Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2010/2011

Date: 19 January 2011



Mr Tom Elliott (Chairperson) 
Dr Stephen Farry (Deputy Chairperson) 
Ms Martina Anderson
Mr Allan Bresland 
Mr William Humphrey
Mr Barry McElduff
Mr Francie Molloy
Mr George Robinson
Mr Jimmy Spratt

Mrs Dolores Kelly 
Mr Danny Kinahan

In Attendance: 
Mrs Cathie White (Assembly Clerk) 
Mr Keith McBride (Assistant Assembly Clerk) 
Mr Stephen Magee (Clerical Supervisor) 
Mrs Marion Johnson (Clerical Officer) 
Mrs Patricia Casey (Bill Clerk) Item 6 only

The meeting opened in public session with the Deputy Chairperson in the Chair at 2.04 p.m.

1. Apologies

As above.

2. Chairperson’s Business

Declaration of Interests

The Deputy Chairperson sought any declarations of interest from Members in relation to items of business being discussed.

Dr Farry declared an interest as a Member of the Board of the Northern Ireland Community Relations Council.

Mr Robinson declared an interest as a Member of the Enniskillen Association.

Mr Bresland declared an interest as an ex-member of the Ulster Defence Regiment.

3. Draft minutes of the meeting held on 12 January 2011

Agreed: The draft minutes of proceedings of 12 January 2011 were agreed by the Committee.

4. Draft Budget Proposals 2011-15

The First Minister, deputy First Minister and Departmental officials joined the meeting at 2.06 p.m.

The First Minister, deputy First Minister and Departmental officials, Mr Tim Losty and Mrs Jackie Kerr briefed the Committee on the Department’s draft Budget 2011-15 proposals and provided the Committee with an update on the work of the Department. A question and answer session followed.

The First Minister, deputy First Minister and Departmental officials left the meeting at 3.26 p.m.

Mr Elliott joined the meeting at 3.28 p.m.

Agreed: The Committee agreed that the Clerk should prepare a draft response to the Committee for Finance and Personnel on the Department’s draft Budget 2011-15 proposals.

Agreed: The Committee agreed to consider the Review of the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People with the Commissioner at a future date.

A Member raised an issue of inaccuracy concerning the evidence session at last week’s meeting with the Northern Ireland Ombudsman and what the Northern Ireland Ombudsman had said in relation to a review in Scotland.

Agreed: The Committee agreed to follow up on this issue with the Northern Ireland Ombudsman.

Mr McElduff left the meeting at 3.30 p.m.

Mr Elliott took the Chair at 3.30 p.m.

5. Ilex Briefing

Representatives from Ilex Urban Regeneration Company joined the meeting at 3.31 p.m.

Ms Anderson declared an interest as a member of the Strategy Board for Ilex.

The Chairman of the Board, Sir Roy McNulty and the Chief Executive, Dr Aideen McGinley from the Ilex Urban Regeneration Company briefed the Committee on their work and the regeneration of the site. A question and answer session followed.

Representatives from Ilex Urban Regeneration Company left the meeting at 4.02 p.m.

Agreed: The Committee agreed to forward to the Committee for Social Development a copy of the Hansard from the evidence session for their information.

6. Armed Forces and Veterans Bill

Mr Elliott declared an interest as an ex-member of the Ulster Defence Regiment and as a member of the Royal British Legion.

Mr David McNarry MLA joined the meeting at 4.04 p.m.

Mr McElduff re-joined the meeting at 4.10 p.m.

Mr David McNarry MLA briefed the Committee on the amendments, which he will be taking forward, to the Armed Forces and Veterans Bill. A question and answer session followed.

The Committee commenced its formal clause-by-clause scrutiny of the Bill.

Clause 1 – General duty to have regard to the impact of the exercise of functions on the services community

Question: That the Committee is content with the wording of the amendment proposed by the sponsor?

The Committee divided: Ayes 6; Noes 3.

Ayes: Mr Bresland, Mr Elliott, Dr Farry, Mr Humphrey, Mr Robinson and Mr Spratt.

Noes: Ms Anderson, Mr McElduff and Mr Molloy.

Agreed: The Committee is content with the wording of the amendment proposed by the sponsor.

Question: That the Committee recommends to the Assembly that Clause 1 be amended as proposed by the sponsor and agreed by the Committee?

