Speaker Announces New Ad-Hoc COVID-19 Response Committee Meeting

Session: Session currently unavailable

Date: 07 April 2020

Reference: SO 7/19/20

Speaker of the Northern Ireland Assembly, Alex Maskey MLA, today announced the first meeting of a new Ad Hoc Committee set up to respond to COVID-19.

The Committee’s first meeting will be in the Assembly Chamber on Tuesday, 7 April at 2.30pm when the First and deputy First Ministers will deliver a statement, followed by a statement from the Minister for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs.

Speaker Maskey said “This Ad hoc Committee is an important way for Assembly scrutiny of Ministers to continue, in a different but no less rigorous way, in these challenging times. It will provide a flexible way for all MLAs to be updated by Ministers and to raise with them issues affecting their constituents in what is a very fast moving situation.

“The creation of this Committee comes alongside a range of other decisions the Assembly has taken, with the cooperation of all parties, in managing its business in these exceptional times. I hope that it will make a positive contribution to the many decisions and policies that will be put into place over the coming weeks and months.”