Order Paper

Date: 28 February 2022

Indicative Timings for the Order of Business

The Assembly to sit at noon.

1. Prayers

2. Public Petition

Save Stonebridge, Conlig

Mr Andrew Muir


3. Assembly Business

Consideration of business not concluded on Thursday 24 February 2022

Motion: Suspension of Standing Orders 10(2) to 10(4)


That Standing Orders 10(2) to 10(4) be suspended for 28 February 2022.

Mr John O’Dowd
Ms Joanne Bunting
Mrs Dolores Kelly
Mr Robbie Butler
Mr Andrew Muir
Ms Clare Bailey

4. Executive Committee Business

Consideration Stage: Budget Bill (55/17-22)

          Minister of Finance


Final Stage: School Age Bill (NIA Bill 52/17-22)

Minister of Education


Consideration Stage: General Teaching Council (Directions) Bill (NIA Bill 54/17-22)

Minister of Education


Further Consideration Stage: Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (Amendment) Bill (NIA Bill 36/17-22)


Minister for Communities


Further Consideration Stage: Climate Change (No. 2) Bill (NIA Bill 28/17-22)

Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs


5. Question Time

5.1 Infrastructure

5.2 Justice


6. Committee Business

Motion: Public Accounts Committee Reports and Memoranda of Reply


That this Assembly takes note of the following Public Accounts Committee Reports;

Report on Major Capital Projects (NIA 46/17-22),

Report on The Management of the NI Direct Strategic Partner Project – helping to deliver Digital Transformation and The LandWeb Project: An Update (NIA 68/17-22),

Report on Impact Review of Special Educational Needs (NIA 75/17-22),

Report on Capacity and Capability in Northern Ireland Civil Service (NIA 97/17-22),

Report on Driver and Vehicle Agency 2019 – 2020 (NIA 101/17-22),

Report on Generating Electricity from Renewable Energy (NIA 123/17-22), and

Speeding up the Justice System (NIA 127/17-22),

and the following Department of Finance and Personnel Memoranda of Reply;

Report on Major Capital Projects,

Report on The Management of the NI Direct Strategic Partner Project – helping to deliver Digital Transformation and The LandWeb Project: An Update,

Report on Impact Review of Special Educational Needs,

Report on Capacity and Capability in Northern Ireland Civil Service,

Report on Driver and Vehicle Agency 2019 – 2020,

Report on Generating Electricity from Renewable Energy, and

Speeding up the Justice System.

Chairperson, Public Accounts Committee


7. Adjournment