
90 Members of Staff from the NI Assembly volunteered to attend autism awareness training sessions on the 19th December 2011, 23rd March 2012 and 24th July 2012.

10 Staff Trained as Autism Champions on 7th September 2012.

In December 2013 twelve autism champions attended accredited training run by AutismNI. A picture of some of the Autism Champions with their certificates is below:

In December 2013 twelve autism champions attended accredited training run by AutismNI.

In 2015 some of our staff attended an Understanding and Supporting Young People with Autism Conference.

In 2017 staff attended a Masterclass on Autism Awareness.

In 2020 staff attended a Supporting and Engaging People with Autism course.

In 2022 as part of National Inclusion Week staff attending Understanding Autism and Neurodiversity Awareness training.

In 2023 staff attended workshops on Understanding Inclusion, Hidden Disabilities and Celebrating Autism.

In June 2023 our Autism Champions attended refresher training.

As well as face-to-face training since 2017 staff have also completed regular online training on ASD and Supporting Autistic People.