Order Paper

Date: 01 March 2022

Indicative Timings for the Order of Business

The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.


1. Prayers

2. Assembly Business

Consideration of Executive and Committee Business not concluded on Monday 28 February 2022

3. Executive Committee Business

Motion: The Coronavirus Act 2020 (Extension of Provisions Related to Courts, Tribunals and Inquests) Order (Northern Ireland) 2022


That the Coronavirus Act 2020 (Extension of Provisions Related to Courts, Tribunals and Inquests) Order (Northern Ireland) 2022 be approved.

Minister of Justice


Motion: The Rates (Regional Rates) Order (Northern Ireland) 2022


That the Rates (Regional Rates) Order (Northern Ireland) 2022 be affirmed.

Minister of Finance

Motion: The draft Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme (Amendment) Order 2022


That the draft Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme (Amendment) Order 2022 be approved.

Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs


Further Consideration Stage: Motor Vehicles (Compulsory Insurance) Bill (NIA Bill 53/17-22)

Minister for Infrastructure


Final Stage: Welfare Supplementary Payment (Amendment) Bill (NIA Bill 50/17-22)

Minister for Communities


Consideration Stage: Support for Mortgage Interest etc. (Security for Loans) Bill (NIA Bill 42/17-22)

Minister for Communities


4. Question Time

4.1     Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

4.2     Health


5. Committee Business

Motion: Extension of Committee Stage: Employment (Zero Hours Workers and Banded Weekly Working Hours) Bill (NIA Bill 46/17-22)


That, in accordance with Standing Order 33(4), the period referred to in Standing Order 33(2) be extended to 25 March 2022, in relation to the Committee Stage of the Employment (Zero Hours Workers and Banded Weekly Working Hours) Bill.

Chairperson, Committee for the Economy

Motion: Amend Standing Order 12


          In Standing Order 12—

          In paragraph (1), leave out “both Executive Committee and private members’ business” and insert “Executive Committee, opposition and private members’ business.”; and

          After paragraph (4), insert:

       “(4A) Where there is an opposition, in each session of the Assembly ten days shall be allotted for opposition business.”

Chairperson, Committee on Procedures



Motion: Amend Standing Order 18A


          In Standing Order 18A, after paragraph (5), insert:

       “(5A) Where there is an opposition, the first question on the statement shall be asked by a member of the opposition.”

Chairperson, Committee on Procedures


Motion: Amend Standing Order 20


          In Standing Order 20—

          In paragraph (7), leave out “The Speaker shall determine, by means of a random selection, the order in which questions are taken,” and insert “Subject to paragraph 7A, the Speaker shall determine, by means of a random selection, the order in which questions are taken.”; 

          After paragraph (7), insert:

       “(7A) Where there is an opposition, the first question to the Minister shall be asked by a member of the opposition.  Otherwise, the first question may not be asked by a member of the same party as the Minister (unless all the questions are from members of that party).”;

Leave out paragraph (8), and insert:

       “(8) Answers to oral questions may not be debated, but supplementary questions may be asked in accordance with paragraph (8A).”;


Leave out paragraph (8A) and insert:

“(8A)   This paragraph makes further provision about supplementary questions.

(a) A supplementary question shall contain no more than one enquiry.

(b) The Speaker shall ensure that—

(i)    the first supplementary question may be asked by the member who submitted the question for oral answer.

(ii)    The second supplementary question may be asked by a member of the opposition (where there is an opposition).

(c) Paragraph (b)(ii) applies only to the first three questions for oral answer taken by each Minister.

(d) Additional supplementary questions may be asked at the discretion of the Speaker.”; and


After paragraph (8A), insert:

“(8B)   Subject to the discretion of the Speaker to allow additional time, answers to oral questions (including answers to supplementary questions) shall last no more than two minutes.”

Chairperson, Committee on Procedures

Amend Standing Order 20A


          In Standing Order (20A)—

          In paragraph (5), leave out “paragraphs 6-8” and insert “paragraphs (6)–(7)”; 

          Leave out paragraphs (6), (7) and (8) and insert:

“(6) Where there is an opposition—

(a) if the Minister taking questions for oral answer is the First Minister or deputy First Minister, the first and second topical questions to that Minister shall be asked by the Leader of the Opposition and (if any) the Deputy Leader of the Opposition; and

(b) if the Minister taking questions for oral answer is not the First Minister or deputy First Minister, the first topical question shall be asked by a member of the opposition who has submitted his or her name to the Speaker under paragraph (3) (and if there is more than one such member, the Speaker shall determine by which member the question shall be asked).

