Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2013/2014

Date: 10 September 2002

Venue: Room 135

The Committee met at 10.05 a.m. in private session.

1. Chairman's Introduction
The Chairman welcomed members to the thirty-eighth meeting of the Committee and welcomed Mr M Murphy to his first meeting of the Committee.

The Chairman advised Members that he had written to Mr A Doherty, following his resignation as an Assembly Member, thanking him for his assistance during his time with the Committee and wishing him well for the future.

2. Apologies
Apologies were received from Dr I Adamson.

3. Declaration of Interests
The Chairman reminded members of their obligation to declare any relevant financial or other interests before and during each committee meeting.

4. Minutes of proceedings of the meeting of 25 June 2002
The Committee adopted the minutes of proceedings of the meeting of 25th June 2002. (Proposed: Dr D O'Hagan:Seconded: Mr J Wells).

5. Committee Inquiry/Review of "The Code of Conduct" and "The Guide to the Rules Relating to the Conduct of Members"
The Committee noted that the Consultation Report was printed and distributed prior to the summer recess and that submissions from interested parties were invited by 16th September.

Members noted a letter from Sir Nigel Wicks, Chairman of the House of Commons, Standards in Public Life Committee declining the Committee's invitation to give evidence to its Inquiry.

Members noted to a written submission from the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission.

The Committee agreed to begin to take oral evidence on 24th September and continue on 1st and 8th October.

6. Legislation - Assembly Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (Assembly Standards) Bill
Members noted that the First Stage of the Bill was passed by the Assembly on 2nd July and that the Secretary of State's consent had been given prior to the Bill's introduction. The Second Stage of the Bill is listed in the Order Paper for 10 September.

The Clerk advised Members of the draft timetable for the progression of the Bill.

7. Register of Members' Interests: Fourth Edition
Members noted that the Clerk had written to all Members requesting that a new Members' Interests Registration Form is completed and that an All Party Notice and a letter to Party Whips issued to encourage Members' to return their Registration Forms as soon as possible.

8. Forward Work Programme
Members noted the Committee's Forward Work Programme for September - December 2002. The Clerk outlined the timetable to progress the Review of "The Code of Conduct and The Guide to the Rules Relating to the Conduct of Members," the passage of the Assembly Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (Assembly Standards) Bill and the publication of the Fourth Edition of the Register of Members' Interests.

9. Date and Time of Next Meeting
The Committee agreed to meet on Tuesday 24 September 2002 at 10.00 a.m. in Room 135, Parliament Buildings.

The meeting concluded at 10.21 a.m.

Mr Derek Hussey MLA
Deputy Chairman