Order Paper

Reference: OP 137/11-15

Date: 14 May 2013

The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.

Marshalled List of Amendments

Indicative Timings for the Order of Business

1. Prayers

2. Question Time

2.1 Environment

2.2 Finance and Personnel

3. Private Members’ Business

Motion: Single All-Island Agreed Rate of Duty on Vehicle Fuel


That this Assembly calls on the Minister of Finance and Personnel to carry out an assessment of how a single all-island agreed rate of duty on vehicle fuel could increase revenue, combat fuel fraud, and save the taxpayer money by mitigating environmental crime; and further calls on the Minister to discuss, with the Treasury, the possibility of using such savings towards a reduction in the rate of duty on vehicle fuel.

Mr D McKay
Mr M McLaughlin
Ms M Fearon

Motion: Future of Rural Schools


That this Assembly calls on the Minister of Education to consider the issues associated with the future of rural schools in the context of area planning; and to work in partnership with his Executive colleagues to achieve a holistic solution for education in rural communities.

Mr M Storey
Miss M McIlveen
Mr J Craig
Mrs B Hale

4. Adjournment

  • Post-Primary Education in East Belfast

Mr R Newton