Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2009/2010

Date: 11 February 2010


Mr Alban Maginness (Chairperson)
Ms Jennifer McCann
Mr Gregory Campbell MP
Mr David Simpson MP
Mr Sean Neeson 
Mr Gerry McHugh 
Mr Alan McFarland 
Mr Leslie Cree

In Attendance: 
Mr Jim McManus (Assembly Clerk) 
Ms Sohui Yim (Assistant Clerk) 
Ms Michelle McDowell (Clerical Officer)

Mr Paul Butler (Deputy Chairperson) 
Mr Stephen Moutray

The meeting began at 10.33am in public session.

1. Apologies

Apologies are detailed above.

2. Minutes of meeting held on the 4 February 2010

Agreed: The draft minutes of the meeting on the 4 February were agreed.

3. Matters arising

Members discussed a draft letter to the Minister regarding the Committee’s views on recommendations and proposals on the Independent Review of Economic Policy.

Agreed: To forward the letter to the Minister.

Alan McFarland joined the meeting at 10.34am.

Members discussed a briefing paper from the Department in relation to the NI Renewable Obligation (NIRO) and feed-in tariffs.

Members discussed a letter from Kedco Energy regarding the need for financial incentives for small-scale renewable electricity generation in NI.

Agreed: To forward the letter to the Department to obtain their views.

Members discussed a letter from the trade union UNITE regarding insolvency practices at Nortel.

Agreed: To await the Assembly’s research paper on the issue of insolvency law versus employment law and then return to the issue.

Members noted a letter from the Minister to the Minister for the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) regarding energy policy and legislative developments in Westminster.

Members noted a response from the Department in relation to Milwaukee Irish Festival in the United States.

Agreed: To forward the Department’s response to the Culture, Arts and Leisure (CAL) Committee.

Members discussed a written briefing from the Department in relation to the regulation of claims management companies.

Agreed: To ask the Department if they can only act if they are made aware of a problem or if they have an active role in ensuring that claims management companies comply with standards.

Agreed: To ask the Department if it is satisfied that the legislative provision in NI is adequate to ensure a similar level of confidence here as there is in GB under regulation legislation.

Members noted two letters from the Permanent Secretary to the CAL Committee Chair, Barry McElduff MLA, relating to promotion of Townland names and the CAL Committee’s inquiry into sport and physical activity.

Agreed: To forward the Permanent Secretary’s letters to the CAL Committee.

David Simpson joined the meeting at 10.50am.

Members note the response from the Department regarding the Department of Environment’s Wildlife Bill.

Agreed: To forward the response to the Environment Committee.

Gregory Campbell joined the meeting at 11.02am.

The Chair updated members on the meeting with the Minister regarding credit union legislation.

Agreed: To write to Treasury and the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in relation to the timing of credit union legislation.

Agreed: To invite the FSA to provide an oral briefing to the Committee regarding credit union legislation.

The Chair advised members that the Committee has received the Debt Relief Bill.

Agreed: To receive an oral briefing from Departmental officials regarding the Bill at next week’s meeting.

The Chair informed members that the Treasury Select Committee’s report into the Presbyterian Mutual Society will be available from 17 February 2010.

Agreed: To receive copies of the report once available.

Jennifer McCann left the meeting at 11.05am.

4. Proposals for European SME Week: Oral Briefing

The Officials joined the meeting at 11.05am.

The Committee received an oral presentation from Dr. Gareth McGrath, Director of Engagement, Sheila McClelland, Head of Assembly Outreach and Education and Ivor Gibson, Assembly Outreach and Education. Key issues discussed included the role of the NI Assembly Business Trust and proposals for a Committee event during European SME Week 2010.

The Officials left the meeting at 11.45am.

Agreed: To consider a more detailed outline of individual proposals at next week’s meeting.

5. February 2010 Monitoring Round: Written Briefing

Members discussed the written briefing.

Agreed: To ask the Department to clarify the content of the briefing.

6. Department of Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) Consultation on Proposals for a Next Generation Fund: Written Briefing

Members discussed the written briefing.

Agreed: To write to the Department to clarify the benefits to NI that may emerge from the proposals.

Agreed: To write to the Department of Business Innovation and Skills to express various concerns regarding a potential levy on landlines.

7. Correspondence

The Committee noted the following items of correspondence:

I. Information in relation to The Roads (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill from the Regional Development Committee.

Agreed: To forward the document to the Department to obtain its views.

II. Correspondence from the OFMDFM Committee relating to the rescheduling of the PfG delivery Report Take Note Debate.

III. A briefing paper from the Community Transport Association forwarded by the Regional Development Committee, along with a letter to the Minister.

Agreed: To forward the briefing paper and letter to the Department.

Agreed: The Department to respond directly to the Chair of the Regional Development Committee and copy the response to this Committee.

IV. An update from the OFMDFM Committee on their progress of their recommendations from the Child Poverty Inquiry.

Agreed: To ask the Department if it has identified the principle measures being introduced to reduce poverty and how these measures are being resourced.

Agreed: To forward papers from the Department in relation to credit unions and also the DETI update on the research report into debt advice services to the OFMDFM Committee.

Agreed: To request from the Department the anticipated timeline for credit union legislation, which will then be forwarded to the OFMDFM Committee.

Agreed: To ask the Consumer Council what actions have emerged from the ABI’s Access to Insurance Stakeholder Advisory Group and if there were any outcomes of the ABI’s workshop on 16 October that may require action.

V. A letter from Alastair Hamilton to Sue Ramsey MLA, Chair of the Employment and Learning Committee in relation to Invest NI’s briefing on the Short Term Aid Scheme.

Agreed: To forward the letter to the Employment and Learning Committee.

VI. DETI’s Research Agenda for 2010.

VII. A letter from the British International Freight Association inviting the Chair to a conference on 25 March.

Agreed: Chair to attend.

VIII. A press release from Phoenix Gas regarding NI exemption from a climate change levy.

Agreed: To ask the Department for details of the current status and plans for an extension of the exemption from the climate change levy.

IX. A letter from Northern Ireland Screen making a request to provide a briefing to the Committee.

Agreed: To receive a written briefing from NI Screen.

8. Any Other Business

Members considered a press release regarding Invest NI’s launch of its Markets Visits programme.

Agreed: To await the detailed note of the Programme of Visits.

9. Date, time and place of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Thursday 18 February at 10.30am in Room 30, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12.00pm.

Alban Maginness Chairperson
Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment 
February 2010

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