5 December 2011

Marshalled List of Amendments
1 December 2011

Item 4: Order Paper 36/11-15 – 5 December 2011

Private Members’ Business - Motions

Motion: Community Transport Scheme

That this Assembly recognises the dependency that our rural communities have on the Community Transport Scheme for medical visits and hospital appointments; and calls on the Minister for Regional Development to ensure that this service is sustained to facilitate the most vulnerable people in our society.

[Mr O McMullan]
[Mr S Lynch]
[Mr P Doherty]
[ Mr C Ó hOisín]

The Speaker has selected the following amendment for debate:

Amendment 1:

Proposed: Leave out all after ‘medical visits’ and insert:

‘and access to other local services; and calls on the Minister for Regional Development to work closely with the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Minister of Finance and Personnel to ensure that this service is sustained to facilitate the most vulnerable people in our society.’

[Mr R Beggs]
[Mr M Copeland]

Motion: Public Sector Pensions

That this Assembly believes that the proposed increases in public sector pension contributions are wrong and unjustified, and that they will have a significant adverse impact on many workers; calls on the British Government to respond positively to the trade unions' proposals on pension reform and funding; and further calls on the Executive to review and reverse its decision, of September 2011, to impose a 3.2 percent increase on contributions by members of the Northern Ireland Local Government Officers' Superannuation Committee scheme.

[Mr M Durkan]
[Mr C Eastwood]
[Mrs D Kelly]
[Mr A McDonnell]

The Speaker has selected the following amendments for debate:

Amendment 1:

Proposed: Leave out all after ‘Assembly’ and insert:

‘recognises the fundamental changes to public sector pension provision across the United Kingdom; expresses disappointment that a resolution could not be found and that strike action was deemed necessary by trade unions; and calls on the trade unions and the UK Government to continue negotiations with a view to finding a solution and preventing further strike action in the future on this matter.’

[Mr M Nesbitt]
[Mr L Cree]
[Mr J McCallister]

Amendment 2:

Proposed : Leave out all after ‘Executive’ and insert:

‘to respond to this imposition in a manner which excludes members of the Northern Ireland Local Government Officers' Superannuation Committee scheme; notes the proposal by the Minister of Education to exclude all other public sector workers who earn less than £32,000 per year; and calls on all Ministers to explore similar options.’

[Mr M McLaughlin]
[Mr P Maskey]
[Mr C Murphy]