Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2007/2008

Date: 19 March 2008

Venue: Room 135

The meeting opened at 10:31am in public session.


Apologies are detailed above.

1.    Minutes of the meeting held on 12 th March 2008

Agreed: The draft minutes were agreed.

2.    Matters Arising

Members noted arrangements for the Committee’s forthcoming study visit to University of Ulster, Coleraine Campus, on 2 nd April.

Agreed: Members discussed and agreed a response to the Department’s Further Education Curriculum Consultation and the Consultation on the Review of Higher Education in Further Education policies, including Foundation degrees.

3.    Chairperson’s Business

Members noted a number of items of correspondence and agreed the proposed responses.

The Chairperson updated Members on a meeting with the Citizens Advice Bureau held on 19 th March.

4.    Departmental briefing on the Reform of Vocational Qualifications

The Committee received a briefing from Departmental Officials: Bernie O’Hare , Director of Further Education Division, Marion Cree, Head of Learning and Curriculum Policy Branch, and Harry McCullough, Deputy Head of Learning and Curriculum Policy Branch, on the Department’s reform of vocational qualification. The briefing was followed by a question and answer session.

5.    Departmental Press Notices

Members noted a number of Departmental press notices issued recently.

6.    Any Other Business

Agreed: Members noted and agreed that an Assembly Research Officer visit Scotland on behalf of the Committee to explore the Scottish model of automotive training delivery.

Agreed: Members agreed that Assembly Research Services be asked to prepare a paper on the awarding of training contracts in Britain and the Republic of Ireland.

Members noted correspondence from the Minister, and the Chairperson’s response, in relation to the withdrawal of Carter and Carter from its contract to provide training.

7.    Date, time and place of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 9 th April 2008 at 10.30am in Room 135, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11:55am.

Ms Sue Ramsey
Chairperson, Committee for Employment & Learning
9 April 2008