Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2006/2007

Date: 31 May 2007




Mrs Iris Robinson MP MLA (Chairperson)
Ms Michelle O’Neill MLA (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Thomas Buchanan MLA
Rev Dr Robert Coulter MLA
Dr Kieran Deeny MLA
Mr Alex Easton MLA
Mr Tommy Gallagher MLA
Mrs Carmel Hanna MLA
Ms Carál Ní Chuilín MLA
Mr John McCallister MLA

In Attendance: 
Mr Hugh Farren (Clerk)
Ms Hilary Bogle (Assistant Clerk)
Ms Vicky Surplus (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr Mark McQuade (Clerical Supervisor)
Mr Scott Leeman (Clerical Officer)

Ms Sue Ramsey MLA

The meeting commenced at 2.30pm in open session.

  1. Apologies

Apology as listed above.

  1. Chairman’s Business

The Chairperson wished Dr Deeny well on the formation of a new party, The Independent Health Coalition.

The Chairperson welcomed Mr McCallister to his first meeting of the Committee.

Members agreed that the Chairperson could issue press releases on behalf of the Committee, subject to contact with each party in advance, should it be necessary to respond to prevalent issues.

The Chairperson reported that a very informative and helpful meeting had taken place at lunchtime with the Northern Ireland Association for Mental Health.

Members noted that a lunchtime meeting has been arranged with the Northern Ireland Chest, Heart and Stroke Association next Thursday at 1.15pm.

Members agreed that Diabetes UK be invited to attend a lunchtime meeting on Thursday 14 June to coincide with Diabetes Awareness Week.

  1. Draft Minutes of the Meeting held on 24 May 2007

The draft minutes of the meeting held on 24 May 2007 were agreed for publication on the Assembly website.

  1. Matters arising

The Chairperson indicated that she was content for the Deputy Chairperson to accompany her during periodic informal meetings with the Minister.

Members noted the reply received from the Department in response to issues raised during the First Day Briefing session with the Permanent Secretary on 17 May 2007 and it was agreed that any issues arising from the response could be raised at the next meeting of the Committee.

  1. Evidence Session with the Minister and senior officials on the challenges facing the Department and is initial priorities.

Members noted the committee office Briefing Paper.

Members took evidence from the following witnesses:
Mr Michael McGimpsey, Minister
Dr Andrew McCormick, Permanent Secretary
Mrs Linda Brown, Deputy Secretary, Social Policy Group
Ms Julie Thompson, Director of Finance
Dr Miriam McCarthy, Director of Secondary Care

The Chairperson thanked the witnesses for attending.

4.28pm The meeting adjourned and Miss O’Neill left the meeting.
4.40pm The meeting resumed.

  1. Draft Forward Work Programme

Members noted that the Department were unable to attend for next week’s evidence session on RPA. The Committee agreed that this should take place before the summer recess.

The Committee considered the draft Forward Work Programme and agreed the following:-

7 June 2007: Evidence session from the Royal College of Nursing Northern Ireland, in relation to the nurses’ pay award for 2007 and an evidence session from UNISON on PFI/PPP issues.

14 June 2007: Evidence session from the Chief Medical Officer on the findings in his Annual Report on Public Health. The Committee will also take evidence from the Department on PFI/PPP issues.

21 June 2007: The Committee expect to commence consideration of the committee stage of the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill. The Committee will also take evidence from the Department on the Northern Ireland Fire Service.

4.45pm Miss O’Neill returned to the meeting.

Members discussed a subject for the Committee’s first Inquiry, a number of issues were proposed. Members unanimously agreed that their first Inquiry should be on Hospital Acquired Infections.

Members agreed that the next Committee visit should be to the Western Health and Social Care Trust, followed by a Committee meeting in Londonderry on 28 June 2007. The Committee also agreed that they could call at Care NI, Ashdale House, during the visit.

  1. Correspondence

Members noted the contents of correspondence received.

  1. Any other business

Members agreed a draft Press Release.

  1. Date and time of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, 7 June 2007 at 2.30pm in the Senate Chamber, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 5.10pm.