Special Educational Needs and Disability Bill

Bill Number: Bill 46/11-16

Bill Type: Executive

Bill Sponsor: Minister of Education

The Special Educational Needs and Disability Bill is:

A Bill to amend the law relating to special education and disability discrimination in schools.

Stages of a Bill

Bill Stage Date Completed
/ Status
All Associated documents and links
First Stage 02 March 2015

Bill as Introduced (HTM) (PDF)
Explanatory and Financial Memorandum as Introduced (HTM) (PDF)

Official Report - 02 March 2015

Second Stage 10 March 2015 Official Report - 10 March 2015
Committee Stage Committee Stage extended to 13 November 2015

Official Report - 20 April 2015

Committee Report - 11 November 2015

Consideration Stage 1 December 2015

Notice of Amendments - 18 November 2015

Notice of Amendments - 20 November 2015

Marshalled List of Amendments  - 25 November 2015

Grouping List of Amendments - 25 November 2015

Bill As Amended at Consideration Stage (PDF) (HTM)

Explanatory & Financial Memorandum as amended at Consideration Stage (PDF) (HTM)


Official Report - 1 December 2015 (part 1) (part 2)

Further Consideration Stage 11 January 2016

Notice of Amendments - 5 January 2016

Notice of Amendments - 6 January 2016

Marshalled List of Amendments - 6 January 2016

Grouping List of Amendments - 6 January 2016

Bill as Amended at Further Consideration Stage (PDF)(HTM)

Explanatory & Financial Memorandum as amended at Further Consideration Stage (PDF)(HTM)


Official Report - 11 January 2016

Final Stage  25 January 2016 Official Report - 25 January 2016
Royal Assent 23 March 2016

Special Educational Needs and Disability Act