Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2011/2012

Date: 16 May 2012

Venue: Room 30

The meeting opened at 10.03am in public session. 

1. Apologies

Apologies are detailed above.

Agreed: that Agenda items 4 and 5 are held in closed session in line with normal protocol.

2. Draft Minutes of Proceedings of 9 May 2012

Agreed: that the minutes are published on the Assembly website.

3. Matters Arising

Table of Requests for Information from the Department of Finance and Personnel (DFP)

The Committee noted the table of requests for information from DFP which provided an update on any matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

The meeting moved into closed session at 10.04am

4. Legislative Consent Motion: Air Passenger Duty – Final consideration of draft Committee Report

Mr Hilditch joined the meeting at 10.07am

Mrs Cochrane joined the meeting at 10.10am

Members considered the Committee Report on the Legislative Consent Motion on Air Passenger Duty.  The Committee received a further briefing from Assembly Research on Air Passenger Duty. Members also noted correspondence from DFP and a member of the public on this issue.

Agreed: that paragraphs 1-9 stand part of the report;

Agreed: that paragraphs 10-17 stand part of the report;

Agreed: that paragraphs 18-20 stand part of the report;

Agreed: that paragraphs 21-22 stand part of the report;

Agreed: that paragraphs 23-27 stand part of the report;

Agreed: that paragraphs 28-30 stand part of the report;

Agreed: that paragraphs 31-45 stand part of the report;

Agreed: that paragraphs 46-50 stand part of the report;

Agreed: that paragraphs 51-55 stand part of the report;

Agreed: that paragraphs 56-68 stand part of the report;

Agreed: that paragraphs 69-77 stand part of the report;

Mr Humphrey left the meeting at 10.19am

Mr Humphrey returned to the meeting at 10.19am

Agreed: that recommendations 1-7, as amended, stand part of the report;

Agreed: that the appendices 1-7, as amended, stand part of the report;

Agreed: that the Committee report, as amended, on the proposed Legislative Consent Motion on the Finance Bill is made to the Assembly.

Members also considered a draft press release on the publication of the report.

Agreed: that the press release, as amended, is issued along with the report.

Mr Hilditch left the meeting at 10.45am

Mr Girvan left the meeting at 10.49am

5. Maximising the Assembly’s Contribution to the NI Budget Process – Initial consideration of draft Discussion Paper

The Committee held an initial consideration of the draft discussion paper – Maximising the Assembly’s contribution to the NI Budget Process. The Committee received a briefing from Assembly Research on Effective Legislative Scrutiny and noted correspondence from the Committee for the Environment on linking budgets to outcomes.

Mr Girvan returned to the meeting at 10.51am

Mr Hilditch returned to the meeting at 10.57am

Agreed: that the discussion paper would be amended to reflect Members’ deliberations.

The meeting moved into open session at 11.35am

6. Review of the Financial Process - DFP Briefing

The Committee received a briefing from the following DFP officials: Mike Brennan, Head of Central Expenditure Division and Agnes Lennon, Central Expenditure Division.

Mr McLaughlin declared an interest as the Assembly Private Secretary for the Department of Education.

Agreed: that the Committee would write to both the Department of Finance and Personnel and the Department of Education, though its scrutiny Committee, encouraging both to resolve issues in relation to the DFP paper on the review of the Financial Process.

Agreed: DFP officials would keep the Committee informed of any developments on this issue.

7. Correspondence

The Committee noted the following items of correspondence;

  • DFP: Disciplinary procedures for senior civil servants;
  • DFP: Improving spending control;
  • DFP: Future of Rates Element of Housing Benefit;
    Agreed: to schedule an oral briefing from DFP on this issue and to forward the correspondence to the Committee for Social Development.

The Committee also noted the following routine correspondence which was issued separately prior to the meeting:

  • Ex-Prisoners Working Group – Awareness Raising Event;

8. Committee Work Programme

Members considered a draft of the Committee work programme.

Agreed: that the Committee work programme is amended to reflect decisions made today, and that the revised programme is published on the Assembly website.

9. Any Other Business

10. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting

The Committee noted that some members will meet informally with representatives from the Commission on Devolution in Wales on Monday 21 May 2012 at 12noon in the Private Dining Room.

Agreed:  that Mrs Cochrane may send a substitute to attend on her behalf as she may not be available due to plenary business.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 23 May 2012 at 10.00am in Room 30, Parliament Buildings, Stormont.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12.00pm

Conor Murphy MP MLA
Chairperson, Committee for Finance and Personnel
23 May 2012