Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2007/2008

Date: 27 May 2008

Venue: Room 106

The meeting began at 1.00 pm

1. Minutes of the meeting held on 20 May 2008

1.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 20 May were agreed and were signed by the Speaker.

2. Matters Arising

2.1 The Speaker referred members to paragraph 6.1 of the minutes (paper relating to Standing Order 23A – Matters of the Day) and informed members that an updated version of the paper was included in members’ packs for their information.

3. Finalisation of Order Papers for Plenary meetings in week commencing 2 June 2008

Executive Business – week commencing 2 June 2008

3.1 Members were referred to the draft Order Papers for Monday 2 and Tuesday 3 June. Members were content that two Ministerial Statements would be scheduled for Tuesday 3 June, one from the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development on the NSMC Aquaculture and Marine Sectoral meeting and one from the Minister for Regional Development on the NSMC Transport Sectoral meeting.

4. Provisional arrangements for Plenary meetings in week commencing 9 June

4.1 Members were referred to the provisional Order Papers for Monday 9 and Tuesday 10 June, along with a notice of forthcoming Executive business.

Executive Business – week commencing 9 June

4.2 In addition to Question Time on Monday 9 June, members agreed to schedule an Executive motion to suspend Standing Orders. Members further agreed to schedule the motion on the Supply Resolution for the 2008-2009 Main Estimates and the motion on the Supply Resolution for the 2006-2007 Excess Vote for Monday 9 June. Members noted the convention that the motions are debated together with two votes at the end, each vote requiring cross-community support. Members agreed that up to 4 hours 30 minutes should be allocated for this debate; that the Minister of Finance and Personnel would have up to 45 minutes to move and 45 minutes to wind the debate; and that Members’ contributions would be limited to ten minutes.

4.3 Members further agreed to schedule the First Stage of the Budget (No.2) Bill and the Further Consideration Stage of the Mesothelioma, etc., Bill for Monday 9 June.

4.4 Members agreed to schedule the Second Stage of the Budget (No. 2) Bill and the Final Stage of the Mesothelioma, etc., Bill for Tuesday 10 June.

Committee Business

4.5 Members agreed to schedule one Committee motion for Tuesday 10 June, tabled by the Chairperson of the Committee for Employment and Learning, on the First Report on Training for Success. Members agreed to allocate up to 1 hour 30 minutes for this debate.

Private Members’ business

4.6 Members agreed to schedule one private Members’ motion and one adjournment topic on Tuesday 10 June. Members proposed a total of five motions:

  • ‘Plastic Bag Levy’ (D McKay, C Boylan)
  • ‘Student Numbers – University of Ulster, Magee Campus (P Ramsey, M Durkan, M Bradley)
  • ‘Development of the Maze Site’ (D McNarry, B McCrea, D Kennedy, R Beggs)
  • ‘Victoria Cross for Lt Col Blair Mayne (J Shannon, S Hamilton)
  • ‘Human Rights in China’ (A Lo, D Kennedy, C Hanna, N Long, D Ford, S Farry, K McCarthy, S Neeson, T Lunn)

4.7 A vote being called, the votes of party delegations were cast as follows:

  • Plastic Bag Levy: 27 votes
  • Student Numbers – University of Ulster, Magee Campus: 16 votes
  • Development of the Maze Site: 27 votes
  • Victoria Cross for Lt Col Blair Mayne: 35 votes
  • Human Rights in China: 9 votes

4.8 Members therefore agreed to schedule the motion on ‘Victoria Cross for Lt Col Blair Mayne’ (J Shannon, S Hamilton) for Tuesday 10 June. Members agreed that up to 1 hour 30 minutes should be allocated for this debate.

4.9 Mr PJ Bradley proposed the Adjournment topic ‘Cocaine in Coleraine’ (J Dallat). By consensus, members agreed to schedule the adjournment topic for Tuesday 10 June.

5. Reconsideration of Question Time paper on procedures and conventions

5.1 The Speaker referred members to the paper relating to procedures and conventions for Question Time that had been considered earlier in the year. The Speaker also referred members to a letter from Mr D McNarry, Ulster Unionist Chief Whip, expressing his party’s general concerns about the functioning of Question Time. After general discussion of the issues, and failure to reach consensus on a way forward, the Speaker agreed to write formally to all Party Whips seeking each party’s proposals on the issues surrounding Question Time. Members agreed to reply to the Speaker within two weeks.

6. Any Other Business

6.1 The Speaker informed members that the First Minister, Rt Hon Dr Ian Paisley, had written to him to say that he would be resigning as First Minister on 5 June 2008. After discussion, members agreed to schedule an additional plenary sitting for Thursday 5 June to facilitate the filling of vacancies in the offices of First Minister and deputy First Minister. As a time for his resignation had not been indicated by the First Minister, the Speaker advised members that they would be informed of developments on the proposed time of the sitting as soon as possible. It was noted that the final details of the Order Paper for the additional sitting would be considered at next week’s meeting.

6.2 Mr D McNarry proposed that, if appropriate, the Business Committee should write to the Rt Hon Dr Paisley offering their best wishes to him in the future and thanking him for his work throughout his tenure as First Minister.

6.3 The Speaker informed members that the proposed visit by the President of the European Parliament, scheduled for 9/10 June 2008, had been postponed.

7. Date and Time of next meeting

7.1 Members agreed to meet during the lunchtime suspension at approximately 12.30 pm on Tuesday 3 June in Room 106.

The Speaker brought the meeting to a close at 1.50 pm.

William Hay
The Speaker