Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2008/2009

Date: 24 June 2009

Venue: Room 135

The meeting opened at 10.13am in public session


Apologies are detailed above.

1. Minutes of the meetings held on 17th and 23rd June 2009

Agreed: The minutes were agreed.

2. Briefing from Rathbone

10.24am Mr Attwood joined the meeting

The Committee received a briefing from representatives of Rathbone: Paul Fletcher, Director of Youth Engagement, Colm Fanning, Youth Engagement Team Leader, and Dave Melia, UK Regional Manager, on the work of Rathbone and the Youth Engagement Programme. The briefing was followed by a question and answer session.

3. Briefing from Newstart Education Centre

The Chairperson declared an interest in the work of the Alternative Education Providers’ Forum

The Committee received a briefing from representatives of Newstart Education Centre: Mairead Cafferty, Advisor to Newstart Education Centre, Joe Conere, Centre Manager of Education by Choice, Louise Brennan, AEP Coordinator, and Angela Mervyn, Operational Manager of Upper Falls Full Service Community, on the work of Newstart Education Centre and issues of concern to the organisation. The briefing was followed by a question and answer session.

11.42am The Chairperson adjourned the meeting
11.47am The meeting resumed in public session

4. Consideration of Draft Committee Response on Workplace Dispute Resolution

Agreed: The Committee considered and agreed, subject to amendment, its Report on the Review of Workplace Dispute Resolution.

The Committee ordered that the report be printed.

5. Subordinate Legislation

The Committee noted the following item of subordinate legislation:

  • Industrial Training Levy (Construction Industry) Order (NI) 2009

Agreed: The Committee agreed to defer consideration of the proposed legislation and to write to the Minister requesting an update on the Review of the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB).

6. Matters Arising
  • University Colleges’ Funding Letters for 2009/10 and correspondence from the Education Committee on ITE intakes and the Review of the Teacher Demand Model

Agreed: Members noted the above funding letters and correspondence and agreed to request a briefing from Officials from the Department of Education on the Review of the Teacher Demand Model.

  • Correspondence from the Department on the Review of the European Works Council Directive

Agreed: The Committee noted the above correspondence.

  • Response from Minister to correspondence re Training for Success Report

Agreed: Members noted the above correspondence and agreed to write to the Minister requesting a copy of the three reports of the Education and Training Inspectorate on the Department’s Steps to Work Programme.

7. Chairperson’s Business

Members were updated on a number of recent events attended by the Chairperson and/or Deputy Chairperson and also noted a number of forthcoming events to be attended by the Chairperson.

8. Departmental Press Notices

Members noted a number of Departmental press notice issued recently.

9. Any Other Business
  • OFMdFM’s Children & Young People’s Action Plan

Members noted the Children & Young People’s Action Plan issued by the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister.

  • ETI Committee request for information on Payment of Government Invoices within the 10-day target

The Committee noted the above information.

  • Robin Newton and Alex Attwood

The Chairperson, on behalf of all of the Members, thanked Robin Newton and Alex Attwood for their work during their time with the Committee.

  • Correspondence from Professor Peter Gregson, Vice-Chancellor at Queens University

Agreed: Members noted correspondence from Professor Gregson to staff at Queens University and agreed that the Minister should be asked to brief the Committee on issues discussed at the Committee meeting on 23 rd June and also the meeting proposed for 30 th June.

  • Investment in the East Londonderry constituency

Agreed: Mr McClarty discussed proposals for investment at the University of Ulster’s site at Portrush. The Committee agreed to write to the Minister to identify is the Department can provide any assistance on the issue. The Committee agreed to write to the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment and to the University of Ulster seeking views on the proposed investment.

  • The Social Security (Incapacity Benefit Work-Focused Interview) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2009

Agreed: Members noted further correspondence on the above proposed Statutory Rule and agreed to raise the concerns of the Social Development Committee with the Department for Employment and Learning.

  • Reforming the Medical Statement – Consultation on Draft Regulations

Members noted the above document and agreed to defer to the Committee meeting on 1st July.

  • Belfast Telegraph press article

Members noted a press article published in the Belfast Telegraph on 23rd June on the loss of 1,500 apprenticeships as a result of the economic downturn.

10. Date, time and place of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Tuesday, 30th June at 12.30pm in Room 135, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:27pm.

Ms Sue Ramsey
Chairperson, Committee for Employment & Learning
1st July 2009