Brexit Reading Lists

Synopsis: A list of information resources which address the potential impacts of Brexit on Northern Ireland.

Brexit and Northern Ireland:
Reading Lists

For political, economic, geographic and social reasons, the impacts on Northern Ireland of UK withdrawal from the EU might be expected to differ in important ways from the impact of withdrawal on other parts of the UK. Most obviously, Northern Ireland is unique in that it is the only part of the UK which has a land border with an EU Member State. In addition, Northern Ireland will be subject to the Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol.

When compiling these reading lists, therefore, an attempt has been made to select commentary, analysis and media coverage which has particular relevance to the specific context of Northern Ireland and future of the border. The lists, however, also include strategically important documents, such as the published positions of the UK and Irish governments and the EU institutions, and documents addressing the leave process, the transition period and negotiations. Material from the devolved institutions in Scotland and Wales has also been included, given the potential relevance and read across to the work of the Executive and the Assembly.

As the volume of published material on Brexit is vast and varied, these reading lists do not purport to be comprehensive sources covering all issues and opinions. However, the material has been drawn from a wide range of well established and authoritative sources and RaISe intends to update the reading lists as appropriate.

Six reading lists are available:

Brexit Outcomes and Northern Ireland: A Reading List (first published 15 February 2021; last updated 6 February 2024) 

Brexit Transition and Northern Ireland: A Reading List (first published 10th June 2020; last updated 31st December 2020)

COVID-19 and Brexit: A Reading List (first published on Research Matters on 16th April 2020; last updated 19th May 2020) 

Brexit and Northern Ireland: A Reading List  (which was last updated on 31st January 2020).