Agreed: The Committee recommends to the Assembly that Clause 1 be amended as proposed by the sponsor and agreed by the Committee.

Clause 2 – Co-ordinators

Question: That the Committee is content with the wording of the amendment proposed by the sponsor?

The Committee divided: Ayes 5; Noes 3; Abstentions 1.

Ayes: Mr Bresland, Mr Elliott, Mr Humphrey, Mr Robinson and Mr Spratt.

Noes: Ms Anderson, Mr McElduff and Mr Molloy.

Abstention: Dr Farry

Agreed: The Committee is content with the wording of the amendment proposed by the sponsor.

Question: That the Committee recommends to the Assembly that Clause 2 be amended as proposed by the sponsor and agreed by the Committee?

Agreed: The Committee recommends to the Assembly that Clause 2 be amended as proposed by the sponsor and agreed by the Committee.

Clause 3 – Consultation with the United Kingdom and devolved authorities

Question: That the Committee is content with Clause 3 as drafted?

The Committee divided: Ayes 6; Noes 3.

Ayes: Mr Bresland, Mr Elliott, Dr Farry, Mr Humphrey, Mr Robinson and Mr Spratt.

Noes: Ms Anderson, Mr McElduff and Mr Molloy.

Agreed: The Committee is content with Clause 3 as drafted.

Clause 4 – Service Personnel and Veterans Charter

Question: That the Committee is content with the wording of the amendments proposed by the sponsor?

The Committee divided: Ayes 6; Noes 3.

Ayes: Mr Bresland, Mr Elliott, Dr Farry, Mr Humphrey, Mr Robinson and Mr Spratt.

Noes: Ms Anderson, Mr McElduff and Mr Molloy.

Agreed: The Committee is content with the wording of the amendments proposed by the sponsor.

Question: That the Committee recommends to the Assembly that Clause 4 be amended as proposed by the sponsor and agreed by the Committee?

The Committee divided: Ayes 6; Noes 3.

Ayes: Mr Bresland, Mr Elliott, Dr Farry, Mr Humphrey, Mr Robinson and Mr Spratt.

Noes: Ms Anderson, Mr McElduff and Mr Molloy.

Agreed: The Committee recommends to the Assembly that Clause 4 be amended as proposed by the sponsor and agreed by the Committee.

Clause 5 – Reports

Question: That the Committee is content with the wording of the amendments proposed by the sponsor?

The Committee divided: Ayes 6; Noes 3.

Ayes: Mr Bresland, Mr Elliott, Dr Farry, Mr Humphrey, Mr Robinson and Mr Spratt.

Noes: Ms Anderson, Mr McElduff and Mr Molloy.

Agreed: The Committee is content with the wording of the amendment proposed by the sponsor.

Question: That the Committee recommends to the Assembly that Clause 5 be amended as proposed by the sponsor and agreed by the Committee?

The Committee divided: Ayes 6; Noes 3.

Ayes: Mr Bresland, Mr Elliott, Dr Farry, Mr Humphrey, Mr Robinson and Mr Spratt.

Noes: Ms Anderson, Mr McElduff and Mr Molloy.

Agreed: The Committee recommends to the Assembly that Clause 5 be amended as proposed by the sponsor and agreed by the Committee.

Clause 6 – Interpretation

Question: That the Committee is content with the wording of the amendment proposed by the sponsor?

The Committee divided: Ayes 6; Noes 3.

Ayes: Mr Bresland, Mr Elliott, Dr Farry, Mr Humphrey, Mr Robinson and Mr Spratt.

Noes: Ms Anderson, Mr McElduff and Mr Molloy.

Agreed: The Committee is content with the wording of the amendment proposed by the sponsor.

Question: That the Committee recommends to the Assembly that Clause 6 be amended as proposed by the sponsor and agreed by the Committee?

The Committee divided: Ayes 6; Noes 3.

Ayes: Mr Bresland, Mr Elliott, Dr Farry, Mr Humphrey, Mr Robinson and Mr Spratt.

Noes: Ms Anderson, Mr McElduff and Mr Molloy.

Agreed: The Committee recommends to the Assembly that Clause 6 be amended as proposed by the sponsor and agreed by the Committee.

Clause 7 – Commencement

Question: That the Committee is content with Clause 7 as drafted?

The Committee divided: Ayes 6; Noes 3.

Ayes: Mr Bresland, Mr Elliott, Dr Farry, Mr Humphrey, Mr Robinson and Mr Spratt.

