Letter to all Members - First Anniversary of the Invasion of Ukraine – Minute’s Silence

21 February 2023

SP036_23 Lt to All Members re Ukraine Minute's Silence.pdf (121.88 kb)

Dear Member

First Anniversary of the Invasion of Ukraine – Minute’s Silence

Friday 24 February 2023 will mark the first anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine. Over the last year there has been much loss of life and many people have had to flee their homes.

This anniversary therefore provides an opportunity to reflect and a number of initiatives are being coordinated including a minute’s silence.

On Friday at 11am, I will be leading a minute’s silence in the Great Hall. Members, Assembly and party staff are invited to attend to show their solidarity with the people of Ukraine.

I also want to make Members aware that on Friday I am hosting a meeting of the Speakers and Presiding Officers of Westminster and the devolved legislatures. The Speaker of the House of Commons and the Presiding Officers of the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Senedd will join me for the minute’s silence.

Yours sincerely,

Alex Maskey