November 2011

Video Archive

Synopsis: Video Archive of Question Time from November 2011

Health - Question Time

HSSPS 29 Nov 2011


Questions to the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety

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Finance & Personnel - Question Time

Finance and Personnel 29 Nov 2011


Questions to the Minister of Finance and Personnel

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Environment - Question Time

Environment 28 Nov 2011

Questions to the Minister of the Environment

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Agriculture - Question Time

Agriculture 28 Nov 2011

Questions to the Minister of Agriculture

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ETI - Question Time

ETI 22 Nov 2011


Questions to the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment

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Employment & Learning - Question Time

Employment & Learning 22 Nov 2011


Questions to the Minister of Employment and Learning

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Agriculture - Question Time

Agriculture 21 Nov 2011


Questions to the Minister for Agriculture

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Education 21 Nov 2011


Questions to the Minister for Education

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CAL - Question Time

Culture, Arts & Leisure 15 Nov 2011

Questions to the Minister for Culture, Arts and Leisure.

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Social Development - Question Time

Social Development 15 Nov 2011


Questions to the Minister of Social Development

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Regional Development - Question Time

Regional Development 14 Nov 2011

Questions to the Minister for Regional Development

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First Minister - Question Time

OFMdFM 14 Nov 2011

Questions to the First Minister (OFMdFM)

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Justice - Question Time

Justice 8 Nov 2011

Questions to the Minister for Justice

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Health - Question Time

HSSPS 8 Nov 2011

Questions to the Minister for Health,Social Services and Public Safety

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Environment - Question Time

Question Time 7 Nov 2011

Questions to the Minister of the Environment and Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment

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