Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2012/2013

Date: 19 March 2013

Venue: Room 29, Parliament Buildings

The meeting began at 12.35pm in public session with the Clerk in the Chair.

The Clerk called for nominations for the position of a temporary Chairperson. Ms Sue Ramsey proposed that: Mr Alban Maginness be temporary Chairperson of the Committee. Mr Steven Agnew seconded this and the nomination was accepted.

On there being no further nominations the Clerk put the question without debate.
Agreed: The Committee agreed that Mr Maginness, being the only candidate proposed, be temporary Chairperson of the Committee.

1. Apologies

Apologies are detailed above.

Patsy McGlone joined the meeting at 12.37pm and took the Chair.

2. Chairperson's Business

Members considered a request from Northern Ireland Digital Circle.

Agreed: for the Chair and Deputy Chair to meet with NI Digital Circle.

Members considered a request from the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) to sponsor the Workers Memorial Day on 22 April 2013 and 28 April 2014.

Agreed: to sponsor both events.

Members noted an invitation to the Chair to the UITP Geneva 60th World Congress and Mobility & City Transport Exhibition.

Members considered the date the Minister has agreed to address key issues raised by the Committee.

Agreed: to receive a briefing from the Minister on 9 May.

Members considered a request from NI Science ParkCONNECT to present to the Committee the Knowledge Economy Index findings.

Agreed: to receive an oral briefing on 23 May.

Stephen Moutray left the meeting at 12.40pm

Members considered the Economic Advisory Group Access to Finance Report.

Agreed: to include as a substantive item after recess.

Members considered two articles by PWC on the economic growth of Northern Ireland.

Agreed: to invite PWC to brief the Committee after recess.

3. Minutes of meetings held on 7, 12 and 14 March 2013.

Members considered the draft minutes of 7, 12, and 14 March 2013.

Minutes were agreed.

Gordon Dunne joined the meeting at 12.43pm

Phil Flanagan joined the meeting at 12.43pm

Sue Ramsey left the meeting at 12.44pm

4. Matters Arising

Members noted a response by the Department to the request for clarification of the delivery mechanism for the tourism event fund and how it is scored.

Members noted a response from Invest NI to the request for the details of the CEO's individual performance targets.

Members considered a response from the Department to a request for clarification on the Tourism Order and potential for a 'Rent a Room' scheme.

Agreed: to forward the response to NILGA for distribution to the 26 district councils for information.

5. The One Plan:– Written Briefing from Ilex

Members considered the speech made by the Londonderry Chamber of Commerce at the Committee's working breakfast on the 14 March.

Agreed: to receive a briefing from the Londonderry Chamber of Commerce.

Members considered correspondence to the Chair from the Londonderry Chamber of Commerce.

Agreed: to forward the correspondence to the Department for comment.

Agreed: to seek clarification from the Department why the bid of £1.3m for Derry City Council's marketing plan was not successful.

Agreed: to receive an update from the Department on the current position of the marketing plan and if there is any scope to provide funding at some level.

6. Subordinate Legislation: SL1 – Proposed Gas and Electricity (Internal Markets) Regulations (NI) 2013

Members considered a proposal for subordinate legislation from the Department.

Agreed: that the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment has considered the Department's proposal for subordinate legislation under – Proposed Gas and Electricity (Internal Markets) Regulations (NI) 2013 and has no objection to the policy implications of the proposed legislation at this stage.

7. Subordinate Legislation: SL1 – Proposed electricity (Dispute Resolution) Regulations (NI) 2013

Members considered a proposal for subordinate legislation from the Department.

Agreed: that the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment has considered the Department's proposal for subordinate legislation under Proposed Electricity (Dispute Resolution) Regulations (NI) 2013 and has no objection to the policy implications of the proposed legislation at this stage.

8. Subordinate Legislation: SL1 – Proposed Electricity (Class Exemptions from the Requirement for a licence) Order (NI) 2013

Members considered a proposal for subordinate legislation from the Department.

Agreed: that the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment has considered the Department's proposal for subordinate legislation under Proposed Electricity (Class Exemptions from the Requirement for a licence) Order (NI) 2013 and has no objection to the policy implications of the proposed legislation at this stage.

9. Subordinate Legislation: SL1 – The Sharp Instruments in Healthcare Regulations (NI) 2013

Members considered a proposal for subordinate legislation from the Department.

Agreed: that the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment has considered the Department's proposal for subordinate legislation under The Sharp Instruments in Healthcare Regulations (NI) 2013 and has no objection to the policy implications of the proposed legislation at this stage.

10. Correspondence

Members noted the following items of correspondence for action:

i. From Financial Services Authority (SFA) regarding the review of the IT failure at RBS.
Agreed: to receive the Terms of Reference of the review from the Financial Services Authority.

ii. From Trade Unions representing employees in Ballylumford and Kilroot Power Stations a request to meet with the Chair.

Agreed: to invite the Employee Representatives Committee to meet with the Chair and Deputy Chair.

Alban Maginness left the meeting at 12.55pm

Sandra Overend left the meeting at 12.55pm

iii. From the Committee for Employment and Learning a request for Invest NI led delegation to visit CERN for possible tendering opportunities.

Agreed: to forward the request to Invest NI for comment.

Alban Maginness left the meeting at 12.55pm

Members noted the following items of correspondence

iv. From the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) regarding the RIDDOR legislation.

11. Any other business

Members noted the invitation from the Committee for Finance and Personnel in relation to the briefing by the Departments regarding the £18m European funding for the Titanic Signature Project.

12. Date, time and place of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will take place on 11 April 2013 at 10.00am in Room 30, Parliament Buildings.

The Chair adjourned the meeting at 13.09pm

Mr Patsy McGlone
Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment
11 April 2013

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