9 February 1999


Present:Mr PJ Bradley

Mrs J Carson

Mr B McElduff

Mr K McCarthy

Mrs I Robinson

In the Chair:Mrs I Robinson

In Attendance:Ms G Campbell, Mr T Evans, Ms Sutton, MsConnelly

1.The minutes of the first meeting were accepted.

2.Matters Arising

Mr McElduff tabled a report on his visit to Leinster House. Members endorsed the idea of providing Members, travelling on official business, with a gift pack.

At the last meeting Members had asked about the size of the budget. Mrs Robinson advised that no budget had been identified at this stage and that the Committee should work up a costed proposal which would then be considered by the Shadow Commission.

3.Discussion with House of Lords Staff

Mrs Robinson introduced Carol Sutton and Amelia Connelly who run the Lords Gift Shop. They outlined the House of Lords operation and then provided advice on how the House Committee should proceed:

Ÿ start with small product range (25-30);

Ÿ popular items will be chocolates and drink;

Ÿ need to consider customer base;

Ÿ shelf-life of goods is a consideration;

Ÿ products should be unique to the Assembly (copyright and trade mark issues); and

Ÿ where possible source local companies.

4.Discussion with Peter White

Peter White, DOE architect, joined the meeting. The Committee then visited the site for the gift shop and offered ideas on the development of the shop including display facilities, storage and a mobile counter. Mr White suggested what might be practicable and agreed to draw up a costed proposal for the next meeting. Mr White advised that it would take 16-20 weeks to complete the work.

5.Action Plan

The House Committee agreed that a proposal would need to be submitted to the Shadow Commission covering:

Ÿ plans, costings and timescales;

Ÿ product range and sources;

Ÿ staffing; and

Ÿ transitional arrangements.

6.Any Other Business

Ÿ Mr McElduff raised the issue of what Members should do if approached by local suppliers. It was agreed that the Clerk should issue a standard acknowledgement letter;

Ÿ The House Committee considered the types of products which could be used for the gift shop and agreed that all packaging should be in the Assembly house style.

Ÿ The House Committee agreed that Mrs Robinson and Mrs Carson should visit the House of Lords before the next meeting. Mr McElduff stated that he was unhappy about any visits on a value for money basis and asked that his concern be minuted.

7.Date of the Next Meeting

Thursday 04 March at 2.00 pm.

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