Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2012/2013

Date: 21 March 2013

Venue: Room 30, Parliament Buildings

The meeting began in public session at 10:01am.

1. Apologies

There were no apologies.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the meetings on 12 March 2013 and 14 March 2013 were agreed.

3. Matters Arising

Members noted a Departmental reply to Committee queries on the Marine Division budget.

4. Consultations

Pre-consultation seeking views on Policy Proposals for NI Climate Change Bill.

Agreed: That a copy of the synopsis of responses is requested.

Agreed: That a letter is sent to the Department asking for an update on the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and when it will be laid at the Assembly.

Agreed: That NI Assembly Research is requested to prepare a paper on the inclusion of greenhouse gas emission reduction targets in primary and subordinate legislation in the rest of the UK, other Member States and other countries.

Synopsis of responses to Consultation on Special Occasion Vehicles.

Agreed: That the Committee is content for the Department to proceed with the policy.

5. Proposals for Secondary Legislation

SL1 – The Pollution and Prevention and Control (Industrial Emissions) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2013.

Agreed: That the Committee is content for the Department to proceed with the policy.

SL1 – Draft Local Government Pension Scheme (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2013.

Mr Weir declared an interest as a member of North Down Borough Council.

Lord Morrow declared an interest as a member of Dungannon and South Tyrone Borough Council.

Agreed: That the Committee is content for the Department to proceed with the policy.

6. Departmental Update

Members noted George Best Belfast City Airport Planning Agreement compliance information.

7. Planning Bill

The Chairperson informed members that they had been provided with a paper from the Examiner of Statutory Rules on the delegated powers of the Planning Bill.

Agreed: That the paper from the Examiner of Statutory Rules is included in the final Committee report.

The Chairperson informed members that they had been provided with submissions to the Committee's call for evidence. The submissions include an anonymous contribution and a late submission from the Northern Ireland Retail Consortium.

Agreed: That a letter is sent to the anonymous contributor explaining that the Committee will not accept an anonymous submission and giving this contributor the opportunity to resubmit their submission.

Agreed: That the rest of the submissions, including the late submission, are included in the final Committee report.

Agreed: That the invitations to the Stakeholder event on 18 April 2013 are issued and that the event focuses on the 6 clauses/key issues discussed.

8. Correspondence

Letter from Mooreland & Owenvarragh Residents' Association in relation to the proposed development of Casement Park, Belfast.

Agreed: That a copy of the letter is forwarded to the Department for comment on the issues that are relevant to their remit.

Agreed: That a copy of the letter is forwarded to the Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure for information.

Copy of "Review of EU Waste Legislation" – Consultation of the Committee of the Regions' Subsidiarity Expert Group within the Subsidiarity Monitoring Network.

Agreed: That a copy of the document is forwarded to the Department asking if they will be making a response and, if so, could the Committee have sight of the response.

Request from QUB Student asking to meet/speak to a member of the Committee in relation to zero carbon policy.

Agreed: That the student's contact details of are forwarded to members in order for a meeting to be arranged.

Correspondence from Larne Promenade Action Group requesting to brief the Committee in relation to Larne Marina.

Agreed: That the Chairperson meets with representatives from the Larne Promenade Action Group on behalf of the Committee and reports back.

Members noted the following correspondence:
Letter to update the Committee on changes to Sustrans staffing structure in Northern Ireland.

Letter from the Department on the Environmental Noise Regulations (2002/19/EC (END)).

9. Departmental Briefing on Proposed Amendments to the Marine Bill

Departmental Officials briefed the Committee and answered members' questions on proposed amendments to the Marine Bill.

The main areas of discussion were potential impacts of displacement of activities within a proposed MCZ, the Wild Birds Directive and the timescale for consideration of these amendments.

Mrs Kelly joined the meeting at 10:25am.

Agreed: That a copy of the Departmental letter is forwarded to the Marine Taskforce and the Anglo North Irish Sea Producers Organisation for comment on the proposed amendment to the Committee's amendment to clause 12.

12. Departmental Briefing on Used Tyre Survey Report

Departmental Officials briefed the Committee and answered members' questions on the Used Tyre Survey Report.

The main areas of discussion were the Departmental action plan, Waste Management Licensing and a Duty of Care regime.

Mr Weir left the meeting at 10:47am.

Mr Elliott joined the meeting at 10:59am.

Mr Weir re-joined the meeting at 11:00am.

Agreed: That updated Committee recommendations are drafted for consideration at the next meeting.

14. Any other business

The Chairperson thanked the Committee Clerk for all her hard work and assistance to the Committee over the past 5 years.

15. Date, time and place of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 11 April 2013 at 10:00am in the Senate Chamber, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11:49am.

Anna Lo, MLA
Chairperson, Committee for the Environment
11 April 2013