Pensions Bill

Marshalled List of Amendments
Further Consideration Stage
Tuesday 24 April 2012

Amendments tabled up to 9.30am Thursday, 19 April 2012 and selected for debate

The Bill will be considered in the following order-


Amendment 1 [Made]

New Clause

After clause 1 insert -

‘Duty to report on the impact of socio-economic background (including health indicators) in relation to retirement pension

1A. The Department for Social Development shall, within two years of the date on which this Act receives Royal Assent, lay a report before the Assembly on the impact of socio-economic background (including health indicators) in relation to retirement pension.’

Mr Mickey Brady

Amendment 2 [Negatived]

Clause 19, Page 14, Line 37

At end insert -

‘(12) The Department for Social Development shall undertake an annual review of the indexation of defined benefit pensions in payment and the revaluation of the deferred pensions of early leavers from occupational pension schemes.’

Mr Mark H Durkan