Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2001/2002

Date: 25 September 2001

Venue: Room 135 Parliament Buildings

The Committee met at 10.02am in private session.

  1. Chairman's Introduction
  2. The Chairman welcomed Members to the seventeenth meeting of the Committee.

  3. Declaration of Interests
  4. The Chairman reminded members of their obligation to declare any relevant pecuniary or other interests before and during each committee meeting.

  5. Minutes of proceedings of the meeting of 11 September 2001.
  6. The Committee adopted the minutes of proceedings of the meeting of 11thSeptember 2001. (Proposed: Sir J Gorman, Seconded: Dr I Adamson)

    Mr McCarthy joined the meeting at 10.06am.

  7. Publication of Updated Register of Members' Interests.
  8. Members were reminded that they should return completed Registration Forms before 28 September as the Clerk is continuing to update the Register of Members' Interests with a view to seeking the Committee's authorisation to publish the third edition of the Register by the end of October.

    The Committee noted the All Party Notice and the minutes which had been sent to the Members and Party Whips. The Committee agreed that a further All Party Notice should be issued to remind members of the closing date for receipt of completed Registration Forms.

  9. Follow up to Appointment of Assembly Commissioner for Standards.
  10. The Clerk advised that he was seeking legal advice about the role of Assembly Commissioner for Standards. The Committee authorised the Chairman and the Clerk to proceed with making arrangements for appointing an Assembly Commissioner for Standards.

  11. Correspondence
  12. Members noted the Clerk's reply to a letter of complaint about an Assembly Member.

    The Committee also noted the Clerk's reply to the Northern Ireland Public Service Alliance (NIPSA) advising that the Committee on Standards and Privileges currently has no role or remit in initiating or considering legislation.

  13. Standing Order 57(7)
  14. The Committee noted that the Clerk had discovered an error in the amendment to Standing Order 57(7) which had been agreed on 3 July.

    Members also noted that the error had now been rectified.

  15. Amendment to the Guide to the Rules Relating to the Conduct of Members.
  16. The Committee noted that, as a result of a number of the recommendations contained in the Inquiry into the Appointment of an Assembly Commissioner for Standards, it would be necessary to make a number of changes to the Guide to the Rules relating to the Conduct of Members.

    Members considered a paper prepared by the Clerk which detailed the necessary changes and authorised the Clerk to draft a motion to amend the Guide.

  17. Any Other Business
  18. A consultation paper entitled "Audit and Accountability in the Public Sector in Northern Ireland." had been received from the Department of Finance and Personnel. The Committee requested the Clerk to prepare a short paper on the document for consideration at the next meeting of the Committee.

  19. Date and Time of Next Meeting
  20. The Committee agreed to meet on Tuesday 9 October at 10.00 a.m. in Room 135, Parliament Buildings.

The meeting concluded at 10.23am.

Mr Donovan McClelland MLA