Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2011/2012

Date: 15 June 2011

Venue: Room 29, Parliament Buildings

1. Apologies

No apologies were received.

2. Chairperson’s business

The Committee agreed to take evidence on HPV testing at Altnagelvin at its next meeting.

The Committee agreed to invite the Department and a relevant stakeholder group to brief it on the issue of Group B streptococcus at a future meeting .

The Committee noted that the Chairperson had met with the Royal College of Midwives and agreed a Committee motion expressing its concern at the high rate of caesarean sections.

The Committee agreed a Committee motion regarding services for people with Motor Neurone Disease.

3. Draft minutes of the meeting on Wednesday 8th June 2011

The minutes of the Committee meeting held on 8 th June 2011 were agreed.

2.11 p.m. Mr Jim Wells joined the meeting.

4. Matters arising

The Committee noted correspondence from Dr Tom Lynch from the Cancer Centre seeking to make a presentation and agreed to schedule the presentation as part of a future visit to Belfast City Hospital.

The Committee noted correspondence from Mr Irwin regarding the regulation of private dentistry and agreed to write to the Department seeking an update on this matter.

The Committee noted a response from the Minister in relation to Southern Cross care homes.

The Committee noted a response from the Minister regarding a security breach at Belvoir Park Hospital and agreed to write to the Department for further information. The Committee also agreed to forward the Minister’s response to a member of the public who raised the issue with the Committee.

5. Evidence session on capital priorities and 2011-2012 resource budget

The Committee took evidence from

Dr Andrew McCormick Permanent Secretary, DHSSPS
Ms Catherine Daly Resources & Performance Management Group, DHSSPS
Mr John Cole Health Estates Investment Group, DHSSPS
Mr Peter Toogood Director of Finance, DHSSPS

A question and answer session ensued. The witnesses agreed to provide the Committee with further information. The Chairperson thanked the witnesses for attending.

2.29 p.m. Mr Mark H Durkan left the meeting.
2.32 p.m. Mr Mark H Durkan rejoined the meeting.
2.45 p.m. Mr John McCallister joined the meeting.

The Committee agreed to take further evidence from the witnesses at its meeting on 29 th June 2011.

3.48 p.m. Mr John McCallister left the meeting.
3.49 p.m. Ms Paula Bradley left the meeting.

6. Legislative consent motion. Protection of Freedoms Bill - ‘Safeguarding of Vulnerable Groups’ Provisions

The Committee took evidence from

Ms Eilis McDaniel Child Care, DHSSPS
Mr Paul McConville Social Services Officer, DHSSPS

A question and answer session ensued. The Chairperson thanked the witnesses for attending. The Committee agreed to prepare a report outlining the key issues of the legislative consent motion.

3.57 p.m. Ms Paula Bradley rejoined the meeting.
4.10 p.m. Mr Mark H Durkan left the meeting.

7. Correspondence

The Committee noted correspondence from the Committee for Employment and Learning proposing that a cross committee working group be set up to review Early Years strategies and young people not in education, employment, or training (NEETs).

The Committee noted correspondence regarding proposals to cut community pharmacy funding and agreed to take evidence on this matter at its meeting on 29 June.

The Committee noted letters from the BMA, Allied Health Professions and the Rural Community Network seeking meetings with the Committee and agreed to invite these groups to informal meetings.

The Committee noted an invitation to the launch of a Regional Family Support Information System on Wednesday 22nd June.

The Committee noted a letter from Domestic Care, a company which provides community meals.

The Committee noted a letter from the Construction Employers Federation seeking a meeting with the Committee and agreed to advise the organisation to continue its correspondence with the Enterprise, Trade and Investment Committee.

The Committee noted that NIACRO had sought a meeting with the Committee and agreed to invite the group to a formal committee meeting.

The Committee noted Mr Taggart, a worker involved in outreach work in Belfast had sought a meeting with the Committee and agreed to invite him to an informal meeting.

The Committee noted a letter from Sport NI regarding its reports on the number of hours of PE children are getting in school.

The Committee noted correspondence from Chambre Public Affairs seeking a meeting with the Chair on behalf of Lundbeck and agreed to ask the company to make its points in writing.

The Committee noted an invitation from the Stroke Association to a pulse test on 21 June.

The Committee noted Statistics for Diagnostic Waiting Times, Inpatient Waiting Times and Outpatient Waiting Times.

8. Any Other Business

No other business was discussed.

9. Date, time and place of next meeting

The next Committee meeting will be on Wednesday 22 nd June 2011 at 1.30 p.m. in the Denis Desmond room, Altnagelvin Hospital.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 4.23 p.m.