Martina Anderson - Winding Up Expenditure

Figures for April 2012 - February 2013

Account Name
Transaction Date
Transaction Amount
Expenditure Description
Supplier Name
Winding-Up Rent and Rates 12-Jun-12 £1,027.73 Rathmor Business Park, Derry - Apr 12 - Mar 13 Creggan Enterprises Ltd
Winding-Up Rent and Rates 12-Jun-12 £421.48 Rathmor Business Park, Derry - Jun 12 Creggan Enterprises Ltd
Winding-Up Rent and Rates 03-Jul-12 £665.50 Rathmor Business Park, Derry - Jul 12 Creggan Enterprises Ltd
Winding-Up Rent and Rates 01-Aug-12 £665.50 Rathmor Business Park, Derry - Aug 12 Creggan Enterprises Ltd
Winding-Up Rent and Rates 03-Sep-12 £665.50 Rathmor Business Park, Derry - Sep 12 Creggan Enterprises Ltd
Support Staff Costs   £12,958.25 Support Staff Costs  