Order Paper

Reference: OP 257/11-16

Date: 10 February 2015

The Assembly to sit at 10.30am on each day.*

Indicative Timings for the Order of Business - Tuesday 10 February 2015 
Indicative Timings for the Order of Business - Wednesday 11 February 2015

1.    Prayers

2.    Assembly Business

Motion: Establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee to consider a Statutory Rule laid by the Attorney General for Northern Ireland


That as provided for in Standing Order 53(1), this Assembly appoints an Ad Hoc Committee to consider the Statutory Rule: The Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 2004 (Amendment of section 8(4)) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015; and to submit a report to the Assembly by 18 March 2015.

Composition:            Democratic Unionist Party 2

                                   Sinn Féin 2

                                   Ulster Unionist Party 1

                                   Socialist Democratic and Labour Party 1                                     

                                   Alliance Party 1

Quorum:                   The quorum shall be five Members.

Procedure:                The procedures of the Committee shall be such as the Committee shall determine.

Mr P Weir
Ms C Ruane
Mr P Ramsey
Mr R Swann
Mr S Dickson

3.    Committee Business

Motion: Amend Standing Order 20A(4)


Leave out Standing Order 20A(4) and insert –

‘The Speaker shall determine, by means of a random selection, the order in which questions are taken. However, the first question may not be from a member of the same party as the Minister to whom it is addressed, unless all the Topical Questions are from members of that party.’

Chairperson, Committee on Procedures

Motion: Amend Standing Order 4


In the title to Standing Order 4 at the end add ‘: New Assembly’

After Standing Order 4 insert – 

‘4A. Election of Speaker: Assembly term

(1) Where the Speaker gives notice in writing to the Clerk of his intention to resign from the Office of Speaker during an Assembly term, the Speaker shall continue to hold office until a new Speaker has been elected.

(2) A new Speaker shall be elected in the manner provided for by Standing Order 4.

(3) If the Speaker cannot take the chair for the proceedings to elect a new Speaker, the chair shall be taken by an Acting Speaker, who shall be the oldest member present at the meeting who is not seeking election as Speaker.’

Chairperson, Committee on Procedures

Motion: Amend Standing Order 6


Leave out Standing Order 6 and insert – 

‘6. Procedure when Office of Speaker becomes vacant

(1) Where a vacancy in the Office of Speaker of the Assembly occurs during an Assembly term, a Deputy Speaker shall report the vacancy to the Assembly at the opening of its next meeting and the Assembly shall, as soon as may be, proceed to elect a Speaker in the manner provided by Standing Order 4.

(2) For the purposes of that election, the chair shall be taken by an Acting Speaker, who shall be the oldest member present at the meeting who is not seeking election as Speaker.

(3) Where there is no agreement on the election of a Speaker, meetings of the Assembly shall be chaired by the Deputy Speakers in weekly rotation in the order in which they were elected in so far as this is possible.’

Chairperson, Committee on Procedures

Motion: Extension of Committee Stage: Regeneration Bill (NIA Bill 43/11-16)


That, in accordance with Standing Order 33(4), the period referred to in Standing Order 33(2) be extended to 28 May 2015, in relation to the Committee Stage of the Regeneration Bill (NIA Bill 43/11-16).

Chairperson, Committee for Social Development

4.    Executive Committee Business

Consideration Stage: Welfare Reform Bill (NIA Bill 13/11-15)

Minister for Social Development

5.    Question Time

5.1          Enterprise, Trade and Investment

5.1.1       Questions for Oral Answer

5.1.2       Topical Questions

5.2          Environment

5.2.1       Questions for Oral Answer

5.2.2       Topical Questions

6.    Adjournment