Agri-Food Funding

Correspondence with Carla Lockhart MP

21st May 2020

Mr Declan McAleer MLA, Chairperson
Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
NI Assembly
Parliament Buildings

Dear Declan

Thank you for your letter on behalf of the Committee dated 30th April. I am writing on behalf of the DUP MP's given that I am the Agriculture Spokesperson at Westminster.

The situation you have outlined in the agri-food sector is sadly accurate and as such we are working in tandem with the DAERA Minister to make a strong and effective case for support from DEFRA. In recent weeks we have been engaging with the DEFRA Secretary of State, Rt. Hon. George Eustice MP, in numerous meetings and calls. We have also been connecting with the Chair of the EFRA Select Committee, Neil Parish MP, to build support for support for our agri-food sector. These have been positive engagements and will continue in the weeks ahead.

We greatly appreciate the support of the DAERA Minister and recognise that working together will make for a more effective lobby. We are in full agreement with the Ministers public comments and the continued lobbying of the DEFRA Secretary of State. This has shaped the case we have made, particularly around the significant market disturbance being experienced and the impact this would have on market returns in particular for primary producers. Also highlighted was the impact of the total collapse in food service sector demand which the up lift in retail demand had not been able to offset especially for higher value cuts in the beef sector. The issues facing the dairy sector and the fall in markets is also a key concern.

The ability to tackle Covid 19 globally will also have a bearing on agriculture markets, given that task it is Inevitable we will continue to see volatility In market returns. Therefore, we must continue to be prepared and able to react in an extremely fluid situation. In addition to this, during the debate at Report Stage of the Agriculture Bill, I made the case for continued support for our local agri-food industry, for food security to be prioritised and for the maintenance of standards in any future trade deals.

In these challenging days for our community be certain that the case for Northern Ireland is being made, whether it be in relation to agri-food, or indeed any of the pressing issues faced by our constituents.

Yours sincerely,ยท


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