Brexit Transition - Hubs and Blogs

Synopsis: A selection of the many hubs and blogs available which provide access to information and commentary on Brexit.





NI Direct : Brexit - NI advice on leaving the EU
This hub provides information about Brexit and how it might relate specifically to Northern Ireland or to people living in Northern Ireland.

Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) - Post-Brexit Hub
The purpose of this hub is to identify and help individuals understand the changes which affect Scotland. It is organised into three sections: common frameworks, intergovernmental relations and key legislation. Developments in these areas will determine how Scotland and the rest of the UK interact post EU exit.

Welsh Government - Preparing Wales
This website sets out advice for citizens, organisations and sectors across Wales about the steps that need to be taken in relation to Brexit.  The site is updated regularly.



Birmingham City University - Centre for Brexit Studies
The Centre for Brexit Studies is a research centre which explores all aspects of the Brexit Referendum and life beyond the European Union. Their team of experts examine the impact Brexit could have on society, business and the economy. The team also regularly comment on issues surrounding British politics and the Government’s role worldwide..

DCU Brexit Institute
Dublin City University (DCU) has established the Brexit Research & Policy Institute with the aim to explore how Brexit impacts on government, business and society at large. The Brexit Research & Policy Institute operates as a hub and a magnet for the analysis of Brexit, both from an academic and a policy perspective. Through the organization of regular events the Brexit Research & Policy Institute provides a leading platform to document and debate developments in the relations between the UK and the EU.

The Open University – Brexit Hub
Analysis and expert commentary on Britain's changing relationship with the European Union and the global world. This hub provides access to information on Brexit, broken down into the following categories; welfare, politics, culture, business and environment.  

Queen's University Belfast - Brexit: Insight and Analysis
Queen’s on Brexit brings together leading academics from Queen’s University who can provide an authoritative voice on the Brexit process, the many policy areas affected by Brexit, and the subsequent impact on Northern Ireland, the island of Ireland, the UK and the EU-27.

Ulster University Brexit Hub
This hub provides access to Ulster University academics world-leading research across a range of core themes which are vital to the Brexit discussion. It also provides key information on the potential impacts of leaving the EU for University students and staff. (Research articles not updated beyond Oct 2019 but student information is updated.)

University College London, Constitution Unit – UCL Brexit Hub
The UCL Brexit Hub is UCL's portal for research, academic content and expertise on all things Brexit.  It collates publications, blog posts, video interviews, media commentary, and policy engagement and is updated regularly. 


Business and Industry

Chartered Accountants Ireland - Brexit
This hub provides access to a range of information bulletins and guides on all aspects of  Brexit.

CIPD Brexit Hub
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development is an independent and not-for-profit organisation.  This hub provides resources and guidance to help businesses plan for and support their workforces through the post-Brexit period while longer-term trade and immigration arrangements are worked out.

Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
This site provides access to a range of resourcesfor help and guidance now that the transition period has ended and a UK-EU trade deal has been reached.

Institute of Directors: Navigating Brexit for Business
The IoD’s Navigating Brexit hub contains a wide range of information about what Brexit means  for businesses. Here you can find news, fact sheets and blogs providing comprehensive updates and expert analysis. 

Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Brexit Links 
This site provides useful Brexit Links and also links to the NI Chamber's International Hub, which provides export and customs documentation, workshops, training and international trade advice

techUK EU Exit Hub
techUK represents the technical industry in the UK.  This hub contains the latest information that the digital sector will need to ensure that it is ready to do business post brexit.



Gov.UK: The UK has left The EU 
Policy documents from the UK Government

Government of Ireland: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade  
This site provides information on developments in the negotiations on the EU-UK future relationship, the Irish Government's Brexit Readiness Action Plan, outreach events, and ongoing consultation work on Brexit. You can also access comprehensive FAQs  and read key documents published by the Government outlining its negotiation strategy and preparations for the potential impacts of Brexit.

European Commission: Relations with the United Kingdom
Following the United Kingdom's departure from the European Union on 31 January 2020, this site provides information on what has already been agreed and what is currently being negotiated and prepared.



Institute of International and European Affairs: Brexit
The Institute of International and European Affairs is Ireland’s leading think tank on European and International affairs. It is an independent, not-for-profit organisation with charitable status. Its aim is to provide a forum for those with an interest in strategic planning in Irish Foreign and EU policy, and to evaluate and disseminate strategic policy options in these areas. The relationship between the UK and the EU, and its implications for Ireland, has been a central element of the IIEA's events and research programme for over two decades. The programme monitors and analyses the latest developments in Brexit, the UK's future relationship with Europe, and the constitutional future of the UK itself.

