Marshalled List of Amendments

 15 November 2012

Committee Business – Motions

Item 4:  Order Paper 100/11-15 – 19 November 2012

Motion: Ad Hoc Committee on Conformity with Equality Requirements - Welfare Reform Bill

That, in accordance with Standing Order 35(10)(a) and (b)(i), the Welfare Reform Bill be referred to an Ad Hoc Committee on Conformity with Equality Requirements; and that the Ad Hoc Committee shall consider and report only whether the provisions of the Bill are in conformity with the requirements for equality and observance of human rights.

 [Chairperson, Committee for Social Development]

The Speaker has selected the following amendment for debate:

Amendment 1

Proposed: Leave out all after ‘35(10)(a);’ and insert:

‘and (b)(ii), the Welfare Reform Bill be referred to an Ad Hoc Committee on Conformity with Equality Requirements; and that the Ad Hoc Committee shall, in addition to considering and reporting on those matters, carry out the role of the statutory committee in relation to the Bill.’

[Mr G Campbell]
[Ms P Bradley]

Private Members’ Business – Motions

Item 7:  Order Paper 100/11-15 – 19 November 2012

Motion: Child Poverty Action Plan

That this Assembly takes account of the recently published Annual Child Poverty Report; notes that the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister is falling far short of the targets contained within the Child Poverty Act; and calls on the First Minister and deputy First Minister to publish an action plan for the Child Poverty Strategy.

[Mr M Nesbitt]
[Mr D Kinahan]

The Speaker has selected the following Amendments for debate:

Amendment 1

Proposed: Leave out all after ‘Report;’ and insert: 

‘notes that the child poverty targets set in the UK wide legislation are challenging and that all regions across the UK are struggling to meet the targets, given the current international economic downturn; and calls on the Executive to work with the devolved administrations and the UK Government to identify actions to meet the statutory targets and reduce poverty.’

[Mr S Moutray]
[Mr G Robinson]
[Mr S Hamilton]

Amendment 2

Proposed: At end insert:

‘and to identify additional funds associated with limiting the damage of the recession for use in combating child poverty.’

[Mr D McNarry]

Motion: Concern about the Consultation on Cross Border Education

That this Assembly notes, with concern, the consultation on cross border education; recognises that there are circumstances in which parents living close to the border may wish to send their children to a school in the neighbouring jurisdiction; further notes that this only happens in a small minority of cases; expresses concern that this consultation, on an issue of potentially significant consequence for the future of education, was confined to a narrow geographical area; and calls on the Minister of Education to reflect on his priorities and address the outstanding issues which he is already facing such as, area planning, finding an equitable solution on selection and tackling educational inequality. 

[Mr D Kinahan]
[Mrs J Dobson]

The Speaker has selected the following amendment for debate:

Amendment 1

Proposed: Leave out all after first ‘notes’ and insert:

‘the consultation on cross border education; recognises that there are circumstances in which parents living close to the border may wish to send their children to a school in the neighbouring jurisdiction; and calls on the Minister of Education to ensure that this consultation is robust and is included as part of the area planning process.’

[Mr S Rogers]
[Mr D Bradley]

Motion: Reform of Employment Law

That this Assembly recognises that the national Government has undertaken a review of employment law to reduce the regulatory burden on businesses; and urges the Minister for Employment and Learning to ensure that Northern Ireland does not fall behind the rest of the UK in terms of reforms. 

[Mr A Ross]
[Mr P Weir]

The Speaker has selected the following amendment for debate:

Amendment 1

Proposed: Leave out all after ‘Assembly’ and insert:

‘notes that the Minister for Employment and Learning has initiated a wide-ranging review of employment law in line with the commitment made in the Economic Strategy; endorses a modern, efficient and integrated employment law system that works in the interests of business, helps our economy to grow, attracts investment and encourages companies to recruit new staff, and at the same time provides sufficient protection for the rights of employees, with opportunities for redress; and calls on the Minister to have due regard to changes in employment law in Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland.’

[Mr C Lyttle]
[Mr S Dickson]
[Mr K McCarthy]