Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2009/2010

Date: 23 June 2010


Mr Alban Maginness (Chairperson)
Mr Paul Butler (Deputy Chairperson)
Ms Jennifer McCann
Dr Alasdair McDonnell MP
Mr Gregory Campbell MP 
Mr Gerry McHugh
Mr Leslie Cree 
Mr Sean Neeson

In Attendance:
Mr Jim McManus (Assembly Clerk) 
Ms Sohui Yim (Assistant Clerk) 
Mr Jim Nulty (Clerical Supervisor)
Ms Michelle McDowell (Clerical Officer)

Mr David Simpson MP 
Mr Stephen Moutray

The meeting began at 10.03am in public session.

1. Apologies

Apologies are detailed above.

2. Minutes of meeting held on the 17 June 2010 meeting

Agreed: The draft minutes of the meeting on the 10 June were agreed.

Members agreed to consider agenda item 4 next.

3. INTERREG Funding IVA: Oral briefing

Officials joined the meeting at 10.07am.

Gerry McHugh declared an interest as a member of Fermanagh District Council.

Sean Neeson declared an interest as a member of Carrickfergus District Council.

Gregory Campbell declared an interest as a member of Derry City Council.

Leslie Cree declared an interest as a member of COMET.

Members received an oral briefing from Pat Colgan and Howard Keery, SEUPB. Key issues discussed included an update on the reviews of multi-annual plans (MAPs) of the cross-border groups and the details of the amount of funding that has been allocated to-date.

Jennifer McCann left the meeting at 10.27am.

Paul Butler joined the meeting at 10.30am.

Officials left the meeting at 10.43am

Agreed: To receive an update from the Borders Uplands Project.

Agreed: To suggest that the Department ensures that its timeline for reviewing applications are not unduly lengthy and to ensure that as many projects are able to go to the next Steering Committee on 27 July. 

Members returned to agenda item 2.

4. Matters arising from 17 June meeting

Members discussed a project plan for DETI’s organisational review.

Agreed: To request that the project team consult with the Committee in mid-November when they consult with staff and senior management on the proposed new structure.

Agreed: To suggest that the review should consider NITB’s capacity to act immediately when there is positive news in relation to Northern Ireland.

Members noted that the Tourism Bill was introduced to the Assembly on Monday 21 June and considered a suggested list of stakeholders to write to and the draft public consultation.

Agreed: To write to the stakeholders suggested.

Agreed: Content with the public consultation and the 6 week consultation period.

Members discussed a briefing paper from the Department with an update on the Causeway Coast and Glens Masterplan.

Agreed. To await the local councils’ proposals to NITB in terms of approach, outputs and consistency and monitoring and delivery.

Members discussed a response from the NITB regarding the Committee’s queries on the Business Tourism Plan.

Agreed: To await the action schedule and quarterly reports mentioned in NITB’s response.

Members noted a response from NITB regarding the outcomes of the internal review of Ireland Luxury Tours (ILT).

Agreed: As ILT is intending to pursue its case through judicial review, to await the outcome of that review.

Members noted a response from the Department regarding regulation of claims management companies.

Members discussed a briefing paper from the Department regarding recommendations in DFP’s review of data security in the public sector.

Agreed: To forward the paper to the Committee for Finance and Personnel.

Members discussed a briefing paper from the Department regarding EU Funding for R&D.

Agreed: To forward the paper to the OFMDFM Committee.

Members noted an email from the Department regarding information on pleural plaques.

5. Renewable Energy Inquiry: Written briefing

Members discussed the written briefing, including an Assembly Research Paper following the Committee’s renewable energy event in May, an extract from the scoping report for a strategic environmental assessment for the Strategic Action Plan for Onshore Renewable Electricity Generation and press articles relating to renewable energy.

Agreed: To post the Assembly Research Paper on the Committee website and email the link to the organisations that participated in the Committee’s Renewable Energy Seminar.

6. Health and Safety at Work Strategy for Northern Ireland: Written Briefing

Members discussed the written briefing including the draft Health and Safety at Work Strategy for NI titled ‘Health and Safety at Work: Protecting Lives, Not Stopping Them’.

Jennifer McCann rejoined the meeting at 11.10am.

Agreed: To ask HSENI for comment regarding difficulties for SMEs in meeting costs when implementing health and safety regulations.

7. Gas Network Extension Study: Written Briefing

Members discussed the written briefing including a paper from the Department on the natural gas extension study. The main area of discussion was the study undertaken to determine the technical and economic feasibility of bringing natural gas to additional areas in the north-west and west of Northern Ireland.

