Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill

Bill Number: Bill 35/11-15

Bill Type: Executive

Bill Sponsor: Minister for Environment

The Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill is:

A Bill to amend the law relating to the prescribed limit of alcohol for drink-driving offences; to make further provision for breath testing; to make provision relating to certain offences being specified as fixed penalty offences; to amend the law relating to disqualification on conviction of certain offences; to amend the law, as respects certain vehicles, relating to the age at which a provisional licence may be obtained, the requirements to be satisfied to take a test of competence to drive and the restrictions to which newly qualified drivers are subject for a period after passing such a test; to make provision relating to completion of an approved course as an alternative to licence revocation during a new driver’s probationary period and extending requirements to wear protective headgear; and for connected purposes.

Stages of a Bill

Bill Stage Date Completed
/ Status
All Associated documents and links
First Stage 12 May 2014

Bill as Introduced (HTM) (PDF)
Explanatory & Financial Memorandum as Introduced (HTM) (PDF)

Official Report - 12 May 2014

Second Stage 27 May 2014 Official Report - 27 May 2014 Part 1, Part 2
Committee Stage 19 March 2015

Official Report  - 16 June 2014 (Extension of Committee Stage)

Committee Report on the Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill

Consideration Stage 29 June 2015

Notice of Amendments - 23 June 2015 

Notice of Amendments - 25 June 2015

Marshalled List of Amendments - 25 June 2015

Grouping List of Amendments - 25 June 2015

Officical Report - 29 June 2015

Bill As Amended at Consideration Stage (PDF) (HTM)

Explanatory & Financial Memorandum - As Amended at Consideration Stage (PDF) (HTM)

Further Consideration Stage 1 December 2015

Notice of Amendments - 23 November 2015

Marshalled List of Amendments - 25 November 2015

Grouping List of Amendments - 25 November 2015

Bill As Amended at Further Consideration Stage (PDF) (HTM)

Explanatory & Financial Memorandum - As Amended at Further Consideration Stage (PDF) (HTM)

Official Report - 1 December 2015

Final Stage 12 January 2016  Official Report - 12 January 2016
Royal Assent 23 March 2016

Road Traffic (Amendment) Act