Order Paper

Reference: OP 7 - 17/22

Date: 03 February 2020


1. Prayers


2. Assembly Business

Motion: Nomination of the Acting Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman


That this Assembly, in accordance with paragraph 12(2) of Schedule 1 to the Public Services Ombudsman Act (Northern Ireland) 2016, nominates Paul McFadden for appointment as the Acting Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman.

Mr John Blair
Mr Keith Buchanan
Mr Robbie Butler
Mrs Dolores Kelly
Mr John O’Dowd


3. Question Time

3.1 The Executive Office

3.2 Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

3.3 Communities

3.4 Economy


4. Private Members’ Business

Motion: Autism Training in Schools


That this Assembly recognises the specific needs of pupils with autism in our schools; values and supports the role of all educators in ensuring pupils with autism have the best educational outcomes; and calls on the Minister of Education to explore the introduction of mandatory autism training for all teachers and classroom assistants.

Mrs Pam Cameron
Mr David Hilditch

Motion: Climate Emergency


That this Assembly recognises that we are facing climate breakdown and a biodiversity crisis which are impacting here and now, and will affect all aspects of our lives in coming years; declares a climate emergency; and calls upon the Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs and the Minister for the Economy to implement urgently the commitments as agreed in the New Decade, New Approach agreement to include reviewing the Executive’s strategies to reduce carbon emissions in respect of the Paris Accord and the need to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial temperatures by 2100; developing a new energy strategy which will set ambitious targets and actions for a fair and just transition to a zero carbon society; bringing forward a climate change act to give environmental targets a strong legal underpinning; establishing an Independent Environmental Protection Agency to oversee this work and ensure targets are met; developing an economic strategy which will support clean and inclusive growth and create jobs as part of a green new deal; creating a plan to eliminate plastic pollution; and closing down the Renewable Heat Incentive scheme and replacing it with a scheme that cuts carbon emissions effectively.

Dr Caoimhe Archibald
Mr Philip McGuigan
Mr Declan McAleer


5. Adjournment