Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2010/2011

Date: 27 January 2011


Mr Cathal Boylan (Chairperson) 
Mr Trevor Clarke 
Mr Danny Kinahan 
Mr Patsy McGlone 
Mr Alastair Ross 
Mr Peter Weir 
Mr Brian Wilson

In Attendance: 
Dr Alex McGarel (Assembly Clerk) 
Mr Sean McCann (Assistant Clerk) 
Mr Nathan McVeigh (Clerical Supervisor) 
Ms Antoinette Bowen (Clerical Officer)

Mr Thomas Buchanan 
Mr Willie Clarke 
Mr John Dallat 
Mr George Savage

The meeting began in public session at 10.10 a.m.

1. Apologies

Apologies are listed above.

2. Planning Bill Oral Evidence Session – Planning Task Force

The Planning Task Force briefed the Committee and answered members’ questions on their submission to the Committee’s call for evidence on the Planning Bill.

The main areas of discussion were award of costs, community plans, third party rights of appeal, subordinate legislation, sustainable development, community infrastructure levy and the need for a climate change duty.

Mr Trevor Clarke joined the meeting at 10.25a.m.

Agreed: That the Planning Task Force provides the Committee with details of how a community infrastructure levy operates in England.

Agreed: That the Department provides the Committee with the timescales for the delivery of sustainability across Departments.

The Chairperson informed members that they had been provided with a draft motion to extend Committee Stage of the Planning Bill to 1 March 2011.

Agreed: That the motion is lodged with the Business Office.

3Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill

The Committee noted further Departmental amendments to the Bill.

The Chairperson informed members that they now needed to consider the draft report on the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill which included a change to reflect the Committee’s decision, at the meeting on 26 January, to agree an amendment to Clause 16.

Agreed: That the report is ordered to be printed.

4. Minutes

The minutes from the meetings on 20 and 26 January were agreed.

5. Planning Bill Oral Evidence Session – Consumer Council

A Consumer Council official briefed the Committee and answered members’ questions on their submission to the Committee’s call for evidence on the Planning Bill.

The main areas of discussion were the Regional Development Strategy, community consultation, the need for guidance, the performance of councils, and third party rights of appeal.

Agreed: That the Department provides the Committee with a list of statutory consultees.

Mr Ross joined the meeting at 10.58a.m.

6. Planning Bill Oral Evidence Session – Community Places

Community Places representatives briefed the Committee and answered members’ questions on their submission to the Committee’s call for evidence on the Planning Bill.

Mr Weir joined the meeting at 11.20a.m.

The main areas of discussion were pre application community consultation, the need for guidance, statements of community involvement, the need for a statutory link between community planning and the local development plan, community investment levy, grant aid, independent examination, fees, developer contributions and third party rights of appeal.

Mr Trevor Clarke left the meeting at 11.35a.m.

7. Draft Budget 2011 – 2015

Members noted an Assembly Research paper on preventative spending and a DFP paper on Monitoring of Departmental Efficiency Delivery Plans.

The Chairperson informed members they had been provided with correspondence from the Freight Transport Association on the draft Departmental budget.

Agreed: That a copy of the correspondence is forwarded to the Department for comment.

The Chairperson informed members they had been provided with a draft Committee response to the Committee for Finance and Personnel’s call for submissions to a take note debate on the Draft Budget.

Agreed: That the response is issued.

The Chairperson informed members that the Committee had yet to receive a response from the Department on the status of the Roe Valley Hydro Electric Scheme project.

Agreed: That a reminder letter is sent to the Department for a response on this issue.

Mr McGlone left the meeting at 11.50a.m.

8. Proposal for secondary legislation

SL1 - Marine Licensing under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009

Agreed: That the Committee is content for the Department to proceed with the policy.

9. Statutory Rules

SR 2011/2 – The Solvent Emissions (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2011

Agreed: That the Committee for the Environment has considered SR 2011/2 – The Solvent Emissions (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2011and has no objection to this rule.

10. Correspondence

E-mail from NILGA requesting a meeting with the Committee to discuss issues regarding Landfill Regulations.

Agreed: That the Chairperson meets NILGA officials on this issue and brings a report of the meeting back to the Committee.

Letter from Volunteer Now regarding the effect of budget cuts on volunteer based organisations ability to fund adequate volunteer support.

Agreed: That a letter is sent to the Department asking for further details of the funding to NGOs.

Members noted the following items of correspondence:

Copy of CRC Beyond Belfast Contested Spaces in Urban, Rural and Cross Border Settings.

Copy of Healthy Cities Belfast 2009 – 2010 Annual Review.

Note of the key issues discussed and decisions taken at the Chairpersons’ Liaison Group meeting – Tuesday 18 January.

Letter to advise of the Minister’s intention to approve planning application Z/2008/0599 – former Sirocco Works site, Short Strand, Belfast.

Copy of DVA 2009/2010 Annual Report and Accounts.

11. Planning Bill Oral Evidence Session – Ministerial Advisory Group

An official from the Ministerial Advisory Group briefed the Committee and answered members’ questions on their submission to the Committee’s call for evidence on the Planning Bill.

The main areas of discussion were community involvement, community networks, pre application community consultation, local masterplanning, capacity building, statements of community involvement, business improvement districts, simplified planning zones and areas of townscape character.

Agreed: That the Ministerial Advisory Group provides the Committee with further information on simplified planning zones and business improvement districts.

Mr McGlone returned to the meeting at 12.02p.m. 
Mr Kinahan left the meeting at 12.05p.m.

12. Planning Bill Oral Evidence Session – Professor Greg Lloyd

Professor Greg Lloyd briefed the Committee and answered members’ questions on their submission to the Committee’s call for evidence on the Planning Bill.

The main areas of discussion were the Scottish planning model, the Regional Development Strategy, the Department’s role in the Bill, the role of developers, the need to invest and resource the planning system, community aspirations, joint working between departments, the hierarchy of planning, simplified planning zones, cost neutrality and the definition of community.

11. Date, time and place of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 1 February 2011 at 10.00a.m in The Senate Chamber, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 1.00 p.m.

Cathal Boylan
Chairperson, Committee for the Environment
3 February 2011