Order Paper

Reference: OP 130/11-15

Date: 16 April 2013

The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.

Matter of the Day - Explosions at the Boston Marathon

Indicative Timings for the Order of Business

1. Prayers

2. Executive Committee Business

Motion: The draft CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme Order 2013


That the draft CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme Order 2013 be approved.

Minister of the Environment

Motion: The Parental Leave (EU Directive) (Maternity and Parental Leave) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2013


That the Parental Leave (EU Directive) (Maternity and Parental Leave) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2013 be approved.

Minister for Employment and Learning

3. Question Time

3.1 Education
3.2 Employment and Learning

4. Private Members' Business

Further Consideration Stage: Civil Service (Special Advisers) Bill (NIA 12/11-15)

Mr J Allister

5. Adjournment

Security Preparations for G8 Summit in County Fermanagh

Mr T Elliott