Politico - Brexit Transition
Politico covers the politics, policy and personalities of the European Union.  This section is dedicated to Brexit transition and includes the latest news, polling, analysis and comment about the UK’s departure from the European Union.




House of Commons Library: Brexit

Northern Ireland Assembly, Research and Information Service – Research Matters: Brexit

National Assembly for Wales, Research Service Blog – In Brief: Brexit



This is a collaborative ESRC-funded research project between the Law Schools of Queen’s University Belfast and Ulster University and the region’s leading human rights organisation, the Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ).  This blog is part of the BrexitLawNI hub and the resource examines the constitutional, conflict transformation, human rights and equality consequences of Brexit. 

Cardiff University: Welsh Brexit / Brexit a Chymru
Constructive debate and analysis on issues relating to Wales and the UK's exit of the European Union. (not updated since Nov. 2019)

Centre on Constitutional Change: Researching the Issues. Informing the Debate 
The Centre on Constitutional Change (CCC) was established in August 2013 to research the UK’s changing constitutional relationships. Based at the University of Edinburgh, its fellows also include academics from the Universities of Aberdeen, Cardiff, Stirling, Strathclyde, QMUL and the National Institute of Economic and Social Research. The Centre also acts as a hub for a much wider network of scholars across the UK and beyond engaged in analysis of contemporary constitutional issues.

DCU Brexit Institute
Dublin City University (DCU) has established the Brexit Research & Policy Institute with the aim to explore how Brexit impacts on government, business and society at large. The Brexit Research & Policy Institute operates as a hub and a magnet for the analysis of Brexit, both from an academic and a policy perspective. Through the organization of regular events the Brexit Research & Policy Institute provides a leading platform to document and debate developments in the relations between the UK and the EU.

Edinburgh University - European Futures
European Futures is an academic blog from the University of Edinburgh and the Edinburgh Europa Institute. The blog is an online platform featuring commentary, analysis and insight on Europe and European affairs, broadly defined, by academics and practitioners from the University of Edinburgh and beyond.

Irish Association for Contemporary European Studies (IACES)
The IACES brings together European Studies scholars and practitioners from across the island of Ireland to foster collaboration and disseminate scholarly research on European Integration and membership of the EU.

LSE Brexit 2020:  Latest thinking and Research about Brexit
LSE Brexit is a multidisciplinary, evidence-based blog run by the London School of Economics and Political Science. It is part of the ‘LSE Programme on Brexit’, run jointly by the European Institute and the School of Public Policy..

London School of Economics and Political Science: British Politics and Policy Blog
BPP is a multidisciplinary academic blog run by the London School of Economics and Political Science. Its central aim is to increase the public understanding of British politics and policy by providing accessible academic commentary and research.

OXPOL – The Oxford University Politics Blog
Hosted by the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Oxford, this blog aims to promote the department’s academic research and commentary to readers in and outside the university. Any political or other views expressed in the articles made available on this website are those of the individuals who contributed them and do not represent the views of the Department of Politics and International Relations or the University.

QPOL - Europe
QPol is the ‘front door’ for public policy engagement at Queen’s University Belfast, supporting academics and policymakers in sharing evidence-based research and ideas on the major social, cultural and economic challenges facing society regionally, nationally and beyond.  This section is dedicated to Europe.

RTE News - Brexit
Brexit related news articles, updated daily.

UCL Europe Blog
This site features a range of blogs, videos and publications on topics related to Brexit, British politics and EU politics from UCL academics and other experts

UK in a Changing Europe
Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), and based at King’s College London, this blog explores the key aspects of UK and EU dynamics, including:

  • Impact of EU policies: how EU policies make a difference in areas such as, the single market, financial regulation, trade, investment, growth and the free movement of people
  • Attitudes towards the EU: social and political ttitudes, the nature of euroscepticism, generational differences, the media’s role
  • A changing UK in a changing EU: differences in public opinion in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales; implications of constitutional changes in the UK and implications of British exit for different parts of the UK.



Brexit Border Blog
An independent source of facts, news and analysis on the impact of Brexit on the island of Ireland.  This blog is managed by Fearghal McKinney (former MLA and television reporter/presenter) and Seamus Murphy (who has a background in financial journalism).

Public Law for Everyone: Brexit
This blog is written by Mark Elliott, Professor of Public Law at the University of Cambridge, a Fellow of St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, and Legal Adviser to the House of Lords Select Committee on the Constitution.  However the views set out in this blog are expressed in a purely personal capacity.

The Brexit Blog
A personal blog by Chris Grey, on the consequences of Brexit.  Chris Grey is Professor of Organization Studies at Royal Holloway, University of London, and previously a professor at Cambridge University and Warwick University.

The Conversation - Brexit 
The Conversation is an independent source of news and views, sourced from the academic and research community and delivered direct to the public.