Marshalled List of Amendments - 14 November 2016

10 November 2016

Private Members’ Business

Item 4: Order Paper 28/16-21 – Monday 14 November 2016

Motion: Health and Wellbeing 2026: Delivering Together and Systems, Not Structures: Changing Health and Social Care

That this Assembly notes the publication of Health and Wellbeing 2026: Delivering Together and Systems, Not Structures: Changing Health and Social Care.

[Mrs J Dobson]
[Mr R Butler]

The Speaker has selected the following Amendment for debate:

Amendment 1

At end insert:

‘; further notes that these reforms are based on expert analysis and must be implemented in a holistic manner without delay; and calls on the Minister to provide a detailed action plan for the implementation of the proposed reforms over the current Assembly term.’

[Ms P Bradshaw]
[Dr S Farry]
[Mr S Dickson]

Motion: Sporting Events and Activity-based Tourism

That this Assembly welcomes the success that the Executive has had in attracting major sporting events in recent years and attracting visitors engaged in sports tourism; notes the high value economic benefit that can arise from events-based and activity-based sports tourism; and calls on the Minister for the Economy, through his Department, agencies and the new tourism strategy, to promote and encourage growth in this sector.

[Mr M Storey]
[Mr T Buchanan]
[Mr G Dunne]
[Mr G Lyons]

The Speaker has selected the following Amendment for debate:

Amendment 1

Leave out all after ‘Executive’ and insert:

‘, tourist agencies and sporting organisations have had in attracting major sporting events in recent years and attracting visitors engaged in sports tourism; notes the high value economic benefit that can arise from events-based and activity-based sports tourism; further notes the failure to publish a Tourism Strategy in the 2011-16 mandate; and calls on the Executive to agree and publish urgently a Tourism Strategy, which addresses the capital, resource, marketing, skills and training requirements of the sports events and tourism sector, to enable the Minister for the Economy, his Department, tourism agencies and sporting organisations to deliver real and sustainable growth in this sector.’

[Ms S Bradley]
[Mr J McNulty]
[Mr G Mullan]