister regarding the contamination of beef burgers with horse meat and agreed to copy the response to the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee.

The Committee noted a response from the Minister regarding winter pressures and unscheduled care.

The Committee noted a response from the Minister regarding trauma and orthopaedic surgery.

The Committee noted a response from the Minister regarding whooping cough.

The Committee noted a response from the Minister regarding the Connected Health Project.

The Committee noted a response from the Minister regarding car-parking charges at Antrim Area Hospital.

10. Correspondence

The Committee noted a letter from the Minister about proposals to amend the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (NI) 2008 and agreed to arrange an evidence session when the draft Bill is published.

The Committee noted correspondence from the Committee for Finance and Personnel regarding Departmental Savings Delivery Plans for September 2012.

The Committee noted correspondence from the Committee for the Office of First Minister and deputy First Minister about an event regarding the Irish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

The Committee noted correspondence from Mr Jim Allister MLA regarding the registration of Sports Therapists and agreed to forward this to the Department seeking its views.

The Committee noted correspondence from the Níamh Louise Foundation regarding the implementation of the Protect Life Strategy and agreed to forward this to the Public Health Agency seeking its views.

The Committee noted correspondence from the Colin Early Intervention Community seeking a meeting with the Committee and agreed to invite the group to an informal meeting.

The Committee noted correspondence from the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland.

The Committee noted correspondence from GSK seeking a meeting with the Committee and agreed to ask the company to make a written submission.

The Committee noted correspondence from the National Infertility Awareness Campaign.

The Committee noted correspondence regarding a personal case and agreed to refer the correspondent to constituency representatives for support.

The Committee noted correspondence regarding psychiatric diagnosis and treatment and agreed to forward this to the Department for a response.

The Committee noted correspondence from Mr McCloy regarding correspondence with the Department on Antrim Hospital and agreed to ask the Department that it be copied into the response issued to Mr McCloy from the Northern HSC Trust.

11. Any other Business

No other business was discussed.

12. Date, time and place of next meeting

The next Committee meeting will be on Wednesday 13th March 2013 at 2 pm in room 29, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 4.00 p.m.