Noes: Ms Anderson, Mr McElduff and Mr Molloy.

Agreed: The Committee is content with Clause 7 as drafted.

Clause 8 – Short Title

Question: That the Committee is content with Clause 8 as drafted?

The Committee divided: Ayes 6; Noes 3.

Ayes: Mr Bresland, Mr Elliott, Dr Farry, Mr Humphrey, Mr Robinson and Mr Spratt.

Noes: Ms Anderson, Mr McElduff and Mr Molloy.

Agreed: The Committee is content with Clause 8 as drafted.

Long Title

Question: That the Committee is content with the Long Title as drafted?

The Committee divided: Ayes 6; Noes 3.

Ayes: Mr Bresland, Mr Elliott, Dr Farry, Mr Humphrey, Mr Robinson and Mr Spratt.

Noes: Ms Anderson, Mr McElduff and Mr Molloy.

Agreed: The Committee is content with the Long Title as drafted.

The Chairperson advised Members that the clause-by-clause scrutiny had been completed and that the Committee will consider the Committee Report on the Bill at next week’s meeting. Sinn Fein stated their opposition to the passage of the Bill.

Mr David McNarry MLA left the meeting at 4.24 p.m.

Mr Humphrey left the meeting at 4.24 p.m.

Mr Molloy left the meeting at 4.24 p.m.

Mr Robinson left the meeting at 4.24 p.m.

7. Matters Arising

Response to the Draft Child Poverty Strategy

The Committee considered a draft response to junior Ministers on the draft Child Poverty Strategy, which included responses from statutory committees .

Agreed: The Committee agreed to forward the response to junior Ministers, and highlight the importance that the views of stakeholders are taken into account during the finalisation of the draft strategy and request to be informed of any changes to the strategy following the public consultation.

Response to the Draft Play and Leisure Implementation Plan

The Committee considered a draft response to junior Ministers on the draft Play and Leisure Implementation Plan, which included responses from statutory committees .

Agreed: The Committee agreed to forward the response to junior Ministers, and to seek further information on the impact of the reductions to the Play and Leisure budget in the Budget 2011-15 proposals.

Mr Humphrey re-joined the meeting at 4.26 p.m.

Hillsborough Castle Agreement Working Groups

The Committee noted a response from the Department concerning the Committee’s role in relation to the Hillsborough Castle Agreement Working Groups .

December Monitoring Round

The Committee noted a response from the Department providing further information on the surrender made in the December Monitoring Round by the Commission for Victims and Survivors .

Committee for the Environment

The Committee considered correspondence from the Committee for the Environment requesting the Committee’s views on the Planning Bill.

Agreed: The Committee agreed to write to the Committee for the Environment to inquire if the legislation will allow local councils to insert social clauses in procurement contracts.

Mr Bresland left the meeting at 4.28 p.m.

The Omnibus Partnership

The Committee considered correspondence from the Omnibus Partnership welcoming the Code of Practice: Provision and Use of Transport Vehicles.

Agreed: The Committee agreed to forward the correspondence to the Department for their information.

8. Correspondence

House of Lords European Union Committee

The Committee considered correspondence from the House of Lords European Union Committee concerning its inquiry into the EU Budget Review and its consideration of the European Commission’s Work Programme.

Agreed: The Committee agreed to write to the Department and to the Committee for Finance and Personnel to seek their views on the EU Budget Review.

Scottish Parliament Equal Opportunities Committee

The Committee considered an invitation from the Scottish Parliament Equal Opportunities Committee to attend a meeting of the devolved Equality Committees, in Edinburgh on 8 February 2011.

Agreed: The Committee agreed to advise the Scottish Parliament Equal Opportunities Committee that due to the Committee’s workload, it would be unable to attend, however it would welcome a meeting of the devolved Equality Committees following the election in May.

Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People

The Committee considered correspondence from the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People requesting to brief the Committee on a number of issues in relation to her work.

Agreed: The Committee agreed that the Chairperson and Clerk liaise to identify a date for the briefing, subject to the Committee’s work load.

9. Any Other Business

No other business.

10. Da te, time and place of next meeting

The next meeting will be held in Room 30 on Wednesday 26 January 2011 at 2 p.m.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 4.36 p.m.

Mr Tom Elliott MLA 
Committee for the Office of the First Minister 
and deputy First Minister

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