Agreed: To receive the same net present value (NPV) tables for the study in the 10 towns and North West pipelines region, to compare with the study’s figures.

Agreed: To receive an oral briefing from Departmental officials after recess.

8. An update on progress made on the implementation of MATRIX I and MATRIX II: Written briefing

Members discussed the written briefing. The main issue of discussion was the opportunity to put in place the systems and support necessary to ensure that the key MATRIX recommendation is acted upon and that industry-led communities (ILCs) become part of the economy.

Agreed: To forward the papers to the Employment and Learning Committee for information.

9. Draft NITB Operating Plan 2010/2011– Written Briefing

Members discussed the written briefing.

Agreed: To receive quarterly reviews for the Tourism Strategy.

Agreed: To ask NITB the monitoring and reporting arrangements for the Plan.

10. Consideration of Debt Relief Bill – Final Draft of Report: Written Briefing

The Committee formally scrutinised each appendix of the final Bill report and considered a letter from the Minister stating that she is planning to table an amendment to the Bill during consideration stage and the suggested amendment.

Agreed: To note the Minister’s letter and suggested amendment.

Agreed: Content to include the Minister’s letter and proposed amendment in appendix 4.

Gerry McHugh left the meeting at 11.26am.

Agreed:That the following papers should be appended to the Committee’s report:

Minutes of Proceedings

Minutes of evidence (Hansards)

Written submissions

Memoranda and papers from DETI

The Assembly Research Paper

List of witnesses

Members considered an amendment to paragraph 28 of the Debt Relief Bill Report.

Agreed: Content that paragraph 28, as amended, stands part of the report.

Agreed: Chair to approve an extract from today’s minutes which reflect the read-through of the Report.

Agreed: To lay to report in its entirety in the Assembly Business Office after today’s meeting.

Agreed: To order 150 reports with a CD ROM and 35 full reports for printing.

11. Consideration of Unsolicited Services (Trade and Business Directories) Bill Final Draft of Report: - Written Briefing.

Members discussed the draft report of the Bill.

Agreed: That the executive summary at paragraphs 1-5 stands part of the report.

Agreed: That the introduction at paragraphs 6-11 stands part of the report.

Agreed: That the summary of the draft Unsolicited Services (Trade and Business Directories) Bill as presented to the Committee at paragraphs 12-21 stands part of the report.

Agreed:That the summary of consideration during pre-legislative scrutiny at paragraphs 22-24 stands part of the report.

Agreed: That the summary of consideration at paragraphs 25-27 stands part of the report.

Agreed: That the clause-by-clause consideration of the Bill at paragraphs 28-30 stands part of the report.

Members agreed to deal with Agenda Item 13 next.

12. Correspondence.

The Committee noted the following items of correspondence.

Sean Neeson left the meeting at 11.33am.

(i) Correspondence from Finance and Personnel Committee with proposals for a joint meeting to take evidence from local banking representatives and to discuss the possibility of tabling a joint committee motion for plenary debate.

Gerry McHugh returned to the meeting at 11.35am.

Alasdair McDonnell joined the meeting at 11.36am.

Agreed: Content with a joint meeting with the Finance and Personnel Committee and to invite the four main banks for an oral briefing.

(ii) Press article relating to banks’ practices.

(iii) Correspondence from the Social Development Committee regarding a briefing paper from the Housing Rights Service on the Preventing Possession Initiative.

(iv) Letters from the Chair of the Culture, Arts and Leisure Committee to the Minister.

Agreed: To forward the letters to the Minister.

13. Caravans Bill: Oral Evidence from Department of Social Development and DETI

Officials joined the meeting at 11.42am.

Members received an oral briefing from David Livingstone, Chief Inspector DETI Trading Standards Service, John Hinds, Head of DETI Consumer Affairs Branch and Stephen Martin from DSD.

Gerry McHugh left the meeting at 11.46am.

Jennifer McCann left the meeting at 11.54am.

Gerry McHugh rejoined the meeting at 12.01pm

Gregory Campbell left the meeting at 12.02pm.

Officials left the meeting at 12.15pm.

Agreed: To support an amendment to Clause 7 in the Bill to extend protection to seasonal caravan owner-occupiers on protected sites.

Agreed: Content with Clause 8 as drafted.

14. Any Other Business

There were no other items of business.

15. Date, time and place of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Thursday 1 July at 10.30am in Room 30, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12.18pm.

Alban Maginness
Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment
July 2010

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