21 November 2011

Marshalled List of Amendments
17 November 2011

Item 3: Order Paper 32/11-15 – 21 November 2011

Private Members’ Business - Motions

Motion: River Cleaning Strategy

That this Assembly calls on the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Minister of the Environment and their Executive colleagues to develop a co-ordinated strategy to improve how rivers are cleaned.

[Mr S Hamilton]
[Lord Morrow]

The Speaker has selected the following amendment for debate:

Amendment 1:

Proposed: Leave out all after ‘improve’ and insert:

‘the management of our rivers so that they are kept to the highest levels of cleanliness; and further calls on the Executive to ensure that the expertise and services of non-governmental organisations and stakeholders are part of that management arrangement.’

[Mr D Kinahan]
[Mr R Swann]

Motion: Community Libraries

That this Assembly expresses great concern about the reduction in the opening hours of small community libraries which will curtail their ability to deliver an efficient and effective service; and calls on the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure to take action to ensure that the excellent service provided by these libraries is maintained.

[Mrs K McKevitt]
[Mr D Bradley]

The Speaker has selected the following amendment for debate:

Amendment 1:

Proposed: Insert after ‘Assembly’:

‘welcomes the decision by the Board of Libraries NI to initiate a review of eight of the ten rural libraries that were originally earmarked for closure;’

[Mr O McMullan]
[Ms C Ruane]
[Mr C O’hOisin]