Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2009/2010

Date: 17 May 2010

Mr Declan O’Loan (Chairperson)
Mr Mickey Brady
Mr Allan Bresland 
Mr Thomas Buchanan
Mr Trevor Clarke
Rev Dr Robert Coulter
Mr Paul Maskey 
Mr Alastair Ross
Mr George Savage
Mr Brian Wilson

In Attendance:
Mr Paul Gill (Assembly Clerk)
Ms Hilary Bogle (Assistant Clerk)
Ms Rae Browne (Assembly Research Services) (Item 8)
Mr Michael Greer (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr Christopher McNickle (Clerical Officer)

Mr Willie Clarke (Deputy Chairperson)

The meeting commenced at 4.15pm in closed session.

Chairperson’s Introduction

The Chairperson welcomed Members to the meeting.

Agreed: Members agreed that the meeting would be held in closed session.

1. Apologies

Apologies as listed above.

2. Declaration of Interests

The Chairperson reminded Members of their obligation to declare any relevant financial or other interests before and during each Committee meeting.

3. Draft minutes of the meeting held on 20 th April 2010

Agreed: The draft minutes of the meeting held on 20 th April 2010 were agreed by the Committee.

4. Matters arising

There were no matters arising.

5. Interim Assembly Commissioner’s correspondence on a complaint against a Member

Members noted the correspondence from the Interim Assembly Commissioner for Standards on a complaint against a Member.

The Chairperson welcomed Dr Tom Frawley, Interim Assembly Commissioner for Standards and Mr John MacQuarrie, Director for Standards and Special Projects, Ombudsman’s Office and invited Dr Frawley to brief the Committee on his correspondence.

Following discussion the Chairperson thanked Dr Frawley and Mr MacQuarrie for attending the meeting.

Agreed: The Committee agreed that the issues raised in the complaint did not fall within the provisions of the Code.

Agreed: The Committee also agreed that the Clerk should write to the complainant informing him of the Committee’s decision.

6. Correspondence from the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister

Members noted correspondence received from the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister.

7. Visit of the Committee on Members’ Interests, Dáil Éireann

Agreed: The Committee agreed that the Chairperson should write to the Chairperson of the Committee on Members’ Interests, Dáil Éireann inviting the Committee to visit the Assembly on 8 th June 2010.

8. Inquiry on enforcing the Code of Conduct and Guide to the Rules Relating to the Conduct of Members and the appointment of an Assembly Commissioner for Standards

Members noted the Clerk’s Paper and the Assembly Research Paper on independent lay members.

The Chairperson invited Ms Rae Browne, Assembly Research Services to present her research paper.

Following discussion the Chairperson thanked Ms Browne for attending.

Members noted correspondence from the Assembly Ombudsman.

4.56pm Mr Thomas Buchanan joined the meeting.

Agreed: Following discussion on the issue of independent lay members the Committee agreed that the Clerk should re-draft the relevant paragraphs in the draft Committee Report for consideration by the Committee at its next meeting.

Agreed: Members agreed that the Committee should meet on Tuesday 18 th May 2010 to consider the re-drafted sections of the draft Committee Report.

5.04pm Mr Trevor Clarke left the meeting.

The Committee considered the draft Report section by section.

Agreed: All the following sections were agreed with the proviso that Members could raise any issues before final agreement at the next meeting.

Powers and Membership and Table of contents

Agreed: The Committee agreed the Committee Powers and Membership and Table of Contents should form part of the Report.


Agreed: The Committee agreed that paragraphs 1 - 6 should form part of the Report.

Terms of Reference

Agreed: The Committee agreed that paragraph 7 should form part of the Report.

Conduct of the Inquiry

Agreed: The Committee agreed that paragraphs 8 to 10 should form part of the Report.

Modifying and Maintaining the Code of Conduct

Agreed: The Committee agreed that paragraphs 11 – 14 should form part of the Report.

Handling alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct

Agreed: The Committee agreed that paragraphs 15 – 18 should form part of the Report.

Power of the Assembly Commissioner for Standards to carry out an investigation

Agreed: The Committee agreed that paragraphs 19 - 22 should form part of the Report.

Agreed: The Committee agreed that paragraphs 23 - 25 should form part of the Report.

Power of the Assembly Commissioner for Standards to dismiss a complaint

Agreed: The Committee agreed that paragraphs 26 - 27 should form part of the Report.

Power of the Assembly Commissioner for Standards to recommend a sanction -

Agreed: The Committee agreed that paragraph 28 should form part of the Report.

Appeals procedure in relation to decisions reached by the Committee

Agreed: The Committee agreed that paragraphs 36 - 40 should form part of the Report.

Appointing an Assembly Commissioner for Standards

Agreed: The Committee agreed that paragraph 41 should form part of the Report.

Agreed: The Committee agreed that paragraphs 42 - 45 should form part of the Report.

Agreed: The Committee agreed that paragraph 46 should form part of the Report.

Agreed: The Committee agreed that paragraph 47 – 48 should form part of the Report.

Agreed: The Committee agreed that paragraph 49 should form part of the Report.

Appointing the Assembly Commissioner for Standards

Agreed: The Committee agreed that paragraphs 50 - 51 should form part of the Report.

Agreed: The Committee agreed that paragraphs 52 – 53 should form part of the Report.

Agreed: The Committee agreed that paragraph 54 should form part of the Report.

Agreed: The Committee agreed that paragraphs 55 (as amended) – 56 should form part of the Report.

Other issues

Agreed: The Committee agreed that paragraphs 57 - 58 should form part of the Report.

Agreed: The Committee agreed that paragraph 59 should form part of the Report.

9. Time, date and place of next meeting

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, 18 th May 2010 at 10.30am in room 135, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 5.12pm.

Mr Declan O’Loan MLA
Chairperson, Committee on Standards and Privileges
18th May 2010.