(7) When paragraph (6) has been applied, the Speaker shall determine, by means of a random selection, the members from whom subsequent questions shall be taken.”;

Leave out paragraph (8);

Renumber paragraph (9) as paragraph (8);

Renumber paragraph (10) as paragraph (9);

Renumber paragraph (11) as paragraph (10);

Renumber paragraph (12) as paragraph (11);

Renumber paragraph (13) as paragraph (12); and

In the renumbered paragraph (12), after “paragraphs (2), (8A),”, insert “(8B),”

Chairperson, Committee on Procedures


Motion: Amend Standing Order 20B


In Standing Order 20B(4), after “Paragraphs (8) ”, insert “, (8A)”.

Chairperson, Committee on Procedures


Motion: Amend Standing Order 45A


Leave out Standing Order 45A, and insert:

 “45A. The Opposition

(1) A party may choose to be recognised as the opposition, or part of the opposition, if no member of that party holds a Ministerial office and it satisfies any of the following conditions—

(a) the party was entitled to nominate a person to hold Ministerial office under section 18(2) to (6) of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, and declined to do so;

(b) during the relevant period, the party was entitled to nominate a person to hold a Ministerial office under section 18(10) of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, and declined to do so; or

(c) the party’s members comprise 8% or more of the total number of members of the Assembly at the end of the day on which the Assembly first meets.


(2) Where only one party is recognised as the opposition in accordance with paragraph 1, the nominating officer of that party must nominate a person who is a member of the Assembly and that party to be the Leader of the Opposition.

(3) Where two or more parties form the opposition, then—

(a) the nominating officer of the largest party must nominate a person who is a member of the Assembly and that party to be the Leader of the Opposition

(b) the nominating officer of the second largest party must nominate a person who is a member of the Assembly and that party to be the Deputy Leader of the Opposition.

(4) The opposition is dissolved if either of the following conditions are met–

(a) The Assembly is dissolved; or

(b) all Ministers cease to hold office in accordance with section 18(1) of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 

(5) In this order “relevant period” means the period of two years beginning with the date on which the Ministerial offices are filled under section 16A(3)(b) of the Northern Ireland Act 1998.”


Chairperson, Committee on Procedures



Motion: Amend Standing Order 49(2)


In Standing Order 49(2)—

After paragraph (b), insert:

“(c)     that, where there is an opposition, and so far as practicable, at least one seat on each statutory committee is allocated to a member of the opposition;”;

Renumber paragraph (c) as paragraph (d);

Renumber paragraph (d) as paragraph (e);

Renumber paragraph (e) as paragraph (f);

In the renumbered paragraph (e), leave out “subject to paragraphs (b) and (c) above” and insert “subject to paragraphs (b) to (d)”; and

In the renumbered paragraph (f), leave out “subject to paragraphs (b) and (d) above” and insert “subject to paragraphs (b), (c) and (d)”.

Chairperson, Committee on Procedures


Motion: Amend Standing Order 55


In Standing Order 55(6), at end insert:

“Where there is an opposition, at least one member of the Business Committee must be a member of the opposition.”


Chairperson, Committee on Procedures


Motion: Amend Standing Order 56


In Standing Order 56, after paragraph (3), insert:

“(4) Where there is an opposition—

(a) The chairperson of the committee is to be nominated by the Leader of the Opposition.

(b) The deputy chairperson of the committee is to be nominated by the Deputy Leader of the Opposition (if any).”


Chairperson, Committee on Procedures

Motion: Amend Standing Order 81


In Standing Order 81, after the definition of “Guide to the Rules”, insert:

“ “member of the opposition” means a member who is a member of political party which forms or forms part of the opposition in accordance with standing order 45A.”


Chairperson, Committee on Procedures



6. Private Members’ Business

Second Stage: Trade Union and Labour Relations (Amendment) Bill (NIA Bill 49/17-22)

Mr Gerry Carroll


7. Adjournment